First you lied about contacting fenn. Unless Everyone sees a direct Quote, your word is no better than mine
The difference is that G.I.B. didn't point us to a web page or YouTube video so we'd have to go find it and interpret it for ourselves. So logically, if his word is no better than yours, then if he lied his lie is no worse than yours.
BRING IT! Give me a national forum and I'll tell the world whats really going on.
For years now since this all started I can be found all over the web trying to warn people of what I've learned. With all my heart and soul I want you know to know I'm telling the truth.
You're getting a little panicky, paranoid and contradictory here. One one hand you challenge people to bring a lawsuit against you so you can have a "national forum". On the other you say you have been
"all over the web" trying to warn people. So you kinda not only have a national forum. You have a global forum. So why do you expect the weight of your words to influence people when you can provide no evidence to back of your claims? What are your credentials? Why do you think these slanderous things and propagate this calumny? And by the way, no one is going to waste their time suing you if they perceive you as the guy wearing the "end is near" sign. One reason is that guy has been around for centuries, and the world is still here. The other reason is that he didn't provide evidence to back up his claims either, and expected his words alone to carry the weight. On the bright side, one day that guy will be right and the world will end. On the down side, he won't even be around to say, "I told you so".
I've told you some about fenn, but what about michael stadther... he's still in the picture... you see he sold our World Banks their SECURITY SOFTWARE. Guess why? Because there is a back door to it. When the vatican says.. our World Banks will collapse. Why... to control you.
Even with a mountain of evidence this doesn't meet the smell test unless you include the words "Trilateral Commission", "Council of Foreign Relations" and either "Bohemian Grove" or "Davos" somewhere in the rant. And by the way, Michael Stadther went bankrupt several years ago, so it's unlikely that people would have bought their bank security software from him. Where did you hear he sold this software?
Our World is getting ready to change and no matter the depth of the hole you dig, you won't be able to hide from it.
...people should've listened to me when they had the chance to do something about I don't know.
Wake up call: Our world has been changing since the second it was created, and no one or no thing has been able to hide from it since it started. And by the way, maybe people will listen to you
IF YOU BACK UP WHAT YOU SAY WITH SOME FREAKING EVIDENCE. Like I said earlier--make something up if you have to. At least people will give you credit for trying. Every con man has to have some facade to give some foundation to the game. You're just going all Goebbels on us and repeating the same lie over and over again. But at least he had some Brown Shirts to back him up. All you have is a keyboard.