Very Nice. At first I was very jealous. But after reading that you have done thousands of sites and thousands of miles I feel you earned it. It's hard to imagine someone "loosing" a gold coin however I have a short story for you.
My grandparents were strong Catholics and were always invloved in church activities and at church. Well my uncle said they had a gold coin in church the one day and as they were just "hanging out" my younger uncle put the coin in a "slot" in one of the church doors. It fell down somewhere either in the wall or part of the door. He believes the coin was never recovered. Anyway, things happen and stuff is lost. We find it ;D Very happy for you.


Great find!!!!! that is a beautiful coin. I have dreams of finds coins like that.
Congrats again.....


Man,many KUDOS on the awesome find!!! The planets must've been properly aligned or something for that great of a recovery!! Congratulations again!!

Good Hunting!

Blacksheep 6

Let me add my WOW to this long list of them. Congrats to you. I can't even imagine the feeling you had at that time. I'm not sure what I would do other than wearinga sh** eating grin for days afterward. Congrats and find another one!!

Hey LW, Every time I look at your "goldie", I feel like that flying insect in the "A Bugs Life" movie when he stares trance-like into the bugzapper light and says "It's BEYOOOOOOOOOTEEFULL!" right before being drawn into it and vaporized. Glad for you dude!

lonewolfe said:
My 1st "true" gold coin find in 20+ yrs of metal detecting!!

I went back to the "Curb side find- Georgian revival house" this eve. for about 45 minutes (couldn't make it last night) and after hunting the front area again with little to show for it, decided to try the side of the house where an old small brick walk leads to a back side door of the house.

I was walking/swinging the coil, and after about 3/4ths of the way to the door, I got a solid mid-level tone- strong in the gold/nickel area of my GTI 2500,

dug down about 4 or 5 inches and I couldn't believe my eyes!!
I about had a heart attack rgt then and there!

You can see the green corrosion on it from being in the ground for so long, and it's not more than a VF/XF grade at best BUT, "it's a gold coin just the same"!!

I'm so fired up that I wanna go back and hunt all night but thought I'd run home and post this 1st! ;D
wow what a nice find . i have allways wanted to find any kind of gold coin. i would even settle for my first silver dollar. i have found a old gold ring but to find a gold coin. may you find another.good luck


lonewolfe said:
Thanks again everyone,

I hit it again for about 2 hrs or so last night, and wouldn't you know it,

I didn't find much beyond some clad, a couple square nails, a few junk copper relics (lids, etc.) and a whole lot of mosquitoes that drove me to quit a little sooner than I wanted to? >:(? ;D

Badger & Free (Pete),

yeah, I was complaining about not being able to find gold coins these days but hey, there is some truth to that,,, it took me 20+ yrs to find one ("1")!! and I've litterally detected 1000s of places, have driven 10s of 1000s of miles looking for places to detect to find one! and wouldn't you know it, 2 houses from me, in an old vacant house/yard, I find one!!!!????

So I guess my complaining about not finding one is done now! Guess I'll have to find something else to complain about so I can find whatever that may be! lol ;D

Anyway,,, thanks for all the praise everyone, and may you all find your due gold coin/s too!



the road to gold- is paved with pull tabs!




I'll be cleaning the coin later today, and will post it in the Best finds section, and in the Picture Gallery.

There is an old saying Lonewolf, " There are Diamonds in your own back yard " HH Art...

Way to go LoneWolf. Only took twnety years. Man I hope I don't have to wait that long. Still looking for my first one. Congrats on a great find.


Indian head pennies are cool to find....... but GOLD INDIANS are WAY COOLER to find...!

CON GRAT U LAT IONS....... What is your next goal......? I'd say with your luck... you
could find JIMMY H. WTG Thanks for sharing HH BRINK

wow/Great find.BEEN HUNTING FOR30 YRS AND HAVNT found one yet. But seeing a find like that makes us all keep going.

You have entered the realm of a true metal detectorists...

Your name has been added to the sacred scrolls of great finds


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That is one beautiful coin lw,sweet find.Hope it doesn't end there.WTG!!!!!

seeing that he has not been on since December 8 . i think maybe has has quit found a gold coin and he's done..lonewolfe where are you..

Hey Lonewolfe....That is a great story and a great coin...The thing about finding a Gold coin is that you never expect it.....When you go out detecting your in search of some large cents, old silver , wheat pennies and mabe a nice gold or silver ring....But never that gold coin ...What's funny is when it's there in your hand looking up at you and you know what it is but when it hits you then the thrill sets's a great feeling !!! I found one last year in the spring and you know it is just one of those detecting memories that will never be forgotten!!!!!! Great going and looking forward in seeing more posts..............SEEKER

Holy smokes! That is one great find, and a great story too Lonewolfe! Congrats on an awesome find. I can truly say that since senior prom I have not been more jealous!

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