Now Steve,
Why do you keep doing this same crap over and over, year after year? HAHAHA Noss' Bars were "described" as looking like "Pig Iron". Yeah, described BY NOSS to Ova. He described them based on him seeing the "ricks" of bars by a small light in an ink black deep underground cave That means at the time he first saw them, they were likely also coated in a layer of black crud from rodent pee and crap, and general dusty filth that coats everything in a cave for hundreds of years.
Doc didn't have 70% copper bars, but lets use your math here. The bars were about 50 pounds each (described by Doc). If they were only 30% gold content, that is still about 12 pounds of gold to each bar. Remind me, lets seeeee, 12 ounces per pound; 50 pounds times twelve ounces times 30%= 180 ounces @ $2000 per ounce ($35 back then)= $360,000 per bar($6300 in 1937). But, Doc had two sources of bars. The bars from VP were Dore (mine pours all that I know about). He had a second cave that produced refined bars (there are pictures of a Sheriff and a Judge holding refined shiny bars that Doc had given them(and Doc didn't smelt anything). The mine pour bars are typically 60-70% gold, about 15% silver, about 10% copper, and the rest misc minerals (lead, bismuth, etc). The bars Doc had that looked like copper were copper. Letha said it herself that Doc had copper bars made up so that if he was suspicious of a potential buyer, he brought copper bars to the first meetings.
As for where they originated, Santa Rita is a possibility, but so is every "other" producing mine in the area. You like SRDC because it fits your idea of Noss being nothing but a scammer, and the bars being mostly copper. Actually, I still like what we came up with several years ago, that everything in VP and the Caballos came from Tayopa and its associated mines. Remember, Willie's Map showed seven treasure caves. Willie had one, and it looks like Doc had two of them. While there is a ton of BS floating around about this subject, there is also a lot of information we know now that we didn't before. Like; I know the name/profession/phone number of the person that has Noss' Receipt from the US Mint when he brought two bars in. That's in N.M. right now. The person named as having taken photographs of the ricks of bars in the lower caverns for the government is still alive in N.M. right now. If all I knew was "100 Tons of Gold", then I may be inclined to agree with you, but when you step back and take the 30,000 foot view, there's too much "habbenings" for it to be just "Doc was a scammer..." Too much government involvement. Too much STILL secret. Remember: Tony Carriaga admitted trying to take two bars from Doc, but got caught. Remember: Benny Samaniego received (IIRC) three bars for his efforts helping Doc. With those bars he bought five adjoining lots, built a house, and more. He also got a suit of armor from VP Cave that he wore in many parades, and there are several pics of him wearing it.
Tony Jolley's attestation completely refutes your SRDC Idea (sorry). Jolley attested to personally helping Doc rebury 110 of the three hundred gold bars the night before his murder. He was later able to recover ten of them. He ONLY EVER said they were "gold bars". NEVER ONCE mentioned ANYTHING about copper.
I don't know why you keep swinging at that knuckle ball you can never hit? LOL Yes, Doc was a drinker. Doc was a poorly educated half Indian in rural New Mexico during the Depression. Did you expect him to roll in driving a Stutz Bearcat, quoting Shakespeare and figuring dense Algebraic Equations off the top of his head? Is there a rule that only smart saintly people can find treasures? If so, I'm quitting today! LOL Can't believe I've wasted all those years!
Like I said; individual things Doc did and said can be taken in several directions. If you step back and look at the 30,000 foot view, things get different.