florida group trying to get permit to remove Doc Noss Gold

Let me make it clear … I am divulging every trade secret I have to irritate my brother and his group. Ask me anything. This does not have anything to do with Diamagnetism it is all based on electrolysis and the laws of parallel resistance. What makes batteries work and steel rust and why boat owners put zinc tabs on their boats? Take a clean piece of magnesium and clean piece of gold attach multimeter leads to each piece, stick in ground you will read a DC voltage. Depending on which way you hooked up the leads +/- 2.0 volts. Now take a second (and at least 4 times larger) piece of gold and bury this target 10 feet away (not exact) tie a nonconductive string between the magnesium and target gold 10 feet away. With the multimeter still hooked between the Magnesium and the small piece of gold. Use the gold and probe an arc 18 inches keeping the same distance from the Magnesium. Notice the difference in voltage between being online and offline to the target. Please do not skip the step of tying the string between the Magnesium at to the target gold (stick something nonconductive behind the target and tie the string to it) we failed many tests because we assumed the line was in one place and our eye was wrong.
Your first question should be WHY would this work? Magnesium is a highly negative and gold is extremely positive. But what most people don’t realize is that there is a potential difference between two pieces of gold of different sizes. (You can test this with the multimeter) the voltage will be slight but this increases with the size difference.
Magnesium will be flowing to the target gold we will call that +100 units, with the small gold offline (not inline with target) the Magnesium will be flowing to small gold lets say +10 units and the small gold will be flowing to the target gold lets say -2 units for net of +8 units on Multimeter . Now with the small gold online Mg to LargeAu +100 Mg to smallAu +10 SmallAu to LargeAu -2 Net on Multimeter 180 units. Now before you expect to see 10 fold changes on a five dollar multimeter. The reason I used “units” was Voltage DC will not show these vast changes. You will see some but the amperage (watts) is where the payoff comes but that test requires more complicated equipment.

Now skeptical readers should be saying “big deal 10 feet” this is where the law of parallel resistance comes in to play. Parallel Resistance states that two items in the ground will be better connected the farther apart they are. I encourage you to Google this and do you own research. But until we figured this out we would keep moving closer to a target until it would disappear.

Now astute readers should be noticing a parallel between this and dowsing. Gold targets in the rods, some people able to dowse while others cant and being able to dowse far away but losing it up close. Why some people? The next most negative element to magnesium is calcium (interesting huh)

I have to get my stuff ready for my trip. But I will be honest if no one cares I probably won’t continue. When I had my site up there was a flurry of interest but now seams to be a lot of readers but few who really care.

Last point
1. What is the difference between a car battery and a deep cycle battery
2. When they say cold cranking amps when one is 400 and another is 550, how is the battery different.
The answer to those questions is how to tell if a target is big or small.

Good morning B & B: Sorry that swr's degree in electrical / electronic enginering is a bit outdated and isn't adequate enough to understand your data, but there were many prominent Scientists, that even years after flight was accomplished and publically demonstrated, insisted that it was impossible and a pseudoscience.------but he means well. sigh.

However he does conveniently ignore the many Peer reviewed sources of similar basic data given by you.

side issue LUV, being a Geologist, you are interested in mining, What do you know of the MMI success rate?

Incidentally, I invite you to our fight forum on mining --> www.agorocom.com/ir/Noront/forums.

Sflot, I second Judy's request, post away

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well I am back from the bountiful Caribbean. Well rested and happy. Is it me or has somebody been selectively deleting postings? One question in my email, that I realized I had not covered.
QUESTION: “If the cave ceiling had collapsed there would be more debris”
ANSWER: Somebody spent a great deal of time and labor to clear the collapse. The picture shows the massive tailing below the collapse. I would estimate the tailings to be 40 ft across and 100 ft down the mountain and 20 to 30 ft thick. We found remnants of a manual (mule or horse) drag line. When I was searching for a picture of the Tailing I found this picture. The black Box in his hand is a sensor that sends out an alert if somebody walks or drives I front. He has 4 (paranoid)

Nobody going to guess on my battery question?

Cold cranking amps = Surface area of the battery plates
Deep Cycle = Amt of mass in battery

LLR equipment High Value and fast die off = natural gold (high surface area)
Lower value with stable value = Large mass vs. surface area


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OK. So do you feel your brother and his group's efforts are still valid? If so, why would you not partner up with them to be a part of it all? If they excavate, don't you want to reap the benefits?

We have one of the original bars that came out of this site in the 1970's. We have been authorized to hold drawing, raffle, sell tickets for the bar. It is a 32lb dore' bar. We want to have the drawing of the winning ticket by the end of May, 2009. We have sold 17 tickets so far and when we have reached the 100,000th ticket we will award the bar to the lucky winner. The tickets can be purchased at tesoro-del-alma-store.com

For those that do not know my site is on the west side of the Caballos. Known as Tesoro Del Alma. Everyone from the looks of it is trying to to the West side where my claim is. Goto http://www.tesoro-del-alma.com then go to the tesoro-del-alma-store.com and purchase a ticket to a bar that actually came out in the 1970's it is a 32lb bar that is 60% gold. Has a value close to $200,000.


We have just posted a new video on youtube.com/tesorodelalma


JudyH, Thanks for the explanation of a para and dia. This does make sence to me and explains some things that have been puzzling me for some time.

Doc Noss FOUND, took & sold, gold bars from "2" Separate & Different Caches !
In 2 different cavern/mine locations, miles apart !
This information comes from a Noss family member (My Partner)
I have personally seen, this Information/PROOF! :thumbsup:

As LARGE as these 2 caches are.... :o
Doc was actually looking for a MUCH LARGER cache when he found these "2" !

I believe that I may have accidently found the general location of this, when I was last in the
Caballo Mtns

There sure are enough treasure signs in this area, to indicate that something BIG!
Is nearby :thumbsup:

Well there is the steel door on Victorio Peak, I wonder if I could talk Geraldo into looking into it, unless he is still feeling the sting of Capone's vault...

So here is my question. sfloto? Is Nick your brother? I know that purchase has claimed that he has a site in this area and pulled bars from it. I have read all the posts on his site and was really interested. I'm just curious.

I really enjoy the southern part of NM. You are working an interesting area of our country. I have been all over the Caballo Mountains and enjoy discovering Spanish treasure markers and all of the interesting things out in the field. I and others that explore that area are armed to the teeth to protect us from nuts in that area. Most folks are on public lands and we will not let this area become like AZ by those protecting a questionable lost treasure. When someone has legal rights to an area and posts them then people might respect that claim. Just because you are trying to get a claim means squat diddally du.

I looked at the map and it appears you are south of Hatch, NM. Are you in the Caballo Mountains or the Seria De Las Uvas area? I hope you find what you are looking for and I respect your quest. I only hope you folks respect others rights to enjoy our lands too.

Thanks, Jim


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JamesFariello said:

I really enjoy the southern part of NM. You are working an interesting area of our country. I have been all over the Caballo Mountains and enjoy discovering Spanish treasure markers and all of the interesting things out in the field. I and others that explore that area are armed to the teeth to protect us from nuts in that area. Most folks are on public lands and we will not let this area become like AZ by those protecting a questionable lost treasure. When someone has legal rights to an area and posts them then people might respect that claim. Just because you are trying to get a claim means squat diddally du.

I looked at the map and it appears you are south of Hatch, NM. Are you in the Caballo Mountains or the Seria De Las Uvas area? I hope you find what you are looking for and I respect your quest. I only hope you folks respect others rights to enjoy our lands too.

Thanks, Jim

You brought up an interesting question that I have been pondering for a while. Just how safe is it for a person to go wandering/driving around in the N.M. deserts/mountians. I had been considering taking the family down to AZ. and NM. and I didn't know what safety/security considerations I needed to be conscious of if I were to get "Off the beaten path" so to speak. Do I need to keep the family out of the "Remote" areas....I'm not worried about "Surviving in the Desert" issues. I'm worried about surviving the "Two Legged" issues I may encounter.

Anyone have any advice, experience, stories...... DO SHARE!! :icon_thumleft:

monkeymann said:
You brought up an interesting question that I have been pondering for a while. Just how safe is it for a person to go wandering/driving around in the N.M. deserts/mountians. I had been considering taking the family down to AZ. and NM. and I didn't know what safety/security considerations I needed to be conscious of if I were to get "Off the beaten path" so to speak. Do I need to keep the family out of the "Remote" areas....I'm not worried about "Surviving in the Desert" issues. I'm worried about surviving the "Two Legged" issues I may encounter.

Anyone have any advice, experience, stories...... DO SHARE!! :icon_thumleft:

You should be perfectly fine in most places - New Mexicans for the most part are the kind of people you'll want to know. The locations that you will not be welcome in are generally marked by signs or blocked by locked gates. I would avoid all remote areas south of Interstate 10 - way too much border weirdness potential there. I would also avoid the Caballo Mountains - a kook magnet. I aways carry a handgun when I'm in the hills. Never had to use it, but it's a security thing - good noise maker in case of animal difficulty, and a last-chance defense against any other threat. You know - it's the times we live in.

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