I think it's safe to say these are game pieces made in celebration of the 2002 World Cup, hosted jointly by South Korea and Japan.
Regarding the piece with 2002 on one end face, once again, I think it's safe to say that the left hand zero depicts the center portion of the emblem on the South Korean flag and the right hand zero depicts the Japanese chrysanthemum flower emblem, as seen for example, on military rifles designed by the Imperial Japanese Army.....this combination of images would represent the two countries hosting the event together.
I know it stretches the imagination a little to agree that the right hand zero depicts the Japanese chrysanthemum emblem, but the castings had to be produced economically, there isn't a lot of room for design detail inside that little zero and the manufacturer only needed to produce a resemblance of the flower. I can't see why the designer would think it appropriate to put a spoked race car wheel, bicycle wheel, or for that matter, any one particular sports event next to the S. Korean flag emblem, in preference to a recognizable Japanese National emblem. As to why the rising sun image wasn't used, I would say it did not have enough detail, so they opted for the flower instead. Using the rising sun would have resulted in a circle within an oval....not very recognizable !
Now, as to the piece with the supposed racer car image, I found a web page the other night that featured a chart listing sports events at the 2002 World Cup. There was no mention of a race car event, but I did see cycling. So maybe the one piece that has the image resembling a racer car is actually a designers rendition of a bicycle ! Regardless of which was the intended image, I still stand by my above rationale, that the image in the right hand zero is a representation of a chrysanthemum, rather than a spoked wheel.....just makes more sense !
If I remember correctly, I got to the web page by Googling "2002 FIFA World Cup" (a Wikipedia page) and then clicking on something else. Problem is, I should have made notes and didn't, so can't say exactly how I got to the chart of events.........maybe some of you have already seen it before and kept a record. I believe the web page was tan color, with text and Pictures.
I'm sorry there is no proof here, but maybe something helpful.