Fox Host: ‘All Hell Could Break Loose’ On November 1st

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Got to agree with you on that one! The odds of having a flat are highly likely. The odds one of these wing-nutz' predictions will come true? Lower than the risk of being hit by lightening.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

OB, you buy car insurance, home insurance, health insurance, flood insurance don't you? Do you buy it knowing your going to need it or do you buy it hoping you will never need it?

It is the same, we prepare for the worst and pray for the best...

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Treasure Hunter:

Some years ago I had a girl friend who always anticipated the worst. She figured that if it happened she was ready for it - and it would be good news if it didn't.

What she didn't understand was that what people expect has a direct influence on the outcome.

We all only have a limited amount of time, energy, and other resources. To give in to fear-monger and worry about things that will never happen can only be a distraction from working on serious matters. Why would any thinking person spend 10 seconds being concerning about a mythical new 2,300 page Constitution? It's an obvious lie.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

well, It's November 2 and all hell didn't break loose yet. Should I retire back to my prepper compound and continue to melt lead??

Melt some for me :thumbup:

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now Free

Jeff unfortunately I only have enough ammo to stop about the first 2500 to 3000, so bring some .45 and 9mm ammo with you...

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

Thanks for the invite T_H. I'll bring my bear grylls survival knife and beer too, we may die but we won't be thirsty

could = I have no evidence for this, so I can predict anything

Must be the lib definition.Whine to the authors,not me.:laughing7:

Now I'm confused :tongue3:

With absolutely no evidence that it will work, we are supposed to submit to the slavery of Zerocare because it "could" help us. When we have absolute evidence that it "doesn't work as planned" we are still supposed to submit to the slavery of Zerocare "could still work".

On the other hand, these same folks want to whine when they don't under that "could" is not a guarantee that something will happen.

That is scary. They think that because the slavery called Zerocare "could" work, that it definitely will.

HEY! Libs! Simple explanation of COULD

When the weatherman says "It COULD rain tomorrow", does that mean that it WILL rain tomorrow? No. Does that mean that it WILL NOT rain tomorrow? No. It means is that there is a possibility that it MAY rain tomorrow. Are you going to fire him if it doesn't rain tomorrow? No.

So, when someone posts a news story that they see as possibly being credible, you think its time to jump on them and scream holy hell that he lied.

He didn't write the story. He relayed it to you. You can discuss whether you think it's true, but the attacks of a personal nature need to stop!

Now I'm confused :tongue3:

With absolutely no evidence that it will work, we are supposed to submit to the slavery of Zerocare because it "could" help us. When we have absolute evidence that it "doesn't work as planned" we are still supposed to submit to the slavery of Zerocare "could still work".

On the other hand, these same folks want to whine when they don't under that "could" is not a guarantee that something will happen.

That is scary. They think that because the slavery called Zerocare "could" work, that it definitely will.

HEY! Libs! Simple explanation of COULD

When the weatherman says "It COULD rain tomorrow", does that mean that it WILL rain tomorrow? No. Does that mean that it WILL NOT rain tomorrow? No. It means is that there is a possibility that it MAY rain tomorrow. Are you going to fire him if it doesn't rain tomorrow? No.

So, when someone posts a news story that they see as possibly being credible, you think its time to jump on them and scream holy hell that he lied.

He didn't write the story. He relayed it to you. You can discuss whether you think it's true, but the attacks of a personal nature need to stop!

But Chad, remember if you get pregnant your covered.

Nightmarecare could very easily turn into a nightmare for left come mid term elections. Now they are saying 12 million people are now projected to lose their current insurance due to nightmarecare. That is a lot of conversations around family holiday dinner tables, holiday parties, company parties and so on.

My company health insurance has gone up $185 a month the last 2 years due to nightmarecare. I work for a fortune 500 company and employees are not happy about it at all. That is money out of our pocket, out of our kids mouths. ...

I'm sure left will try to spin it that it is the evil insurance companies doing it but we are not buying it. We know who caused it. I bet I have not heard a pro bo comment at work for a year...

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now Free

well, It's November 2 and all hell didn't break loose yet. Should I retire back to my prepper compound and continue to melt lead??

Studies show that even low concentrations of lead can cause permanent damage including reduced IQ, learning disabilities, and shortened attention span.

Lead(II) acetate (also known as sugar of lead) was used in the Roman Empire as a sweetener for wine, and some consider this a plausible explanation for the dementia of many Roman emperors, and, that chronic lead poisoning contributed to the empire's gradual decline.

Further research has shown that it can result in confused posts, paranoia, and inability to successfully process correct political information.

Studies show that even low concentrations of lead can cause permanent damage including reduced IQ, learning disabilities, and shortened attention span.

Lead(II) acetate (also known as sugar of lead) was used in the Roman Empire as a sweetener for wine, and some consider this a plausible explanation for the dementia of many Roman emperors, and, that chronic lead poisoning contributed to the empire's gradual decline.

Further research has shown that it can result in confused posts, paranoia, and inability to successfully process correct political information.

Studies have shown getting out of bed can lead to death......:D

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

Studies show that even low concentrations of lead can cause permanent damage including reduced IQ, learning disabilities, and shortened attention span.

Lead(II) acetate (also known as sugar of lead) was used in the Roman Empire as a sweetener for wine, and some consider this a plausible explanation for the dementia of many Roman emperors, and, that chronic lead poisoning contributed to the empire's gradual decline.

Further research has shown that it can result in confused posts, paranoia, and inability to successfully process correct political information.

Other studies have shown that a lack of common sense leads to voting democrat and supporting Zerocare.

So, if we're gonna throw insults around with impunity ....

Personally I don't appreciate such speak as it is directed at everyone that doesn't agree with your twisted point of view.

You folks are the first ones to complain about someone throwing insults, but it's just a matter of how underhanded you try to make them.

If you don't want any mud thrown your way, then don't be throwing mud.

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Other studies have shown that a lack of common sense leads to voting democrat and supporting Zerocare.

So, if we're gonna throw insults around with impunity ....

Personally I don't appreciate such speak as it is directed at everyone that doesn't agree with your twisted point of view.

You folks are the first ones to complain about someone throwing insults, but it's just a matter of how underhanded you try to make them.

If you don't want any mud thrown your way, then don't be throwing mud.

Actually, Chad, it was a reply to davest, not you.

I respectfully disagree that I have a "twisted point of view".

Check out your bylines for everyone that doesn't agree with you.

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