Fox Host: ‘All Hell Could Break Loose’ On November 1st

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Just to bring your education level up a notch, The food stamp program is absolutely needed by some percentage of the population. Let me paint a little picture for you. It's 2012,and you own your own home and are making some thing around 45,0000. year. about I week after the OBAMA re election, you are summoned to a manager conference call where you are informed that the client has decided that your divisions services will no longer be needed. your job runs out on febuary 2nd of 2013 at which time you need to deal with the unemployment . which takes about a month to get active. so march brings several well needed checks. At t end of march you get rushed to the hospital, where you learn that you have cancer. there you spend six weeks and endure countless tortures, the whole time you are unable to look for work so unemployment is out the window. Next there are chemo appointments, blood samples, tests of all kinds. Meantime your financial picture drops into the toilet so to all of you out there bad mouthing food stamps recipiants, let me tell you your entire life can turn on a dime. one minute your doing well and the next a 98 cent bag of egg noodles can make all of the difference in the world. Now It's nonya buisness, But I am 56 and have worked all of my life. and I can tell you I am phyisically un able to hold down any kind of job for now. The dr's seem to think that with enough torture they can get the cancer into remission, but I don't expect them to be finished until the end of this year. I don't want to have my food stamps dropper, they are already too low. At this stage in my life my credit score can't be fixed and it could happen to you in the blink of an eye.

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wild, I don't believe anyone on this site has EVER bad mouthed those on food stamps that DESERVE or QUALIFY for them or any other social program. Many, like myself, feel the abuse is rampant and takes away from our quality of life having to take care of those that won't lift a finger to help themselves. I sincerely hope your situation improves and I hope mine doesn't deteriorate. I agree, my situation could change in seconds but I won't feel the need to apologize for accepting help from funds I helped provide.

Just to bring your education level up a notch, The food stamp program is absolutely needed by some percentage of the population. Let me paint a little picture for you. It's 2012,and you own your own home and are making some thing around 45,0000. year. about I week after the OBAMA re election, you are summoned to a manager conference call where you are informed that the client has decided that your divisions services will no longer be needed. your job runs out on febuary 2nd of 2013 at which time you need to deal with the unemployment . which takes about a month to get active. so march brings several well needed checks. At t end of march you get rushed to the hospital, where you learn that you have cancer. there you spend six weeks and endure countless tortures, the whole time you are unable to look for work so unemployment is out the window. Next there are chemo appointments, blood samples, tests of all kinds. Meantime your financial picture drops into the toilet so to all of you out there bad mouthing food stamps recipiants, let me tell you your entire life can turn on a dime. one minute your doing well and the next a 98 cent bag of egg noodles can make all of the difference in the world. Now It's nonya buisness, But I am 56 and have worked all of my life. and I can tell you I am phyisically un able to hold down any kind of job for now. The dr's seem to think that with enough torture they can get the cancer into remission, but I don't expect them to be finished until the end of this year. I don't want to have my food stamps dropper, they are already too low. At this stage in my life my credit score can't be fixed and it could happen to you in the blink of an eye.

well said Willey, there but for the grace of God..

April 1st, 2002 my manager called me into his office and told me I was part of a company wide layoff. I had worked for the company for 16 years. I thought it was an April fools joke but it wasn't.

I went from making $30.00 an hour plus overtime with full benifits and a take home company vehicle to being out of work.

I was 55 then, with a $1600 a month house payment 2 car payments. and was out of work 9 months before I found another full time job. I was laid off again 3 months later, for all practicle purposes I was out of work for 3 years doing odd jobs, selling stuff on ebay, just what ever I could do to get by till 2005 when I found the job with the company I am with now.

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free


You can feel abuse is rampant is you want to. The facts are not, however, in your favor.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

that's the kind of man I figured you are T_H. not one to wait around for the ship to come in


You can feel abuse is rampant is you want to. The facts are not, however, in your favor.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

OB it is far worse than you think. I see it all the time...

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

wild, I don't believe anyone on this site has EVER bad mouthed those on food stamps that DESERVE or QUALIFY for them or any other social program. Many, like myself, feel the abuse is rampant and takes away from our quality of life having to take care of those that won't lift a finger to help themselves. I sincerely hope your situation improves and I hope mine doesn't deteriorate. I agree, my situation could change in seconds but I won't feel the need to apologize for accepting help from funds I helped provide.

I am with packer.
We all know things can change quickly. It is why we all feel this net can be a useful tool to get yourself righted again. But there are getting to be entire regions that abuse this system. Hope things turn for the better soon

It's a little after 6pm here on the Left Coast. The CBS Evening News is over and - thank goodness! - I didn't see any stories about food riots across America.

Such fear-mongering is far more than nonsense. It can not possibly be constructive and has the potential to be very destructive.

Our nation has real problems that need real solutions. Idiots on Faux News - or any other medium - spreading that sort of garbage can only make things worse.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

OB it is far worse than you think. I see it all the time...

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

Well some members only want to spread propaganda they see on media matters. He doesn't know TH. Not his fault.

whenever it hits the fan, I'm making a beeline for T_H's house (he'll protect me)

Such fear-mongering is far more than nonsense. It can not possibly be constructive and has the potential to be very destructive.

Do you carry a spare tire in your car?Or,do you wait until you have a flat before you get your hands on a spare?

Do you carry a spare tire in your car?Or,do you wait until you have a flat before you get your hands on a spare?

yeah, but he has probably actually had a flat before. hell breaking loose? not so much


Got to agree with you on that one! The odds of having a flat are highly likely. The odds one of these wing-nutz' predictions will come true? Lower than the risk of being hit by lightening.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Red James cash:

I have a couple. And I don't keep a mule in the trunk. Which would make as much sense as the predicting food riots post.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Well some members only want to spread propaganda they see on media matters. He doesn't know TH. Not his fault.

Dave it may just be they are not in the situation that some of us are to see what we see.

As I have said many times I have nothing against people who truly need help my complaint is only against the people who abuse the system, unfortunately I witness it all too often....

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

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