I get boxes with that 6024 too. What does that mean anyway? And how do you get away with 8 boxes a week? I was dumb last year and dumped $24k in a month at same credit union and they cut me off
I'll be honest, I have no idea what the codes mean. It may mean that they were all packed by the same machine or they were all packed at the same time. I really don't know. I mainly put that in there because one of the people I talk to on here has asked me if I have seen that code before on my boxes.
The way that I get away with picking up and dumping the volume that I do is by going to many different banks. I order two boxes from each branch. I have two separate chains that I pick up from and three chains of banks that I dump into. I'm always very considerate and up front with my banks both pickup and dump. I tell them that I collect coins. At almost every visit I ask if this is an inconvenience, if there is anything I can do to make it easier on them and always go overboard with telling them how much I appreciate them doing this for me. I am really polite to all bank tellers. In addition to my searching funds and my normal finance funds (bills, spending money, etc), I also strategically make sure that I have a certain amount of money in each of my dump and pickup bank accounts. The chain that I order the most from is actually my "real" bank, so that account has the most money in it. I'm not rich by a long shot, but I think there is enough in there that they would think twice before cutting me off for the minor inconvenience of ordering boxes for me.
Having multiple pickup and dump chains also guarantees that if any one bank chain cuts me off it is a minor inconvenience not detrimental to my CRH'ing. For dumping, I rotate branches as much as possible. I am lucky in that there is a local chain of banks near me that has a coin counter that never fills up and the tellers don't mind at all how much I dump, so I'm only limited at each branch by how much I can physically carry into the bank. When I first started I was dumping into the same armored car service that I pick up from. Since then, I've switched it up so that I am dumping the bulk of my weekly searches into a different armored car service.
In summary, I have put a lot of thought into my picking up and dumping. Even with all of this planning, it is still possible that I could get cut off by all my banks at any time. I'm plan to continue hunting for as long as I can, though. The one thing to remember is that there are a ton of banks out there. In my area, there must be at least 100 different chains of banks.