Forrest Fenn s treasure

So I wonder-

If I send FF my solution, how simple it is, how all the clues fell into place... how everything neatly words together in a childish sort of way-

I wonder what he would say?

I bet he gets several of that type e-mail every day, and is probably immune to them. But if your lucky he might respond with one of the smiley face flavors, which would start you off on a whole new solve to figure out what he meant...:icon_scratch:

Or as some think, if he would kill me?

Probably not. In my understanding of what Bloodline wrote, The devil worshiping group came to Fenn for assistance in locating the guy or girl that gets crucified. If that's correct, Fenn would be analogous to Judas, so he'd probably take his 30 pieces of silver, add them to the chest and start the whole thing all over again.

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I bet he gets several of that type e-mail every day, and is probably immune to them. But if your lucky he might respond with one of the smiley face flavors, which would start you off on a whole new solve to figure out what he meant...:icon_scratch:

Probably not. In my understanding of what Bloodline wrote, The devil worshiping group came to Fenn for assistance in locating the guy or girl that gets crucified. If that's correct, Fenn would be analogous to Judas, so he'd probably take his 30 pieces of silver, add them to the chest and start the whole thing all over again.

Would love to know the answer to how many times this makes.

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G.I.B., Thanks for the map. I liked that Nav site too. Mostly I was picking close-by airports that were big enough to have rental cars available as FF said he purposely didn't want to pinpoint the exact times/days when he hid the treasure BC he didn't want people to check (pinpoint) when/where/mileage records of car rental receipts. This just hints to him not driving his own vehicle to hide the treasure and/or he flew to his spot then rented a car for transport.

Also I edited my previous post as I wrote Montana was at 11degrees when it is at 14degrees. This is not even too important to my solves.

I did read last night where around August 28th FF made an announcement that it has become too difficult to respond to any more emails as well as slowing down his request for interviews and even going out for lunches. I think people implied he is not doing very well right now...:(...MinerGirl

G.I.B., Thanks for the map. I liked that Nav site too. Mostly I was picking close-by airports that were big enough to have rental cars available as FF said he purposely didn't want to pinpoint the exact times/days when he hid the treasure BC he didn't want people to check (pinpoint) when/where/mileage records of car rental receipts. This just hints to him not driving his own vehicle to hide the treasure and/or he flew to his spot then rented a car for transport.

Also I edited my previous post as I wrote Montana was at 11degrees when it is at 14degrees. This is not even too important to my solves.

I did read last night where around August 28th FF made an announcement that it has become too difficult to respond to any more emails as well as slowing down his request for interviews and even going out for lunches. I think people implied he is not doing very well right now...:(...MinerGirl

Hes (fenn) pulling a Michael Stadther and disappearing...its what they do.

Maybe you will disappear when you get to be 84. Or maybe before..

Hes not the only one. How do you think he knows whether or not someone is close to walking near the chest?
There's more than one fenn- think.

Riddle me this. What has 12 fins and a chest?

Would love to know the answer to how many times this makes.

Based on what you have provided us so far, the answer to your question would have to be...NONE! All you have done is make a bunch of unsupported claims and refused to back them up with evidence. If you were truly concerned that something sinister was going you would be jumping at the chance to provide that evidence. But all you have done is made some conspiracy type claims and pointed us to the rabbit hole of Internet pages to figure it out. That means that you aren't serious about what you are saying, and are only interested in getting page clicks that will be used to validate your claims. But so far there is nothing about Forrest Fenn to suggest that he is anything other than a good person who turned a tough page in his life into a fun adventure for people around the world, including that poor little girl in India who won't ever get to come here to test out her solves. And guess what? You're not going to provide any evidence to the contrary because you don't have anything but claims that are only supported with more claims. And in common parlance, that's known as circular logic.

Hes not the only one. How do you think he knows whether or not someone is close to walking near the chest?
There's more than one fenn- think.

He never said he knew whether or not someone iswalking near the chest.

Let's pretend for a moment that the location is near Mammoth Hot Springs. Pick a point where the warm waters halt, and hide the treasure near a blaze.

The treasure, hidden from view, may have the occasional hiker walking past at a fairly regular basis, solely because of the location.

I know of a lot of Geocahes, the larger ones like ammo boxes, hidden alongside hiking trails. Only the person with the exact Lat/Long ever find it.

Yet people are near it a lot.

Just an idea...There are many Trail Cameras with solar panels that could be easily placed near the chest. He could just watch his trail camera from his computer. Also could be hidden where there already is a Web Cam that can be tapped into. Ever see those Eagle Cams? Or Beach Cams?

Browning makes several. Maybe thats what he means by: Put in Below the House of Brown. lol

Let's pretend for a moment that the location is near Mammoth Hot Springs. Pick a point where the warm waters halt, and hide the treasure near a blaze.

The treasure, hidden from view, may have the occasional hiker walking past at a fairly regular basis, solely because of the location.

I know of a lot of Geocahes, the larger ones like ammo boxes, hidden alongside hiking trails. Only the person with the exact Lat/Long ever find it.

Yet people are near it a lot.

Just an idea...There are many Trail Cameras with solar panels that could be easily placed near the chest. He could just watch his trail camera from his computer. Also could be hidden where there already is a Web Cam that can be tapped into. Ever see those Eagle Cams? Or Beach Cams?

Browning makes several. Maybe thats what he means by: Put in Below the House of Brown. lol

If Fenn hid the treasure far from where he lives, his knowing would almost have to be something along these lines. Otherwise it would be speculation, or he would have told someone where it was hidden and they could be his eyes and ears. But he has also told people to keep it simple. People tend to be creatures of habit, even when they are trying not to. Does it fit Fenn's personality to hide treasure in a way that he loses control over what is going on with it? If you hid treasure of this nature would you hide it far away, and be content to just sit back until someone claims they found it and can prove it? Or would you hide it where you had some control over its disposition, either by having fairly easy access to it through sight or location, cameras to monitor it, etc? Human nature is as much of this hunt as anything else. And because it is, I wonder if profilers in the intelligence community are also working on solving the puzzle. If they are, I would think the odd favor them. But because it hasn't been found yet, they either are not looking or are not as competent as I would believe.

EDIT: One other aspect to the "where" of this is that Fenn thought he was about to die of cancer, and was going to whack himself and hide the treasure as a legacy. He lived, and later hid the treasure near that location. So you have to factor in and consider the psychology of suicide locations, in addition to the poem and all the other clues. Do most people who commit suicide travel great distances to do so? Do most people who commit suicide do so in a way that their body is not likely to be found? The thought of suicide has never even popped into my head, but I doubt I would travel hundreds of miles to do it. Nor do I think I would do it in such a way that my family would never get closure from a burial or cremation. But he would likely do it at some location that has special significance to him. If that spot is far away, then yes, he might travel there. If that's the case, then it would be prudent to study the books for places that hold some significance to him from his past. But I think it's more likely that such a place will be where he spent most of his life, traveled to regularly with family, etc. Ultimately, I think the answer to the location is far more simple than people make it out to be. In fact, I believe a great number of people who commit suicide do so within site of their house. To that end, what color is his house?

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MiddenMonster, FF has told a couple stories of stashing things in the woods and going back every year and having them safe and untouched. Once when they had their Rental Cabins outside of Yellowstone and when it came time to close up for the season and go back to Texas, his father and he would take all of their tools, supplies etc and load them in a trailer and drive them to a secluded spot to be "safe" for the winter. Every year they'd come back and everything was as they left it. Another story he recalled forgetting a favorite fishing pole at his "secret" fishing spot and the following year he went back to find it exactly where he left it. So yes, I'd say he's OK with stashing the chest far from where he is now and knows that the only way someone will find it is if they correctly interpret his poem clues. Plus he wants someone to find it but is fine if nobody does for years after he's gone.

I have to laugh when you say that the "Intelligence community" has the odds of finding this first. I have a funny true story that comes to mind about that but probably should just keep it as my own inside

To MM Edit: He has said it's not associated with a all that aside, I'm sure it doesn't matter what color his house is.

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Why would he have any need to monitor the site? It's hidden where no one will find it by accident. If it is found he will probably know of it.

Hobo, He doesn't have to monitor it but MiddenMonster seems to be stuck on him Having to monitor due to FF Having to be curious and wanting to see the "Chase" play out.

MiddenMonster, FF has told a couple stories of stashing things in the woods and going back every year and having them safe and untouched. Once when they had their Rental Cabins outside of Yellowstone and when it came time to close up for the season and go back to Texas, his father and he would take all of their tools, supplies etc and load them in a trailer and drive them to a secluded spot to be "safe" for the winter. Every year they'd come back and everything was as they left it.

My thinking that it is nearby is more related to human nature than anything else. His thoughts of suicide, and where to do it rise to the top of the list for me, more so than him deciding on where to hide a treasure. I think a person would choose the suicide spot as a primary objective, then base a hiding spot for treasure on that, not the other way around. The other part of the human nature factor I have mentioned before, and it relates to Hobo's comment:

Why would he have any need to monitor the site? It's hidden where no one will find it by accident. If it is found he will probably know of it.

I think it is less about needing to monitor the site, and more about his curiosity in wanting to see how his game unfolds and wanting to maintain some kind of control over how that goes down. That's why I asked what you, i.e. all the people participating in the search would do if you hid a treasure and set up a treasure hunt for the world. In the end, I think a lot of this can come down to three things: A process of elimination, human nature and statistics, in varying combinations of the three. I think that using human nature and statistics should be used first in a process of elimination. You have to shrink the target area as much as possible or you are just stabbing at the darkness. In doing so you will either be right or wrong, but you will be right or wrong in a much smaller area. Then you can apply human nature and statistics in a process of elimination in that smaller area and shrink the footprint even more. Keep doing that and you will zero in on the location of the treasure. Of course, the product of your work is only as good as your last process of elimination. If you don't start with the right footprint area to begin with, you will never find it. Think of it this way. If you start with the world as your initial footprint you are correct. If you shrink that to the United States by a process of elimination you are right. If you then shrink that footprint to the western half of the United States you are right. Shrink it to the Rocky Mountains and you are right, and your search footprint is a fraction the size of what you started with, i.e. the world. Now it's just a matter of performing the same process of elimination over and over again, employing human nature and statistics. I'd start by dividing the Rock Mountains in half on an East/West axis. You now have two search footprints. One is right, the other is wrong. Now the goal is to methodically and definitively try to eliminate the northern or southern search footprint. Do it correctly and you have progressed from the world to a relatively small area. But even if you are wrong, your are working with a much smaller area than that with which you started. Keep dividing in half whatever search footprint you are working with, applying human nature and statistics to the clues from the poem and Fenn's books. Eliminate any areas that don't correspond to the clues. Subdivide those areas that do and keep repeating the process. Eventually, you get to an area that will be of a physically searchable size. You can then plan your vacations around this area and search it in person, using the process of elimination as you search. What it boils down to is primarily eliminating where the treasure can't be, to make your efforts to locate it easier. Ultimately what we are grappling with is a truth; Forrest Fenn hid a treasure somewhere in a physical location, therefore it can be found. What I am saying is very Holmesian in nature, i.e. when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

I have to laugh when you say that the "Intelligence community" has the odds of finding this first. I have a funny true story that comes to mind about that but probably should just keep it as my own inside

Does it have anything to do with sinister figures hiding in the shadow of the CIA headquarters and using a treasure hunt to try to bring about the Apocalypse?

MiddenMonster, process of elimination to narrow down the field is a good plan. Basically the more info/research one does like watching FF's interviews etc will help narrow the field. Alot of what you ask seems to be already discussed at length in his question and answer interviews and discussed at length in other Chase Chat forums. People throw out good ideas and we can either dismiss them or research their ideas further. Many Fennchasers have been on the "trail" for several years and reading their finds/thoughts will help you with your search.

Answer to your last question...Not at all. Nothing like that. lol

MiddenMonster, process of elimination to narrow down the field is a good plan. Basically the more info/research one does like watching FF's interviews etc will help narrow the field. Alot of what you ask seems to be already discussed at length in his question and answer interviews and discussed at length in other Chase Chat forums. People throw out good ideas and we can either dismiss them or research their ideas further. Many Fennchasers have been on the "trail" for several years and reading their finds/thoughts will help you with your search.

Actually, I'm not actively searching for the treasure. At this point I am more interested in the "how" part of the equation than the "where" part. Plus, I have an aversion to being crucified. I've heard that is it more painful than getting bitten by a moose. The methods I've talked about are also why I mentioned profilers and people who work in intelligence gathering. It is my belief that up to 80% of what needs to be done to narrow down the Rocky Mountains to one or two or three small search areas can be done prior to referencing Fenn's books or poems for clues. That's not to say I would never participate in a hard target, on the ground search. But as I am not near any of the four states where the treasure is located, I wouldn't even attempt it unless I was virtually certain that I was on to something. We all bring biases to any problem we are trying to solve, and those biases will affect the way we approach the problem. For example, the biases of someone who lives in Colorado and had studies all the available resources might influence them to believe the treasure is in Colorado because a) they live there and it would be easier to search than the other three states, and b) they can bend the clues around their biases. I'm trying to be aware of any biases I have and eliminate them. I think human nature--curiosity, creatures of habit, etc and Fenn's background are indicators that New Mexico is a likely place. But I am also aware that I could be thinking that because I would hide a treasure reasonably close so I could keep an eye on what is going on with the hunt. I also have a great interest in anthropology and archaeology, which is why I mentioned the "blaze" in the poem as possibly being related to a solstice or equinox when the sun shines through a natural cleft or geological formation. My biases could either help me or hurt me in that regard. But I bet that there are profiling algorithms used in profiling and psychology that can do a lot of it.

Answer to your last question...Not at all. Nothing like that. lol

That sound like something that people who are a part of the conspiracy would say!:laughing7:

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MiddenMonster, No conspiracy. I typed a long reply detailing my response as to why only the "Intelligence Community" could solve this but got kicked off my post, again! Suffice it to say, this "Know-nothing, degree-less woman from "Po-Dunk" Michigan actually fixed the Space Shuttle fuel tank problem appr. 12+ years ago. "We are the Intelligence community". Put in the time and imagination and research and anyone can figure this TH out. As FF says, it's difficult, but not impossible.

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MiddenMonster, No conspiracy. I typed a long reply detailing my response as to why only the "Intelligence Community" could solve this but got kicked off my post, again!

I've had the same thing happen several times here. So to get around the problem, before I click the Post button I make sure that the cursor is in the text box, press "Ctrl-A" to select all the text I've typed, then "Ctrl-C" to copy it to the clipboard. If my logon has timed out I can just log back in, click Reply or Quote to get back to an editing window and paste everything back in.

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