ghostly run-in

If this is going to be a ghost story while metal detecting thread, here is mine.

The most uncomfortable feeling I got from a place recently (around a month ago) was on an old abandoned road too. I was with my mother, because she is close by and thought she might like checking out the site when I told her. We parked at the parking area, when we got out of the car we noticed that someone had literally crapped on a tissue and thrown it right in the middle of the trail. We were both disgusted by that, but continued on anyway. We went down the trail (abandoned road) to tried to locate the 3 or 4 cellar holes that I found on it while researching. There was a little intersection between two old stonewall lined roads. There were also two cellar holes within 50 feet of each other at this intersection. I decided to take some time to explore the cellar holes and the woods around them. I felt a very negative dark feeling in this area, but decided that potentially finding a potentially untouched cellar hole was well worth feeling uncomfortable. I went back to the middle of the intersection and noticed big turkey feathers sticking out of stumps around the area, I figured that it was probably from kids, but my mom says there was something "weird and off " about them. The only odd thing I noticed about them being there was that the whole day, until an hour before, there was a huge storm that would have easily removed them. My mom kept begging to leave, she didn't explain why at the moment, she just kept asking if we can please leave. I told her I just needed 10 minutes to find another cellar hole down the road, I did feel very uncomfortable, but this cellar hole didn't appear on any maps going back as far as the 1850's so I knew it might be really good. My mom came with me, not wanting to be alone at the intersection, and kept asking if I feel what she does at this location. I told her it wasn't the happiest location, but really want to find a good cellar hole. After walking around a quarter mile, I was feeling really creeped out by the place, the feeling got worse as a walked down the road, so I decided to turn around too. We actually ran until we got to the intersection because of how bad it felt there. We were in the intersection again and my mom told me that she picks up that Satanists have been hanging around these woods, and that is why the place feels so dark. I told her that sounds a little bit too cliche for the type of place we were at (old abandoned road in the woods), and that we were probably just having anxiety. I noticed a little clearing in the woods near the intersection (the place had a lot of them, due to logging), and glanced over at it. The thing that was really weird about it was that I saw a bunch of beer cans, most of them still upright, making up a circle around 7 feet in diameter. Any upright beer cans would probably have been knocked over in the heavy storm we had earlier so they had to be very recent. We ran back to the car and drove away. I still think my mom's theory of satanic worshipers is a little far fetched, but I guess you could try to make a case for it based on some of the stuff there. Either way, I decided to try to find another place to metal detect instead of going there, just to be safe. When I get a bad feeling from a place I try to avoid it, metal detecting is mean't to be fun. It is very rare though that I get a negative feeling from a place, for every 15 cellar holes that I go to, maybe 1 or 2 might feel somewhat negative, but normally not overwhelming, just mild sadness (and I will find nothing at probably 10 of them :sadsmiley:)

that is creepy and so is the tissue issue :laughing7:

i went to a road that was there in the 1940's i got there i was in the middle of the woods no one else was there well about five minuets .I start popping old rusty metal then i hear several car doors shut then i heard children laughing. i looked around the area for a long time and found nothing. i went back to digging then i heard a mans voice shout. i got the heck out of there i don't plan on going back neither. the whole evening scared me

I wonder if they reported hearing strange beeps and digging noises, then a car door - but no one was to be seen?

The mind plays tricks.

There is no such thing as a Ghost------------------------CASPER said so.:laughing7:

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I have come across 3 or 4 Santeria ritual sites while metal detecting in parks in NYC.
Dead roosters, goat heads, candles, and offerings plate. I would usually remove the coins from the plate and move on.

I have come across 3 or 4 Santeria ritual sites while metal detecting in parks in NYC.
Dead roosters, goat heads, candles, and offerings plate. I would usually remove the coins from the plate and move on.

nothing as satisfying as profiting from a satanist


I have come across 3 or 4 Santeria ritual sites while metal detecting in parks in NYC.
Dead roosters, goat heads, candles, and offerings plate. I would usually remove the coins from the plate and move on.

new york is a weird place

I have been detecting an old methodist campmeeting grounds (1867- 1910) for about 10yrs. and have always had the feeling of being watched. When I first started detecting there it really got to me, but I have been there so many times that I try not to think much about it. If I had not found so many old coins there I probably would not have went back.

some cool stories so far keep them coming

Creepy! Doesn't sound malevolent but no need to push your luck, there are other honeyholes in this vast country! I'm not the type to be naturally credulous regarding ghost/spirit related stories or religious dogma, but of the 2 supernatural experiences I've had 1 defies even the most self-critical psychological dissection of potential subconscious factors underpinning the perception of the event, and thus it remains one of the most perplexing and hair-raising times in my life.

Back when we were 21 a good friend and I were exploring an abandoned house in the woods, the closest house being his own, and admiring the untouched late 1970s decor and ephemera still laying around (based on the evidence I think the last owner died in 1978 or so, 30 years prior to our visit). It was an old and humble but still remarkably sound 1 story house built in the last quarter of the 1800s, likely by a coal miner tunneling the veins exposed throughout the area. We were both quietly looking around in different parts of the house; him in the kitchen and I in the bedroom, when I heard clear as a bell a middle-aged man's voice say "Hey, who's there?" emanate from inside the wall between the bedroom and kitchen in a rather flat declarative tone. Instinctively I stepped into the hallway and asked my friend "what'd you say?" in perfect synchrony with him stepping into the hall and asking me precisely the same thing. Immediately after asking each-other the same question we locked-eyes (which got damn wide!) and without another word both ran for the exit with every hair on our body standing straight and then sprinted around the outside of the house looking to catch the pranksters, but we saw not a soul in sight nor heard any evidence of nearby people. We then beat a hasty retreat to his house for some well-needed beers, where we ruminated over the event that just occurred for a few hours.

I still have no idea what the heck happened there...

All neat stories, I personally don't believe in ghost and what not but won't judge. Only had one experience I can't explain was metal detecting by an old building on my grandparents land and went in the old shop building an old house that was moved from else where and converted into a drapey shop. I went to the door and was messing around knocking on the door and got a knock back from the inside just three loud solid knocks back. The building was dark inside and I could find no signs of anyone. Maybe someone was playing a trick though as I've tricked my younger brother to thinking a ghost was knocking on a window, it wasn't it was me and to this day he doesn't know it was me lol. Most things are I think just tricks of the brain or natural things we just freak out too quickly to be rational or try to figure out what was actually going on. But still fun stuff non the less.

I never believed in any of the stuff until I happened to rent a haunted house outside of San Diego, back in 93. Boy Howdy! What ever the heck that sucker was that was living there with me, I'll tell you what! That was one hateful, intimidating ghost. One time, I was sitting on my amp, playing my guitar. I was watching the three dogs that were sitting on the back porch, looking in the house through the sliding glass window. I noticed that all three heads were moving slowly one way and then the other, as it they were all watching something, that I couldn't see, moving back and forth in the room adjacent to me. I thought, OH NO! It's back, and just then, it leaned over my back, as if watching me play guitar, real close up! I jumped up, dropped my guitar, and went to reading it the riot act! My two room mates and I were sitting in front of the three big picture windows one night, just chatting, when we heard a bird in the apple orchard start chirping like crazy. It was three AM, and I mentioned that I once heard that is a bird went off like that in the late darkness, that meant there was evil lurking. Just then the middle screen of the window BLEW OFF out into the orchard, like 20 feet! That's just a sample of what went on. It finally, after about a month, got sexual with my roommate's girl friend one night, pinning her to the bed for 23 minutes. Her head was to the side, looking at the red numbers on the digital clock. I awoke to hollering, got up, as she had all of her stuff in a bag, going out the door! I left a few days later. My room mate, Eddie, called the owner back east, and told him there was something seriously wrong with the house and that no matter what, we were breaking the lease. All he said was, "I understand," and that was it. Many things happened to me personally, and each time it got worse. I believe bodies were dumped in the septic tank. I could hear a low, guttural groan coming from it from time to time. That was life changing, to say the least! I won't even tell you about taking a shower! I will say however, that licking was involved!!!! YIKES IT WAS SCARY!!!!!

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i don't know i just don't like that kinda of stuff it scares the heck out of me


Well Gold boy, if the children were laughing, then I would say you were not in harms way. I too have had experiences that would make the hair on the back of your neck stand. They ALL happened when I was out with my White German Shepherd. He seemed to attract the supernatural like a magnet, but always in the good way. but in your case I would go with a friend. :icon_thumleft:

I never believed in any of the stuff until I happened to rent a haunted house outside of San Diego, back in 93. Boy Howdy! What ever the heck that sucker was that was living there with me, I'll tell you what! That was one hateful, intimidating ghost. One time, I was sitting on my amp, playing my guitar. I was watching the three dogs that were sitting on the back porch, looking in the house through the sliding glass window. I noticed that all three heads were moving slowly one way and then the other, as it they were all watching something, that I couldn't see, moving back and forth in the room adjacent to me. I thought, OH NO! It's back, and just then, it leaned over my back, as if watching me play guitar, real close up! I jumped up, dropped my guitar, and went to reading it the riot act! My two room mates and I were sitting in front of the three big picture windows one night, just chatting, when we heard a bird in the apple orchard start chirping like crazy. It was three AM, and I mentioned that I once heard that is a bird went off like that in the late darkness, that meant there was evil lurking. Just then the middle screen of the window BLEW OFF out into the orchard, like 20 feet! That's just a sample of what went on. It finally, after about a month, got sexual with my roommate's girl friend one night, pinning her to the bed for 23 minutes. Her head was to the side, looking at the red numbers on the digital clock. I awoke to hollering, got up, as she had all of her stuff in a bag, going out the door! I left a few days later. My room mate, Eddie, called the owner back east, and told him there was something seriously wrong with the house and that no matter what, we were breaking the lease. All he said was, "I understand," and that was it. Many things happened to me personally, and each time it got worse. I believe bodies were dumped in the septic tank. I could hear a low, guttural groan coming from it from time to time. That was life changing, to say the least! I won't even tell you about taking a shower! I will say however, that licking was involved!!!! YIKES IT WAS SCARY!!!!!


I absolutely believe things exist outside of our dimension, I've experienced them, and one came to me 4 times. I KNEW I was in danger of losing my soul. I just kept praying each time "The Lord is my shepherd" - it's like my heart was frozen. It went away after the 4th time, and I pray it never returns - 3 years now. One needs to live in goodness. It sure made me more conscious about "goodness and faith".

I never believed in any of the stuff until I happened to rent a haunted house outside of San Diego, back in 93. Boy Howdy! What ever the heck that sucker was that was living there with me, I'll tell you what! That was one hateful, intimidating ghost. One time, I was sitting on my amp, playing my guitar. I was watching the three dogs that were sitting on the back porch, looking in the house through the sliding glass window. I noticed that all three heads were moving slowly one way and then the other, as it they were all watching something, that I couldn't see, moving back and forth in the room adjacent to me. I thought, OH NO! It's back, and just then, it leaned over my back, as if watching me play guitar, real close up! I jumped up, dropped my guitar, and went to reading it the riot act! My two room mates and I were sitting in front of the three big picture windows one night, just chatting, when we heard a bird in the apple orchard start chirping like crazy. It was three AM, and I mentioned that I once heard that is a bird went off like that in the late darkness, that meant there was evil lurking. Just then the middle screen of the window BLEW OFF out into the orchard, like 20 feet! That's just a sample of what went on. It finally, after about a month, got sexual with my roommate's girl friend one night, pinning her to the bed for 23 minutes. Her head was to the side, looking at the red numbers on the digital clock. I awoke to hollering, got up, as she had all of her stuff in a bag, going out the door! I left a few days later. My room mate, Eddie, called the owner back east, and told him there was something seriously wrong with the house and that no matter what, we were breaking the lease. All he said was, "I understand," and that was it. Many things happened to me personally, and each time it got worse. I believe bodies were dumped in the septic tank. I could hear a low, guttural groan coming from it from time to time. That was life changing, to say the least! I won't even tell you about taking a shower! I will say however, that licking was involved!!!! YIKES IT WAS SCARY!!!!!

And I was freaked out by "prying eyes!"....WOW....Now THAT stuff is downright freaky!! Licking..!?...please expand...Ddf

I never believed in any of the stuff until I happened to rent a haunted house outside of San Diego, back in 93. Boy Howdy! What ever the heck that sucker was that was living there with me, I'll tell you what! That was one hateful, intimidating ghost. One time, I was sitting on my amp, playing my guitar. I was watching the three dogs that were sitting on the back porch, looking in the house through the sliding glass window. I noticed that all three heads were moving slowly one way and then the other, as it they were all watching something, that I couldn't see, moving back and forth in the room adjacent to me. I thought, OH NO! It's back, and just then, it leaned over my back, as if watching me play guitar, real close up! I jumped up, dropped my guitar, and went to reading it the riot act! My two room mates and I were sitting in front of the three big picture windows one night, just chatting, when we heard a bird in the apple orchard start chirping like crazy. It was three AM, and I mentioned that I once heard that is a bird went off like that in the late darkness, that meant there was evil lurking. Just then the middle screen of the window BLEW OFF out into the orchard, like 20 feet! That's just a sample of what went on. It finally, after about a month, got sexual with my roommate's girl friend one night, pinning her to the bed for 23 minutes. Her head was to the side, looking at the red numbers on the digital clock. I awoke to hollering, got up, as she had all of her stuff in a bag, going out the door! I left a few days later. My room mate, Eddie, called the owner back east, and told him there was something seriously wrong with the house and that no matter what, we were breaking the lease. All he said was, "I understand," and that was it. Many things happened to me personally, and each time it got worse. I believe bodies were dumped in the septic tank. I could hear a low, guttural groan coming from it from time to time. That was life changing, to say the least! I won't even tell you about taking a shower! I will say however, that licking was involved!!!! YIKES IT WAS SCARY!!!!!

Feel free to elaborate. Heck of a story!


I have direct experience with three for-sure ghosts, one in a rented house and two on a ship (one of them was a new one that was "created" by a suicide), plus something out in the woods that I haven't been able to adequately identify, let alone explain, an errily precognitive dream featuring my deceased grandfather, and another oddball dream featuring what I believe was the samurai ghost that supposedly haunts Gridley Tunnel on the Yokosuka Navy base. (That last one was particularly interesting.)

I used to be a skeptic, but I'm at a loss to explain my experiences other than to say, "Those were ghosts." As to what a ghost is, that's a more difficult question. I'm not so sure that it has anything at all to do with spirits and the afterlife and such. There may be a scientific explanation.

Never saw anything like that detecting, although the "something in the woods" (the girl in the woods story that I've told here before) happened while I was panning. That was a really weird one.

I can't. I get freaked out if I delve into it too much. It was downright horrible. We must only keep our minds on God, and the good. Thank you. Besides, I'm really am afraid I might catch its attention again. It was that powerful. Enough!

I had been doing some research to find new areas to metal detect when I discovered a field behind a local supermarket that was a park from 1925, to 1980. I decided to try and get to the field with my metal detector and see what I could find. When I pulled into the back of the store I didn’t see any other cars. I got myself together as quickly as I could and got on into the woods before somebody from the supermarket could tell me I was trespassing.

Studying the site with old aerial photographs from the 1940s, and newer satellite imagery on Google Earth, did not prepare me for how difficult it would be to get through the heavy tangle of brush and thistles. I really had to fight my way through thorn bushes and brambles that caught my hat, pants, sleeves, and skin with almost every step.

After a few minutes, some scratches and a lot of cussing, I finally made it to the clearing. I took a quick look around the large field, turned on my machine and dialed in my settings. I decided to start working my way to the far side of the field and turned around to start swinging my detector. Well, I almost jumped out of my skin!

There was an older man using a metal detector not 100-feet away from me. His back was to me as he swept his coil back and forth, and I was pretty sure he hadn’t seen me either. When he got over to the other side of the field and turned around, I waved to try and get his attention. He either didn’t see me or, just decided not to acknowledge me.

I shook it off and walked down to the east end of the field to give him plenty of room. I started finding some coins from the 1970s, and even a few silver coins from the 1950s and ‘40s. I had pretty much forgotten about the old man when I heard a voice ask, “Finding anything?”

He was standing about 10-feet from me, with a pleasant smile and easy demeanor. I said, “A couple of silver dimes and a war nickel so far, how about you?” He told me he hadn’t found anything yet, but that he was really looking for his daughter’s lost wedding band. He seemed like a gentle fellow, probably about 70 or so, but in pretty good shape for his age. What struck me was his metal detector. It was an old Garrett machine from around 1975, and it looked brand new.

He said his daughter had bought a house around the corner and was down here playing with her kids when she lost the ring. He explained how it had belonged to his now deceased wife before he had given it to his daughter. A sad look came over him as he said, “When I got it for my wife, I had it engraved with ‘R.I. Loves C.I.’ which is our initials. My Wife died before our Daughter got engaged, but it turns out the initials on the ring were perfect for Ray and Cindy, because his last name is Ingram, ours is Ivers, so I knew her Mother was looking down on her, and I wanted her to have it.”

I told him I would give a holler if I beeped it. He touched the bill of his tweed cap, said he appreciated it, and started swinging back toward the other end of the field. After a moment, I had the thought I should ask him how to get back out to the parking lot without getting all scratched up. I turned around and started to take off my headphones to ask him, but he was gone.

As I began swinging the coil of my machine over the grassy field again I got a signal almost immediately. “Zip-Zip!” The signal was strong and the tone was high and sweet. I turned 90-degrees to the target and swept it with the coil again. Zip-Zip! I dropped down on my knee and pulled out my digging tool, cutting a generous plug in the damp soil. As I folded the turf flap out of the hole I saw it immediately – a small gold ring! For a second or two I just knelt there looking at in the dirt.

I did a little happy dance right there on my knees, and picked up the ring to clean it off. It was a plain gold wedding band marked 18K, and inscribed “R.I. Loves C.I.” A very strange feeling came over me. I was happy about finding the ring but, something about the old guy was still bothering me. I still couldn’t figure out how he had left the field so quickly.

After finding the ring I decided to call it a day. I thought I would take a look around and see if I could find the path the old guy and his Daughter were using. After about 15-minutes of frustration I finally went back the way I came in, getting scratched up and bleeding like I had been in a fight with a herd of feral cats.

That evening I cleaned up my finds and laid them out on the kitchen table to admire. I had done pretty well for myself detecting several old silver coins, about $2.00 in modern coins, and the gold wedding band. After dinner, my wife went through the phone book, and found a “R. Ingram,” on a street about a block from the supermarket. I called the number and got an answering machine, so I left my name and number and said I thought I had found their wedding band. Over the next week I left several more messages but got no response.

I finally decided to drive by the address and see if there was anyone home. After picking up my Wife from work that afternoon, we drove over to the house. There were a couple of cars in the driveway and the lights were on inside, so we pulled up and parked. I rang the doorbell and an attractive woman in her 40’s answered the door. I asked, “Are you Cindy?” The woman looked surprised, and then angry! She said, “Are you the guy that keeps calling here about a lost wedding band?” I started to say yes, but she didn’t give me a chance.

She stepped outside and closed the door behind her saying, “I don’t know what kind of scam you two are trying to pull on my Mother, but I’m here to tell you I’m going to have you arrested! You have caused a lot of pain in our family and I will not stand for it!” Both my Wife and I just kind of stood there with our mouths open in total shock. I finally said, “Hold on miss, I’m just trying to return a wedding band I found over behind the supermarket. I don’t want anything from your Mother.” The woman angrily asked, “What makes you think it belongs to my Mother?” At that point I was pretty sure this had been a huge mistake.

“Look, I apologize,” I said. “I met this old gentleman, a Mr. Ivers I think. He was metal detecting over behind the supermarket, and he told me his Daughter had lost her wedding band over there while she was playing with her children. Obviously I have made a mistake.” The woman looked confused, almost dazed. My Wife asked her if she was alright.

“Can I see the ring please,” she asked softly. I took the ring out of my pocket and gave it to her. As she looked at it she began to cry. My Wife put her hand on her shoulder and again asked her if she was alright. The woman was weeping now. A man came out of the house and asked her what was wrong. She put the ring in his hand and said, “He found Mom’s wedding ring.”

The woman looked at me and said, “What did the man in the park look like? What did he say?” I had a bad feeling about the whole situation and said, “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but if that’s your Mother’s ring then just keep it. I don’t want anything from you.” I took my wife’s hand and started for the car when the woman said, “I’m sorry, please, wait!”

“My Mom lost that ring in 1975. I was seven, and he was nine,” she said, pointing to the man on the porch who was still examining the ring. “We were throwing my Brother’s new football around and she lost her ring somehow. She was heartbroken because it had belonged to her Mother before her.” My Wife was out of the car now with her arm around the teary woman’s shoulder. I said, “So who is Mr. Ivers, the guy that told me about the ring at the old park?” The woman began crying uncontrollably again.

My wife was trying to comfort her, offering a tissue from her pocketbook. I hadn’t noticed the man walking over to the car until he took his Sister’s hand. “Mr. Ivers was our Grandfather,” he said in a soft, gentle voice. Hugging his Sister he continued, “Pop-pop had a heart attack and died in that park 36-years ago. He was looking for Mom’s ring with his new metal detector.” My legs suddenly became rubbery and I sat down on the curb, stunned.

It had been almost eight-months since my encounter with Mr. Ivers, and today we were guests at his Great Granddaughter’s wedding. We stood as “Here Comes the Bride” flowed joyously from the organ and filled the small church with music. A ray of sunshine came through the stained glass windows, illuminating the gold band the Bride wore on a delicate chain around her neck. I smiled as I caught sight of him standing at the back of the church. He smiled back at me, tipped his tweed cap then disappeared.

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