Forrest Fenn s treasure

...and as to the other topic that just cropped up~

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"They" believe only this person can unlock their treasure hunts. The answers are in the form of "watermarks", concerning these treasure hunts.
Now after saying all of that, I know your thinking I'm just crazy and I completely understand, I would think the same if I read it from someone else, but with all of my heart I'm telling all of you the truth.

Ok, for the sake of argument let's say that I don't think you are crazy. If, hypothetically, someone wants to set up a meth lab in a secluded place and they stumble on Fenn's treasure. Are they going to get crucified, or does that person actually have to solve the riddle? Or, let's say that I am just bebopping along the road of life and find Fenn's treasure, but don't tell a single person that I found it (which, by the way is probably what would happen. Getting crucified by the IRS or getting crucified by devil worshipers is kind of a Hobson's Choice). How would they find me to crucify me? And finally, without pointing us to secondary sources, how do you know this is going on? I would think that if you were serious you would just come out and lay the evidence on the table. Into the Mystic is a great Van Morrison song, but not so good for discussions. And for what it's worth, I do know that the Knights Templar buried a piece of the crucifixion cross in the catacombs of an old church in the Black Forest. But we won't find out out that plays out till at least January 6, 2017. It's a Grimm world we live in...

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Ok, for the sake of argument let's say that I don't think you are crazy. If, hypothetically, someone wants to set up a meth lab in a secluded place and they stumble on Fenn's treasure. Are they going to get crucified, or does that person actually have to solve the riddle? Or, let's say that I am just bebopping along the road of life and find Fenn's treasure, but don't tell a single person that I found it (which, by the way is probably what would happen. Getting crucified by the IRS or getting crucified by devil worshipers is kind of a Hobson's Choice). How would they find me to crucify me? And finally, without pointing us to secondary sources, how do you know this is going on? I would think that if you were serious you would just come out and lay the evidence on the table. Into the Mystic is a great Van Morrison song, but not so good for discussions. And for what it's worth, I do know that the Knights Templar buried a piece of the crucifixion cross in the catacombs of an old church in the Black Forest. But we won't find out out that plays out till at least January 6, 2017. It's a Grimm world we live in...

No one will stumble across it according to Fenn, he said he thought of everything remember?

Grimm world? No. It's grimm people, who are about to make things much worse. Dig into all the information I gave. Start with and go to the Maranatha threads and read all the current ones being posted. Dig if you want to know more.

Dig. guys are cracking me up! HOBO, can't help but laugh at your post too BC after about 100 pages of that book I thought maybe I should start reading it the "Evelyn Woodhead" way..(thats what we used to call her..Lol) you know, her "Sped Redding" course and "Comprension"? I might have skipped a few pages. I sorta woke up at the Grizzly Bear part...but will have to re-read the Ft Hill? Hall?'s hard to type and laugh at the same time.

And someone should write Forrest and tell him people think he's one of the 12 smartest guys in the he might get a kick out of that...Imagine when he goes to parties and they play "Who's the smartest guy in the room"...he'd get to say, "I am, I am"..he'd win every time.

Well, I had more to say but will leave it for another post. HOBO...thats cool you are a pilot. I'm no where near your flight hours or experience...I did quickly think that Not Far, TFTW...could be Not FAR's (Federal Aviation Regulations), but Too much regulations...Anyhow...Thanks to Bloodline for the answer to "Not for the Meek I thought it could be a Ghost town or something...:) MinerGirl

"smartest" maybe was the wrong word to use. Specializes would of been more appropriate.
Personally I think they are the dumb.

Regardless no one will stop them.

No one will stumble across it according to Fenn, he said he thought of everything remember?

Uh...people stumble across treasure, good finds and even tree roots all the time. In fact, most treasure that has ever been found has probably been because of some serendipitous, chance occurrence. And no matter how well connected to the End of Days Forrest Fenn is, he can't account for dumb luck.

Grimm world? No. It's grimm people, who are about to make things much worse. Dig into all the information I gave. Start with and go to the Maranatha threads and read all the current ones being posted. Dig if you want to know more.


See, now I know that you don't even take this seriously. You're not just claiming that there is a pot 'o gold hidden in the twisted oak tree in Central Park, or that space aliens exist and have visited us many time. That's just general stuff we can accept or not and life goes on. You are way beyond simple claims. First, you are making complex claims about specific people with specific motivations. Second, these claims fall into the genre of conspiracy. Third, 99.9999% of all claims that fall in to the genre of conspiracy involve one person making said claim, then directing others to sift through a blizzard of pages on the Internet to see the proof for themselves, which 99.9999% of the time is another claim used as proof to support the first claim, i.e. "If you hold the dollar bill at a right angle to the Sun precisely at noon, you can see the Free Mason's secret emblem in the eagle's claw, which proves that Skull and Bones controls the numbers racket in Pueblo, Colorado." Whether or not you are crazy doesn't even come up as an issue yet. We still be two mountains and a valley from that question. But if you were serious about Forrest Fenn and Michael Stadther being involved in something strange--yea, verily sinister you would be enthusiastically trying to tell us why that is the case, if for no other reason than as you said, "[t]hese people are evil" and would want us to see that you told us the truth before it's too late. In other words, who is more evil: The serial killer, or the person who knows that the serial killer is hiding in your kitchen and doesn't tell you, but instead says, "Hey, there's a serial killer loose in town. Read where he is killing people on my Facebook page."

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In the simplest of direct terms, that I know.

lucifer as deceived men into thinking if they reproduce the actions of crucifixion great things will happen. 1 is a messiah will come. 2 is a cure of all diseases will be given. 3 is financial freedom for all. - these are his promises and all of them are a lie.

Fenn and the others are looking for a person to kill- the one who finds the chest.

Hows that for simple?

lucifer as deceived men into thinking if they reproduce the actions of crucifixion great things will happen. 1 is a messiah will come. 2 is a cure of all diseases will be given. 3 is financial freedom for all. - these are his promises and all of them are a lie.

Fenn and the others are looking for a person to kill- the one who finds the chest.

Hows that for simple?

Not simple at all. You are making two independent claims without showing how one relates to the other. Where is the connection between, "lucifer as deceived men...these are his promises and all of them are a lie" and "Fenn and the others are looking for a person to kill- the one who finds the chest"? You have yet to provide us with a tangible connection between Lucifer and Forrest Fenn, and the only thing I can say for sure about "the others" is that they released a polar bear and scared the heck out of a lot of people who had just survived a plane crash. I have no problem accepting the stuff about Lucifer and the antichrist. But you haven't shown us any connection to that and Forrest Fenn, or the treasure he is supposed to have hidden. If I was a conspiracy person I'd say that at the very least you are trying to scare people away from searching for the treasure so you can get it for yourself. And at worst you are the antichrist, and are pointing the finger at someone else who can serve as a patsy as you rumble around in the background while people are distracted. No one else in the entire world has drawn a connection between Forrest Fenn, hidden treasure and mysterious people who serve Satan and hide in the shadows of the Vatican. But for some reason you have, but you refuse to even tell us why you think they are connected, much less show us any evidence of that.

I can't believe the HOB is aviation related.

I've got to go with Mr. Brown's house. It's that easy.

FF placed this in his elderly years. He didn't fly the treasure in. He carried it in, alone.

An old man carried it in, so it's not too terribly difficult of a place.

The treasure was heavy- FF keeps saying to keep it simple.

I can't believe the HOB is aviation related...
...The treasure was heavy- FF keeps saying to keep it simple.

Is there a UPS terminal anywhere near by? If so it may be as simple as asking what Brown can do for you...

I can't believe the HOB is aviation related.

I've got to go with Mr. Brown's house. It's that easy.

FF placed this in his elderly years. He didn't fly the treasure in. He carried it in, alone.

An old man carried it in, so it's not too terribly difficult of a place.

The treasure was heavy- FF keeps saying to keep it simple.

He could have very easily flown it to the area it was deposited, he was a very experienced pilot and many pilots are still flying in ther 80s. Sully is not quite that old, but he made a fantastic landing in the Hudson River. Age dosen't keep a person from driving or flying.
He chest and contents weighed about 42 lbs. He made two trips, a 1/4 mile down the canyon on a big deal.

He could have very easily flown it to the area it was deposited, he was a very experienced pilot and many pilots are still flying in ther 80s. Sully is not quite that old, but he made a fantastic landing in the Hudson River. Age dosen't keep a person from driving or flying.
He chest and contents weighed about 42 lbs. He made two trips, a 1/4 mile down the canyon on a big deal.

While it's possible he piloted a plane to get to where he was going, it is an unnecessary step as he also transported the treasure from his car: “I made two trips from my car to the hiding place and it was done in one afternoon.f”

I think that other statements made by Fenn in conjunction with human nature indicate that it located very near to where he is:

Cheat Sheet | Thrill Of The Chase
Fenn has said:
People have been within 500’ of the treasure
“Some of the searchers have been within 500 feet I know”.
“Searchers have been within 200 feet”. Huffpost interview 02/04/15

How would he know that people have been within 200' of the treasure if he can't be in regular visual contact with it?

Hey. Several weeks back I watched many of FF's interviews/stories that are on Youtube. I had already been searching my Montana leads and one interview Forrest told a quick story relating to when he felt the "Most Free/Freedom". He said sometimes he'd fly his plane and go "Radio Silent" for 600 miles and it was just him and the sky. I took that to Google and decided to see where 700 miles due north of Santa Fe would take me. (I figured he'd have to turn his radio back on the last 100 miles to prepare his landing, contact the tower, etc) I plotted several airports North, a little NW and NE. This put me right into Montana and very close to some of my favorite solve ideas. Then as I got pretty excited, I told my brother about this flight plotting and he said, "Is that True North or Magnetic North" Haha. I was like.."What"? I have to recalculate That"? I let that go for awhile and checking the FF Map of the search area from his book, there you'll find the Magnetic North Degree lines. The 9degree line takes you near Santa Fe and runs thru Denver, Colorado, and the 14degree line runs thru NW Montana search area.

It's not all aviation related as my clues have taken me all around the barn and back. I've checked out Steam Locomotives, Old Western movies, Horses, aviation, etc. This Chase/Race is like "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" and Horses too..:) It's Fun...MinerGirl

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MiddenMonster, FF said he received emails from those people telling him their solves and where they were going but he added that they disregarded the last 7 or so clues and they walked past it not knowing they were close or what to look for next.

While it's possible he piloted a plane to get to where he was going, it is an unnecessary step as he also transported the treasure from his car: “I made two trips from my car to the hiding place and it was done in one afternoon.f”

I think that other statements made by Fenn in conjunction with human nature indicate that it located very near to where he is:

How would he know that people have been within 200' of the treasure if he can't be in regular visual contact with it?

Because it is located near a place where people hike, there are people walking past it several times a week in the summer. It's across the creek from the trail

Because it is located near a place where people hike, there are people walking past it several times a week in the summer. It's across the creek from the trail

MiddenMonster, FF said he received emails from those people telling him their solves and where they were going but he added that they disregarded the last 7 or so clues and they walked past it not knowing they were close or what to look for next.

Both excellent points, but also why I included the reference to human nature and the quotes from the Cheat Sheet. The Cheat Sheet references both "searchers" and "people". Granted, searchers could have e-mailed Fenn with details of their solves that would allow him to attach a distance to it. But in order to for that to work, those details would have to include information that would allow him to do so. That's very possible, but I would think that if that was the case those details would have to be physical landmarks, and notable enough that the average person would include them, but not so notable that they are a direct clue to the treasure's location. If you can identify a clue 200' from the treasure it seems implausible that you can't zero in on the location after solving all the other clues.

Fenn also says "people"--not necessarily "searchers" have been within 500' of the treasure. I agree that could mean it is located 500' from where people commonly travel, i.e. roads, highways, trails, Fenn's backyard, etc. But this is where the human nature comes into play. This may be me projecting my own idiosyncrasies, but I would think that someone like Fenn would want to in some way be able to monitor what is going on. If I stashed several million dollars in treasure it's not something that I would see as fire and forget. I would want to be able to peek in now and then, or constantly to see how it is going and hopefully find some validation and affirmation for how I perceive humans. Because while there is obviously a thrill of the chase factor for searchers, there also has be be a thrill of the chase factor for the person who set up the chase, as well. Getting e-mails from people asking if this or that is right, or are they close has to get old after a while. But watching people enthusiastically searching an area or walking right by it carries a thrill, like the golfer who lips a 30' putt half-way around the cup but doesn't sink it. Sometimes a golfer does sink that putt, which carries its own thrill but there is also something to be said for the thrill that comes from being so close yet so far from an objective. If the treasure were located far from Fenn, his only real thrill would come when the treasure is finally found and he hears the finder(s) recount their harrowing tales of daring and danger on the Today show.

The Cheat Sheet also mentions that the treasure is "[a]t least 8.25 miles North of Santa Fe, New Mexico". There may be some geological significance to that, such as the beginning of the Rocky Mountains. It's been many years since I have been near Santa Fe, so I don't know. But given that we know the treasure is in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado or New Mexico I would prioritize them from high to low in reverse order: New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. If only for that reason that if I hid the treasure I would want to keep tabs on how things were going. And even if I stashed treasure to hide it from everyone but myself I would want it in a location accessible enough so I could easily check on it to make sure it is still there.

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KWYS has a magnetic variation of 14 degrees east.

That would make a big difference as to how you are calculating your solution...

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So I wonder-

If I send FF my solution, how simple it is, how all the clues fell into place... how everything neatly words together in a childish sort of way-

I wonder what he would say?

Or as some think, if he would kill me?

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