ghostly run-in

My wife and I wanted to detect an old property adjoining my dads property which I have been to many times as a kid.
It had a small plank house about 20x20' which was burnt down by kids about 15 years ago with the cellar hole still remaining.
Also on the property was a older outhouse and a stone bread oven which they supposedly used to bake bread for the community.

We grabbed our gear and made our way through the woods about half way to the property when I heard a tree limb snap up in the trees, I caught the movement in front of me and witnessed this limb hover and spin about 4 times real fast before launching towards the ground.
I looked at my wife and she seen it as well, we just turned around and headed back to dads house and never went back to that property.

A couple of times detecting around an old French & Indian trail I would feel like being watched and swore I could hear people talking but no one was around.

My dads house is pretty active as well you can hear footsteps walking across the upstairs room when no one is there and hear tapping like someone hammering, the most scariest time I will never forget is when I stayed the night at my dads house and my wife was at work.

She worked midnight shift and she would call my cell phone and talk to me on her lunch break around 3AM.
That night we talked and she had to get back to work and I told her good night and went back to sleep.
Well when she got off work she called me and asked why I called her about 10 times between 4-5 AM I said I did not call I was sleeping.
She showed me my number on her phone called 10 times this struck me as odd but then there was 1 message on her phone so we played the message and you could here a womans voice saying my name to come with her while in the back ground you could here me snoring away in my sleep.
This still gives me chills to this day.

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Damn. Just about everything you said gave me chills! That limb hovering, spinning and then launching towards the ground sounds like some Blair Witch stuff. Freakityfreakfrickingfreakfreak!

I've had several Twilight Zone experiences while detecting, sold all my CW artifacts because of that and will never touch another one again, won't even pick up a minie ball I see laying on the ground, and rapidly exit any area that even hints at the supernatural.

Since we're offering up stories now, I suppose that I'll chime in. I've only got two that are directly related to the kind of stuff that we discuss on this site. I'll tell you in advance that neither of them are as good as Terry's was, but they're completely true as I remember them and I still think about them frequently. In fact, I told one of them here when it was fresher in my mind, so I'll just link to it. That was the girl in the woods story: Post #17 is the one that you want.

The other one that's relevant is the samurai, but that requires some explanation. I actually didn't know about this ghost until I began asking questions and Googling in 2016, after I'd had my dream. As the story was told to me then, there's a "known" ghost on the Navy base there that haunts the Gridley Tunnel, typically late at night and when it's raining. I've never had a reason to use that tunnel, as there's nothing beyond it that interests me or is pertinent to my job, but I do come close to it when I'm there as it's right next to where the aircraft carrier is moored. If you've never been to that base, it has an interesting history that is easily researched. The important thing to know is that people were there before the base was, it's very hilly with many high and steep ridges, and the Japanese spent a lot of time boring tunnels into and through those cliffs since the late 19th century right up through WWII. Most of them are blocked off now but a few are still in use, and Gridley is one of them, with a road running through it. The Gridley ghost is fairly well known in the area and has caused car crashes in the past, but I don't remember having heard about it until after I'd had my dream. As the story goes, this ghost is of a samurai that has to avenge his lord or something like that. Typical ghost story, right?

My dream occurred after I'd been there for a few months in 2016. I only knew that he was a samurai because he had two swords, although I've come to understand since then that this is not necessarily indicative of a samurai. He was not wearing armor, but rather a white kimono. (As I learned later, this would be appropriate for a Japanese ghost. They wear white. It's just something that they do in accordance with the local folklore.) My knowledge of Japanese at the time was only slightly less terrible than it is now, but it was still rather bad; I'd never bothered to actually try to learn it properly, and had simply picked it up as I'd gone along. Given that the majority of my contact with Japanese nationals involves security guards, cashiers, and bartenders, my vocabulary was extremely limited. What made things worse was that this guy had a weird accent, and while weird accents are not uncommon there, this one was more difficult to follow. Dream rules apply though, and I was actually catching about every second or third word that he said.

We were in front of the tunnel as it exists today. It was dark, and it was raining. He was attempting to explain to me what his problem was. Apparently he'd been tasked with transporting something to somewhere (I didn't catch any of that), but he'd lost it there and hadn't been able to find it again. This had ended badly for him, although I didn't understand exactly how. He'd actually lost that item up on the ridgetop above, but he appeared at the tunnel because that's where he'd be seen - no one ever goes up on that ridge, but the tunnel sees regular use. I asked several times what it was that he'd lost, but I couldn't understand the answer. Over the course of the conversation, he became more and more frustrated with my inability to get what he was saying, and that's how it ended: he was pissed off, and I woke up.

It had been a particularly vivid dream, which is why I still remember it. I could probably pick the guy out of a lineup. That got me asking about samurai on base, which is what led me to the Gridley ghost. After a bit of research, I figured out how to get on to that ridge and I took a walk one night to look at it. Viewing it in Google Earth is not the same thing as standing on it at night, but the view was glorious and that was worth the walk by itself. Our work load picked up substantially right after that though, and I never really had the chance to repeat the journey. I researched the area a bit and discovered that that ridge had seen some heavy action in the last days of WWII, as multiple AAA sites were located up there and the USN was making some serious efforts to sink ships at the moorage where the carrier now resides. That place took a licking, and my fear of UXO makes me want to stay the hell away from it, but the next time that I'm in Yokosuka I may have to haul the Deus up there and see what's what.

Was this something supernatural, or just a weird dream brought on by too much Strong Zero? That's anyone's guess. I suppose that I'll find out for sure the next time that I'm there. The girl in the woods remains freaky weird though. I've bounced that story off a lot of people and I'm not even convinced that she was a ghost, and a ghost is the easiest answer.

I've had several Twilight Zone experiences while detecting, sold all my CW artifacts because of that and will never touch another one again, won't even pick up a minie ball I see laying on the ground, and rapidly exit any area that even hints at the supernatural.
Please defer to me next time you see a Minnie ball lying on the ground, I will quickly come get it for you. :laughing7:

Namxat nailed it with his description. There is a spot in Vermont I know of that has created the same feeling for me SEVERAL times. I don’t give a rat about ghosts; and carry a gun every where I go, but I found myself shouting into the empty woods and looking over my shoulder in all directions. I have chills thinking of it and I havn’t been there in years!

I was bored and figured I would share this photo on this thread. I captured this light ball thingy, with a shadow below it in my parking lot. I'm pretty sure it isn't dust, because of the shadow right below it. It also looks to have a very small trail behind it, indicating that it is moving. My thoughts went to it being an insect, but it seems to be the size of maybe a baseball. Maybe paranormal? What do you guys think?

Story behind this photo was that I remembered that a relative (who is obsessed with the paranormal) told me that if I take photos of a supposedly haunted location with the flash on that I can catch "ghost orbs". It sounded like something that could be easily explained by natural phenomenon, but I decided to try it anyway. I took 20 or so quick photos out of my front door, into my front yard/parking lot area. I noticed a lot of "orbs" on my photos that could easily pass as dust or moisture, but this one seemed rather weird because of the shadow under it. My house is from around the 1740's, so who knows, maybe it is paranormal.

Click on photos.

Photo without orb for comparison.

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I'm pretty sure it isn't dust, because of the shadow right below it.

What time of day was the picture taken? If the major source of light was your flash, would a shadow be below it, or behind it?

while at a nice little bottle dump, digging with my wife, i was overcome with a feeling that we shouldnt be there. As i leaned up to ask my wife how she was feeling, I saw she was quickly packing her tools, before i could say anything, she tells me we need to go. we went.

What time of day was the picture taken? If the major source of light was your flash, would a shadow be below it, or behind it?

I thought of this too, but, for comparison look at the shadows of the tree limbs on the grass and fence, Very similar placement. Eerie photo for sure Coinman. I have a photo somewhere that I took while trying to disprove the orb phenomenon. Instead of an orb, it shows a face with eyeglasses which looks eerily like a photo of me, taken at my 25th birthday party years earlier.

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What time of day was the picture taken? If the major source of light was your flash, would a shadow be below it, or behind it?

It was at night. I thought about that too, because the flash would be hitting it from the side, not the top. Not very sure why, I would think that you actually wouldn't see any shadow actually with the flash, because the object blocks the shadow behind it. Weird.

I went through some other photos. I saw a photo of what looks to be a low flying moth, that also has a shadow positioned below it. Perhaps it could be the angle, I was standing on the step, and these objects were only a few feet above the ground, the shadow would probably appear below them in that case. My flash is also blindingly powerful, and doesn't just fire straight on, it illuminates the whole area for a fraction of as second.

A moth, I think.

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I've never personally had any ghostly encounter. I wish I did and would be willing to spend a night in some haunted place as long as I can detect the grounds during the day. :icon_thumleft:

Read the stories and will go into detail about mine ,,,, Just one comment, for the guy who sold everything, don't give up detecting. You just need to understand what is happening. I will go into detail later today ... No time now.


Great pic. of what could be as described as an orb. I have never personally seen one, but have seen many night pic's of orbs at Gettysburg National Battlefield Park which is said to be one of the most haunted places on earth. Thanks for sharing this.

Do get some melancholy feelings around old places sometimes , more when checking out a relic or taking a break and looking the site over wondering who and why did they set up here.., but nothing negative.

Melancholy is a pretty good term for the experience I sometimes have when I find something from a battlefield or old homestead. I tend to have a creative imagination and often conjure up stories of what took place where I am searching.

I had the opportunity to search an old family home place that belonged to my grandfather. The house burned down and his first wife and child perished in the fire. While I know there is nothing supernatural around the house, I still have an odd feeling about taking things from there. I have gotten a few items from the place and have cataloged them for our family history.

Rustygold did you happen to ALSO HEAR BANJO MUSIC ?

I have to admit. I was out camping with my horses and ran into this you man (15 years old) I videoed him playing this song.He had 12 brothers and sisters. I was totally amazed by this family and there achievements !! Sorry RG did not mean to high jack this thread!

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Have things had weird things happen when I worked in Mines, but so far nothing while Detecting!!!!!

When I was about 9 or 10 years old, I was Squirrel hunting along the fence line of our neighbor's field that had hardwoods on the other side. I shot a Squirrel but only wounded it and it scampered up the tree and into it's nest (organized lump of leaves in the forks of the tree). Not wanting it to die needlessly, I tried shooting the nest apart, hoping that the Squirrel would fall out. However, I ran out of shotgun shells and then climbed over the fence and tried to figure how to get the Squirrel out of the nest. All of a sudden, a large grunting type noise started coming towards me through the woods and whatever it was that was coming at me, was knocking over 3 to 5 inch trees in it's path. I could make out something grayish in color but could not tell if it had fur or hair but it was very large and moving fast. Well, I did not hang around the see what it was and climbed the fence and ran across the neighbor's field at break neck speed. Mr. Haynes called and asked my Mom what had happened and she told him and told him that I was scared to death. The next day, Mr. Haynes went up to woods where this happened and saw the downed and splintered trees that were knocked down by whatever was after me. He called the Sheriff's Office and the Zoo to see if any large animals had escaped or if there were any other reports of such an occurrence. He even called the Game Warden who came out and saw the downed and splintered trees and the path that the animal, beast or whatever it was made while attempting to get to me. The Game Warden even took pictures and made a report for future reference. They never did determine what came after me but I have thought on it ever since and the only possibility that I can conceive, is that it might have been a Big Foot. Now, some folks may blow such things off and say that I and others are crazy or were hallucinating but I know what I saw and heard and even since that time, I have heard things in the mountains that would make your blood curdle.

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I unfortunately don't have any first hand ghost stories other than some odd sounds in our 110 year old house but thought this was a neat thread to revive for the season.

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