Fox Host: ‘All Hell Could Break Loose’ On November 1st

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Joel Cairo: "You always have a very smooth explanation ready."

Sam Spade: "What do you want me to do, learn to stutter?”

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Old Buckaroo - You forgot to finish, you sly dog you...

Joel Cairo: "You always have a very smooth explanation ready."

Sam Spade: "What do you want me to do, learn to stutter?”

Joel Cairo: "Yes, Please; Then you might finally make some sense"

Good Luck!!!!

Cairo raised his chin..."Pardon my speaking bluntly, but it is the truth."

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

A statement insinuating that someone is suffering from lead poisoning and thus unable to reason is still disrespectful whether you directed it at me, Davest or anyone else (like the REAL target of your statement).

As for my byline, it's actually called a signature. If you find it offensive, then by all means ignore it just as I do yours.

I think they speak for themselves......... and us.

the breaking loose of hell 'could ' come today or tomorrow. and my ship ' could' come in tomorrow!

well, here we are half way through the second of november...just another dooms day prophecy...

what was that chicken's name again?

"If Chicken Little tells you that the sky is falling, even if it wasn't, would you still come crawling back again? I bet you would my friend. Again, and again, and again..." DJs....please.

If you read the title it said "All Hell COULD Break Loose." It did not say it would, it said could as in the real possibility was there.

Just like the warning recently by scientists that the volcano under Yellowstone could errupt, the possibility is there.....

Stop mocking threads........

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If you read the title it said "All Hell COULD Break Loose." It did not say it would, it said could as in the real possibility was there.

Just like the warning recently by scientists that the volcano under Yellowstone could errupt, the possibility is there.....

Stop mocking threads........

... or the pseudoscientists' warnings about Man Made Global Warming.

While we understand the difference between could and will, apparently when you become too educated you lose that ability. The imbeciles in power already have received the studies that show they were wrong, they already know that the MMGW "data" was faked, fudged, and made up wholecloth ... and yet they are now "doubling down" on the lies.

Maybe that's why some here, like those in government, can't get the difference between could and will ... too educated for their own good. Or, perhaps, do they think that this great unwashed mass of Tnet members who don't buy into the lies of either the Scandaldaddy or Algore can be easily confused by their diatribes?


Sadly, the evidence of man-made climate change is overwhelming.

The deniers use the same tactics the tobacco industry used for years - "the science isn't settled." Only those who deny the obvious continue to contend it isn't happening.

That is why the US Military is paying very close attention. It correctly perceives the huge impact this is having on our planet.

But - for you - nothing to worry about, huh? You plan on pulling another Earth out out the trunk like a spare tire.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Where's my tweezers? Picked up another one, hope this one isn't infected with lime disease.

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