sfloto said:
All of your question boil down to ……why would people lie
I have done some small amount of research about VP but I cannot claim to be an expert
How did you hear Fiege and Berlette passed a polygraph (I don’t want an answer) was it first hand, Documented or as I suspect a carefully conceived urban legend.
I don’t know any of the people in this story, But I feel I know human nature
1 Given the chance people will enhance a story if it means Money, fame or their 5 minutes in the spotlight
2 People rarely check facts, they hear something that sounds true and the next moment it is
Ask yourself this question … If you found a treasure of this magnitude and it was in an area that you could not control access How many people would you involve?
Correct me if I am wrong but Doc and Ova were divorced a few years after the find?
I am going to wrap up (need to actually work) and ask a question that nobody answered
Why in the middle of the depression, when gasoline is difficult to come by, would a man drive 140 mile RT to go deer hunting. From what I can determine 3 to 4 hours each way
No, it does not boil down to "Why would people lie?" What it boils down to is ..... "Why would people lie until their dying day and fight tooth and nail for something, when they could have moved on and made more money elsewhere?"
Doc kept trying to get back into the cave system until he was killed in 1949. Ova kept trying to get back in until her death in 1980. Terry Delonas and his brother are still trying to get back in. Not the actions of people who know that the story is BS. Very simple. If you can't grasp that, then ..... I can't say it any clearer.
As far as the polygraph tests, read the book "Treasure of Victoria Peak" by Phil Khoury (one of Ova Noss' Attorneys). He exhaustively investigated the claims of Fiege and Berlette because they were rival claimants to the Noss Treasure Trove. If he could have proven the that the tests never happened, or that they had been found to be liars, it would have greatly helped the Noss' Case. He found that the tests had happened and both men were truthful. Before making statements like:
How did you hear Fiege and Berlette passed a polygraph (I don’t want an answer) was it first hand, Documented or as I suspect a carefully conceived urban legend.
..... you might want to read up on a subject. Tough titty if you don't want an answer. There it was.
You seem to think that you have all the answers, but all you are doing is ignoring what doesn't fit your little theory. Its' okay. I see it all the time. Just go over to the Lost Dutchman Area. HAHAHA
I don’t know any of the people in this story, But I feel I know human nature
1 Given the chance people will enhance a story if it means Money, fame or their 5 minutes in the spotlight
2 People rarely check facts, they hear something that sounds true and the next moment it is
2. In many cases that is true as well, but not me. After reading the story, I made it a point to talk to Tom Whittle, and I already knew Dr Lambert Dolphin. But I guess you know better than them. Please remind me of how much time you have spent with the Noss Family? Is it less than a second? I thought so. Interesting that you can make such sweeping assessments of peoples' characters without having spent a single minute in their presence. See, I have never personally met any of the Noss Family, but I know people who did know them quite well. People whose opinions I respect greatly and trust.
You still haven't answered the part about all the family and friends that assisted in bringing out gold bars and other objects from VP? I guess you have it right, and they were all lying? HAHAHA
What it all boils down to is that you should do a little more in depth research on the stories you intend to hunt down.