florida group trying to get permit to remove Doc Noss Gold

One story says the Army took the gold to Fort Knox. We may never know.

mrs.oroblanco said:
Personally - and this is just an opinion - nothing that has facts to back it up - but - I think whoever was involved, divided it up, hid it until they
all left the Army, and then went and retrieved it.

Split up into however many people were involved - it would make it much easier to get rid of. They could have even gone off-base and buried it, just like Noss did. And, of course, there is always the black market - I'm sure someone would have paid to get their hands on the loot.


Black Market ain't as easy as many people might think. Here is about four minutes of a 1.5 hour interview with Tony Jolley who helped Noss rebury 110 bars of gold the night before he was shot, and later went back and managed to recover 10 of them.


I am happy for Tony. I hope that he enjoy spending the money that he received from selling the gold bars.


The black market is VERY easy - always has been, always will be.

If you don't think so - you just don't know the right people. :headbang:

Of course, in my defense of knowing this - my daughter's godfather was a real godfather - he has passed away now - but, if you have ever lived in a place like NYC, you won't have a speck of a problem finding someone.

As a "for instance" - there are many, many painting still missing - million dollars paintings - some stolen right out of museums that have incredible security - the black market is alive and well in place like Chicago, NYC and other places.

I doubt that someone would bother with a rinkydink local outfit to get rid of something like what disappeard from Victorio Peak.

Just last month, they recovered some paintings that have been missing since the 90's.


There is a difference though - the black market has become much more refined than it used to be. I'm not talking about your local "fencing outfit", I'm talking about sophisticated black market industry - its alive and well.



Did you watch the Tony Jolley Interview? He specifically says that people who can buy 10 bars of gold aren't just standing on every street corner. He had to sit on them for a year before he and a friend figured a way to move them. Remember, at that time, private ownership of gold (over 5 ounces) was illegal.

I could instantly move any amount of gold I wanted, but I know for a fact that I am in a great minority. 99% of John Q Public could not do that.

So, you are saying that you have the resources to dispose of millions of dollars in gold bullion at a moment's notice? Someone that could just hand you 10-15 million dollars in cash in return for a pile of gold bars? In as many years as I have been at this, I only know one person associated with the field who could. The only reason I am in this position is because I sold highline cars for many years (Mercedes, Land Rover, Jaguar) and have met some customers that even now are very fluid. When they were looking through my photo album waiting to go into Finance, the subject of how to dispose of finds comes up. I have been made some great offers by people whom I have later become friends with.



Gee, who's post did you read? Certainly not mine.

I didn't say anything about ME being able to do anything of the sort.

I'm saying that you are being naiive if you think the black market has almost disappeared. Yes - I used to know folks who could do that sort of thing. I also have several close personal friends who are multi-millionaires. (and, by the way, a brother who is/was in the exact same line of high-end cars - who know folks too).

Nobody is talking about waiting on a street corner - you seem to be having your own conversation that I wasn't a part of. You really need to stop doing that, and read what I wrote.

If you know what you SAY you know - then you know the black market doesn't work like that. NOBODY ever trades goods for bucks. NEVER - if they do - it is because they have already made the "connection" and are delivering goods.

Do you really want to talk specifics? Because, I can do that, in this case.

There have been many, many - MANY - multi-million dollar transactions - and the perpetrators are well-known, respected individuals - even a well known church or two. People in the "common" world would shutter if they knew how many of those well-respected people have homes or special basements with riches of the world, from gold, silver and platinum bars, to paintings, to jewels to what have you.

Considering the fact that the ARMY had something to do with the missing loot - do you really expect anyone to buy the fact that THEY could not make gold bars and loot "disappear"? Come on, now. Get real. Where is Jimmy Hoffa?


Did you watch the Tony Jolley Interview? He specifically says that people who can buy 10 bars of gold aren't just standing on every street corner.

I could instantly move any amount of gold I wanted, but I know for a fact that I am in a great minority. 99% of John Q Public could not do that.

I tend to agree with Mrs Oro here.

Even using your own quotes and figures.

Approx population of USA = 300 million

1% of 300,000,000 = 3,000,000

3,000,000 / 50 States = 60,000 per State

How many street corners in each state ?

sfloto said:
Sfloto, I thought you might appreciate this photo, you have seen this ladder before but this photograph was taken in the 1940's by Doc Noss. This picture was in the family archives. You guys are in the right place!

Let me get this right ……. The cave in the Caballo mountains 70 miles from Victorio Peak is the right Spot to find Doc Noss’s gold

This comment by Alex Alanzo leaves me baffled, Here is why

Are the new books coming out agreeing with me that the treasure is located in the caballos?

I am Hoping he will clarify “right place”

Sfloto, thats what I got from victorio peaks post too. But the goal posts keep getting moved everytime someone questions any documents or quotes.
I actually believe you are in the right place, but its only based on my own theories to do with a different story that may be linked, at least there is some circumstantial evidence to support it.

How are things progressing at your site ?



You said:

The black market is VERY easy - always has been, always will be.

If you don't think so - you just don't know the right people.

Of course, in my defense of knowing this - my daughter's godfather was a real godfather - he has passed away now - but, if you have ever lived in a place like NYC, you won't have a speck of a problem finding someone.

OH SURE! You would trust the Mob or a Drug Cartel to take your black market gold and not just kill you and keep everything for themselves? Yeah sure! I am sure you know people with those basements full of black market loot. I know a lot of people with a lot of money, but I don't personally know anybody that has a secret multi million dollar art collection. I say it again, Jolley had to sit on those ten bars for a year before he and a friend found a way to move them quietly and safely.


I sincerely hope that was an attempt at humor? LOL

Now, did reading retention suddenly drop when I was away? This is part of some of that confidential information I was talking about on the other thread. The reason for Martian Monster's "ridiculous" statement is because of the name on the map Alex refers to in this post (it is on THIS page #102):

Gollum, again you are correct about why would the Noss's waste their time on Victorio Peak if the treasure were elsewhere. Well, all I can say is what I heard Letha say. Doc had found maps, and text related documents within the Peak. Once the blast that shut him out of the Peak happened he turned to Caballo Mountain. On one occasion Doc invited Letha who went with him to Caballo. She told me she was annoyed with him and said, "why are we here, isn't all the treasure at the Peak?" He said it was but he knew of 6 more locations based on a maps, of which he only found three. These were located in Caballo. This may explain the multiple location issues. I can tell you that there are many photographs from the 40's of Caballo. At one time it made me wonder if we were in the right spot. But, Letha confirmed first hand and handle many bars in 1938 and she said they came out of the Peak. She never did see any of the other gold sites but was convinced they were in Caballo. One of the sites was what Willie Doughit found. Willie and Doc were good friends, and drinking buddies, as Willie put it. I believe Willie's site is empty. But somewhere are 5 more sites.

Now Gollum you mentioned Swanner and I thought I would share this photo I took while we were exploring what we called "Soldier's Hole" in Victorio Peak. Note the carbine light inscription on the wall to the right. I have a straight on shot but I can't find it at the moment. One for your library.



I hope that answers yours and sfloto's question.


Peerless67 said:
..... I tend to agree with Mrs Oro here ...

Only up to a point. Yes, if you are rich, have been rich for quite a while, know other rich people, have connections among rich people, then you live on a level unknown to most people. You can do off-the-books deals with confidence and security. We all know that.

However, if you are an average Joe and suddenly come into possession of valuables and want to trade them for cash, you are quite vulnerable to many kinds of trouble. It's totally naive to believe your sugar daddy can be found on any street corner. If any of us found ourselves in this situation, we can only hope we would handle it the way Jolley described his actions - slow and careful. Otherwise, the unexperienced most likely would end up ripped off, in jail or dead.


I sincerely hope that was an attempt at humor? LOL

Mike, yes it was humour, but only to show your own quotes were inaccurate. Whereas my math was spot on. :laughing7:

Sprinfield, what you said carries some weight also, but even for people who do not have large amounts of money it is possible, we have family in California who own hard rock mines. Where that would not help in a case like Noss with his 100 tons, for smaller amounts it could be useful.
I think thats what Mrs Oro was putting across, its not what you know its who you know.


Peerless67 said:

I sincerely hope that was an attempt at humor? LOL

Mike, yes it was humour, but only to show your own quotes were inaccurate. Whereas my math was spot on. :laughing7:

Sprinfield, what you said carries some weight also, but even for people who do not have large amounts of money it is possible, we have family in California who own hard rock mines. Where that would not help in a case like Noss with his 100 tons, for smaller amounts it could be useful.
I think thats what Mrs Oro was putting across, its not what you know its who you know.



I recognized that! HAHAHA I can appreciate a very dryyyyyyyyyyyy sense of humor as I have loooooooooooooooooong been a huge fan of the Python. "He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy!"


You forgot to mention that there are a lot of snakes there too.

Snakes? Where? :laughing7: :laughing7:

Winter is such a great time to be in the deserts of our country.


Hi Beth

No big snakes for me. Sent pictures of them.

Hola amigo Connecticut Danny,

I fear that Mrs O is pulling your leg here buddy, all snakes go into hibernation in the southwest over the winters, so you won't see one if you should make a visit during the winter. Very unlikely to see a scorpion either - they don't care for the cold and it gets mighty cold at night over most of the southwest in winter.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

PS side note here but the largest rattler I have ever encountered in my life was in the east; it had taken up residence in a hand dug well on my brother's farm in PA. Its head was larger than my fist, and body correspondingly large. About the only place I know of that you are not likely to encounter the unpleasant sort of reptiles in summer is in Alaska, and there are a different sort of wildlife there to keep things interesting.

Me? Pulling leg? Why, Oro - how could you say such a thing???? Hmmmm.

Actually - I was kidding around - we go into mine tunnels in the winter all the time - the time to stop doing that is when the first mojave comes out and catches a kangaroo rat. When the rats start disappearing, so do I. :tongue3:

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

One year, in a mine tunnel, I saw this rat hole - looked into the rat hole with a flashlight, and was starting a snake in the face. It was April, and the snake was still slow - but, I sure wasn't. April, even in the desert, is cool in the mines, but, they warm up outside and then come on in!!


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