Forrest Fenn s treasure

I think if you start poking Dino in the face with a toothpick you will get to talk to a few security guards, who will introduce you to the guy's in white coats with the psychotropic meds...

Make sure you leave a video camera running and best of luck with the treasure!

He's gonna need more than luck.

smiles..yes I thought the same, but yet I found the dino and I found several physical keys, that are in different objects BEFORE hand, that lead up to the dino.
It's like 1 key unlocked the next thing to get the next key.. and eventually ending at the dino.
The 1st key I found is hidden near the crocodile mountain formation north of sante fe. The 2nd key is hidden in one of those refrigerators, that are stacked like the stone hedge rocks and again its a little north of town. The next key is in the glove compartment of truck, that sits abandon out in a field. It's key is different

Regarding the crocodile rock formation. There is a place in it's smile, where 2 of it's teen are split apart from each other. Across from this is the river. According to what I found, somewhere across from those 2 teeth is a place along that river where you'll find the 1st key. The exact spot is described like a turtles head, that your standing on and in it's mouth is the 1st key, that will unlock the refrigerator and in it's box inside is the key, that will unlock the truck to get in the glove box to get the next key and so on from there... are more keys.

1st... is a box turtle
2nd.. is a refrigerator box
3rd.. is a truck- glove box

Question is how many box's do you need to get to the box you want?

Obviously, it is located in the U.S. Rocky Mountains, probably in New Mexico given Fenn's age:

Seeking Adventure And Gold? Crack This Poem And Head Outdoors : NPR
"Fenn has only revealed that it is hidden in the Rocky Mountains, somewhere between Santa Fe and the Canadian border at an elevation above 5,000 feet. It's not in a mine, a graveyard or near a structure."

But where the warm waters halt? Best I can figure, that's where the blue water begins in my toilet bowl...

A rock formation, that resembles something common. A abandon car in a field. A telephone booth, A monument. A dog house. A flower bed. - which is not a structure?

Rocky Mountains are in every state.

If the chest is higher then 4 feet off the ground hidden in something...then it is above 5000 feet and the key word there is "FEET". Meaning it's higher then the population its near. Meaning if 2500 people live near it...then that's 5000 FEET its above.

Fenn plays on words and most of what he says is doubled meaning.

There's more than 1 way of looking at something.

When fenn speaks... you sure you know what he saying?

If the chest is higher then 4 feet off the ground hidden in something...then it is above 5000 feet and the key word there is "FEET". Meaning it's higher then the population its near. Meaning if 2500 people live near it...then that's 5000 FEET its above.

You have a valid point, but going that route you also have to consider the building structures in that footprint. If most of those 2500 people live in 5 story condos you have to add that to the 4'.

And has anyone approached this from the perspective of a logical process of elimination? I remember reading on one of the forums here that when searching for coins on property with old houses, cabins, etc that is was common for women to bury coins within site of the kitchen window. The logic being that they spent a lot of time in the kitchen and this gave them an opportunity to keep an eye on them. Consistent with that, and in line with Fenn's personality wouldn't it seem logical that he would also want to be able to monitor what was going on with his stash, at least to the point of being able to see if anyone was getting close? For me this would exclude any location far away, and limit it to A) a location that he could see from his residence, B) a location to which he frequently travels or passes by, and C) a location to which he has easy access. Using a logical process of elimination I would think that one could establish one or more "kill boxes" where they believe it is likely to be, and then apply the deciphering of the poem to those locations to narrow it down further.

MiddenMonster- I did one 'solve' by doing just that.

If you look at FF's house, then kinda north, there is a point on a peak that can be seen from his house. (over 5,000')

There is a waste treatment plant near that area, WWWH (funny if it was the house of Brown) and then down the canyon to the parking lot, to far to walk.

Look at the road names, and the creek names. There are some strange coincidences- that's all I'm saying!

There is a dry creek (no paddle up the creek) from there and then up high is a hiking trail, with blaze markings.

With a good telescope, from his patio- he could see this peak.

Work it out, you will see where I'm talking about.

Why am I saying this? Because it was my first solve, but I don't think it's the correct one.

Just very interesting and along the same lines of what you just said.

MinerGirl- I'm sharing this to give you something to think about.

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Just very interesting and along the same lines of what you just said.

That's exactly the kind of approach I'm talking about. It's "Bosco" all over again...

In doing some cursory research, one of the things that struck me is this line: "If you've been wise and found the blaze, Look quickly down, your quest to cease". Given Fenn's interest in anthropology and the admonition that the search window will be limited by snow, I would interpret that line to have some connection with a set point in time where the sun's rays are focused on a point, or come through an opening in rocks just as ancient civilizations oriented structures to identify solar or seasonal events. Chaco Canyon, anyone? Ironically, also in New Mexico but I'm definitely not connecting the two beyond Fenn's area of interest. But because of the seasonal limitations to searching, and Fenn's age I have no problem connecting that line from the poem to the Summer Solstice. It would be a perfect time of year in terms of weather--no snow, low probability of clouds, high probability for the light of the sun to pierce a natural crack in rock, etc. If my above speculation is correct, then I would also add that the treasure is probably not buried, but hidden in the cleft of a rock or the opening of a small cave that receives light at a specific time of the year. For what it's worth, my speculation would also require the searcher to know the time of day when summer begins, and be at the proper location. That might mean locating the area where you can find "the blaze" and then returning in order to be there when the solstice takes place.

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Hi..I just typed for 20 minutes a solve of mine and went to post it and got kicked off saying I wasn't logged in and I was...lost post..will try tomorrow.. So frustrating

Forrest Fenn was approached years ago by a group of people. These people asked him/Fenn to find someone by the information this group had. Fenn took the information and made this hunt. This hunt is about the chase for fenn. To accomplish what Michael Stadther failed at.

Fenn is a trapper using deceptions to accomplish the goals of those who approached him.- FACT.

Hey..don't have a clue as to what Bloodline is talking about so no comment on that. HOBO..just read the book you referred to... The Trapper by Osbourn Russell.. (SP). About the Home of Brown, everyone likes to tell what it is not..IE..not a fish..ect..Here are a few ideas of what it could mean. First thoughts are HOB = I am to Where one feels home FF, I think that is in the Sky or in the wilderness.. Clue finds, research, has found that the Indians use a 6 point navigation system. North, South, East, West and Up,Sky, and Down, Earth (including below Earth) .. Indians call Sky, Up, Brown.. Therefore the Home of Brown that FF refers to is the Sky. Where he feels is his home. More later..many tie-in clues when you think of the Sky as HOB..IE..aviation maps have Brown circles around airports..Put in, below the HOB is to land at said airport.. I'm a student pilot, my Dad is a Marine Corp pilot as my Uncle is a Navy Pilot..just looking along those lines..MinerGirl

Hey..don't have a clue as to what Bloodline is talking about so no comment on that.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't understand it. But from the cryptic text it sounds like he is saying that Forrest Fenn is using the treasure hunt as a stalking horse in order to find an unnamed person whom an unnamed group of people want to find for an unknown reason. It's all kind of Godfathery and WitSecy to me.

Miner girl, the book was a little hard to read since punctuation was lacking, but did the tale about having to walk to Ft Hall give you ny ideas? I also used to fly, no longer have a plane.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't understand it. But from the cryptic text it sounds like he is saying that Forrest Fenn is using the treasure hunt as a stalking horse in order to find an unnamed person whom an unnamed group of people want to find for an unknown reason. It's all kind of Godfathery and WitSecy to me.

I think its best to ignore him, he makes no sense.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't understand it. But from the cryptic text it sounds like he is saying that Forrest Fenn is using the treasure hunt as a stalking horse in order to find an unnamed person whom an unnamed group of people want to find for an unknown reason. It's all kind of Godfathery and WitSecy to me.


There is a group who hide in the shadows of the vatican. Who solicited another group. This second group of people are supposed to be some of the smartest people on this planet. Fenn and Michael Stadther are 2 of the characters of this solicited group, there are about 12 of them. This group devises treasure hunts like this one to find someone they believe to be very special to them.
They bounce back and fourth from chase chat, here ,, mysterious writings and a few other sites, watching and waiting to see what happens.

You think these are just innocent treasure hunts? You are so wrong.

In the end of all of it, when our world ends... you can thank the fenn's and stadthers for it.
For there is something much bigger going on than any of you can imagine.

It's about to get ugly.


There is a group who hide in the shadows of the vatican. Who solicited another group. This second group of people are supposed to be some of the smartest people on this planet. Fenn and Michael Stadther are 2 of the characters of this solicited group, there are about 12 of them. This group devises treasure hunts like this one to find someone they believe to be very special to them.
They bounce back and fourth from chase chat, here ,, mysterious writings and a few other sites, watching and waiting to see what happens.

You think these are just innocent treasure hunts? You are so wrong.

In the end of all of it, when our world ends... you can thank the fenn's and stadthers for it.
For there is something much bigger going on than any of you can imagine.

It's about to get ugly.

So lay it on us, brother! Who are they? Who are they looking for, and why is that person special? What is going on, and why is it about to get ugly? If you've already spilled the beans this much, telling us the rest of the story isn't going to get you any more on their radar.

So lay it on us, brother! Who are they? Who are they looking for, and why is that person special? What is going on, and why is it about to get ugly? If you've already spilled the beans this much, telling us the rest of the story isn't going to get you any more on their radar.

"who are they"? 1 group hides in the shadows of the vatican. The other is Forrest Fenn, Michael Stadther, ...those 2 for sure. The others hide under different screen names at "Chase Chat".

"who are they looking for"? A Messiah.

"why is that person special"? You know the story of Crucifixion? "They" want to duplicate it again. They believe this process must be re-done every couple of thousand years. A re-newel, if you will type thinking.

"They" believe only this person can unlock their treasure hunts. The answers are in the form of "watermarks", concerning these treasure hunts.

The question is are they correct?
Answer, NO.

They want to crown a king to rule over this world and when he comes, you'll have your antichrist...just like the Bible says.

Now after saying all of that, I know your thinking I'm just crazy and I completely understand, I would think the same if I read it from someone else, but with all of my heart I'm telling all of you the truth.

These people are evil and soon, when its to late... you'll see I told you the truth concerning it.

...and if the smartest people bought into the lie from those in the shadows of the vatican.. what chance of any of you not buying into it?

Answer- NONE.

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