This is like the mis-information put out about Roswell, NM. The aliens that were found, were also found in four other sites at least that same time period. The military was testing ejection methods and possible risks posed to pilots when flying high altitude recognizance flights. They used Red Faced Pandas for the guinea pigs as their hearts most resemble a humans; size, shape and functions. The pandas were outfitted with an oxygen mask that melted to the face and the hair on the bodies was burned off in the atmosphere on the way down. When they recovered the body, the body was like a bag of melted Jell-o. According to my source, there were close to fifty such tests between 1946 and 1950. As for my source, an individual who retired from the Air Force in 1988. He assisted with several of the early tests studying what happened when the test subject was released. He was in the Navy during WWII in the South Pacific., then after the war he joined the Air Force. His brother was a pilot during several of the tests my father assisted with. When I was growing up, they always got a kick out of the big deal that was made. The military could not tell the truth, because they did not want the Russians and other countries (many our allies) to know what they were up too, since the U.S. spied on them too. These were early tests related to the U2 and its ejection technology.
My point is, the military knows where/were a number of sites are. I think they found out about these sites and recovered or are holding the sites for future use/need. There is public land that the Air Force and Navy have closed to public use. These sites are where supposedly treasure was located. The Air Force and Navy have been appointed to protect and recover critical or beneficial items located on public property. There are sites located in the North West end of the Uintas, that are fenced and have U.S. Government Property signs on the fens around all four sides of the sites. These sites are patrolled by the Air Force and there have been Navy personel guarding these sites. the site are about 1000 yds on each side. My parents had a cabin on the Weber river about ten miles from Smith and Morehouse Reservoir. They are on the North side of the Weber river from two or more miles from the river. All that is there are hills, rocks and lots of quakies, nothing else, except a few carvings in the trees and a few signs on the rocks. Man my dad got real pissed when he found out we were visiting the sites and checking them out.
I know I rambled, you can take away my keyboard and mouse now.