Fishing for Silver- Fish On!s CRH Log

I apologize in advance, this is going to be a long post.

I stopped to pickup my other two boxes of halves this afternoon (the two boxes they forgot to order for wednesday that they assured me would be in today) and they didn't order them. This is the second time this has happened with this bank and they never call me. I'm usually pretty easy going, but I have made 5 drives to this bank in the last three weeks and gotten one pickup out of it. Today I flat out asked the vault teller: "Is it a problem that I order these boxes every week? You can tell me if you don't want to order them. I have plenty of other banks that have no problem ordering". He said: "It is no problem at all. It is just a communication problem amongst our staff and I apologize. They are already on order for next week". Honestly, if this happens again with this place I'll just start ordering at one of their other branches.

Enough with the rant: They offered me 5 rolls of halves that they had in the vault and I took those. They were MWR and they were all skunks.
Since I had gotten out of work a bit early I decided to ask for halves at a few other banks around there. In total, I stopped at 6 banks.

Bank 1: No Halves
Bank 2: $1.50 in halves (skunk)
Bank 3: $8.50 in halves (3x'64) TELLER TRAY SCORE!!!!:headbang:
Bank 4: $13.50 in halves: $3.50 loose in teller tray (1x40%) & $10 CWR from the back (10x40%'ers) SWEET!!!:icon_thumright:
Bank 5: No halves but sold me $120 in MWR dimes
Bank 6: 3 rolls of halves (3 U.S. Mint NIFC Rolls)

Now the rest of the story:
All of these banks were within a quarter mile of the first major teller tray score I had back in February that started me hunting seriously. The two silver scores today were from banks that were literally right next to eachother.

The bank that had the three '64's asked me if I was from (insert town name here). They said another branch had called asking for halves and were sending a customer up to get them. I told her I wasn't "the guy" and she said: "well, that was a few hours ago and first come first serve". So if you were going to pick up loose halves at a WF today and they were gone, sorry, but I'm not sorry.:tongue3: I feel really lucky with that timing. I actually almost didn't even stop in this bank.

These banks are not in a really elderly area or anything. I can't figure out why there is so much silver concentrated in this area, but I intend on making weekly stops at all these banks.

I was hoping for a solid roll from that other bank, but I got my first half-solid roll, so I'm psyched about that.

Now to my question: These NIFC mint rolls do not look like they are in great shape. They are still sealed, but the coins on the end look like they have a gold tone to them. Are these worth anything over face value? I stopped at the coin shop I usually go to, but he was closed. I was honestly going to give them to him for face + a few coin tubes. Should I save these rolls or break them open and dump them

I'll update the outcome of the dimes once I open them. Update: Dimes were a skunk.

Here are the pics:
ends.webprolls side.webpsilva.webp

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I'd try Craigslist I think from the mint they are like 20 something apiece. So I'd say 40 for the lot or 15 apiece. Probably get a hit.

I'd try Craigslist I think from the mint they are like 20 something apiece. So I'd say 40 for the lot or 15 apiece. Probably get a hit.

Awesome. Thanks for the info. I knew they had to be worth something.

Catch up on the last few hunts:
5/17: two boxes of halves. Both skunks
5/20: $100 MWR dimes (banks couldn't spare a box) Skunk
Yesterday: bank forgot to order my halves
Today: 2 boxes of Halves. Both skunks

Not so good lately. I should have four boxes of halves to pick up tomorrow, I hope to get a silver or two. In the meantime, here are a couple pictures of some of the catch from last weekend:

<img src=""/><img src=""/>

What kinds of fish are those? I leave July 7th for 6 weeks on the ocean for stripped bass I'll get ya some REAL pictures (we see 60 foot whales jump out of water 20 yards away!)
Glad to hear CRH is going well for you aswell!

What kinds of fish are those? I leave July 7th for 6 weeks on the ocean for stripped bass I'll get ya some REAL pictures (we see 60 foot whales jump out of water 20 yards away!)
Glad to hear CRH is going well for you aswell!

The one is a bluefin tuna and mahi mahi. The other is 5 summer flounder. Good luck with the stripers. We catch those around here too:

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We catch striper around here, but not the ocean variety. It's a good time, but I'd rather bass fish from my boat. Nice pics. Thanks for sharing.

We catch striper around here, but not the ocean variety. It's a good time, but I'd rather bass fish from my boat. Nice pics. Thanks for sharing.

Awesome. I never caught a striped bass in a lake. I know they stock lakes around here, but the fish are really finicky.

I added a new state to my CRH finds:

I grabbed a box of dimes on my way to dinner in a state to the south of me. It had a '58 roosie and a '64 roosie. That's better than most of the dime boxes I've been getting close to home.

Stopped at a bank and asked for halves today. They had $13.50 loose. There was a really dirty '64 in the stack.

I stopped at another bank and bought a boxe of dimes. 1x64. There were also 5 clad proofs in nice shape in this box. I'll upload pictures tonight.

Nice. Proofs are always welcome in my boxes. I've only found one proof so far. It was in my nickel box

Bad pics but here are the proofs (2x 97, 2x'06, 1x'03) They are all in really good shape.

2 Clip Fade

I dropped the ball today. I totally had the opportunity to put myself into the CRH hall of fame and I blew it. I got the ultimate reverse ender today and didn't realize it wasn't a Kennedy. I opened the roll before I got a picture. Why didn't anyone tell me that the back of a kennedy and the back of a barber look so similar. Oh well, I still had a great day. I found my oldest find ever with a 1900-O Barber reverse ender. Full story and pics tonight. :BangHead::hello2:

I can't wait for the story, I've been searching halves for 4 years now and have not gotten a barber yet let alone an ender older than 1964!
good luck..hope it's a dream box!
I dropped the ball today. I totally had the opportunity to put myself into the CRH hall of fame and I blew it. I got the ultimate reverse ender today and didn't realize it wasn't a Kennedy. I opened the roll before I got a picture. Why didn't anyone tell me that the back of a kennedy and the back of a barber look so similar. Oh well, I still had a great day. I found my oldest find ever with a 1900-O Barber reverse ender. Full story and pics tonight. :BangHead::hello2:

Not a dream box. I neglected to mention yesterday that the bank across the street from the one I got the '64 from said they had ~$200 in CWR halves but the teller that had them was off. I stopped by that branch early today and bought what turned out to be $170 in CWR. I was hoping for granny's coin stash, but it was not to be. I did grab a '64 and two '68's from the rolls though, so my day started off on a good foot.

Next up, I picked up my two boxes of halves from the bank that I went on the rant about last week. The first box had the barber reverse ender and no other silver. The second box had a '68 and a NIFC clad proof. I definitely didn't have a major haul today, but it was easily the most fun I have had CRH'ing to date. When I flipped over the roll that had the barber ender I thought to myself: "wow, that coin is really worn. Is that a kennedy?" Then I compared it to a roll next to it and though: "yeah, that's probably what a really worn kennedy looks like." When I opened it I was shocked. I was upset that I didn't get a pick of the ender, but ecstatic that I found a barber.

For the last few weeks, I've been patiently hoping for my first walker and instead I found my first barber, so today was definitely a great day. Four more boxes to go this week. I keep the good finds keep coming.

Wednesday score.webpbarber.webp

Nice. Hair cut. I'm hoping to dig one of those out of the grounds this year.

Today started out on a good note. I stopped at a TD to dump $600 in dimes when they first opened. When I took my receipt up to the teller she had two halves sitting in her tray. From my angle they both looked clad, but I always buy them all anyway, so I asked her to include those in my pay out from the coin counting. One turned out to be a 40%'er.

Later, I picked up two more half boxes from my Thursday bank. Here are the results:

Box 1: 1x'64; 1x40% (in the last roll, love it when that happens)
Box 2: 1x '64; 7x40% (there was a reverse ender 40%'er that I didn't notice before opening)

In total I found 11 silvers on the day which is great. Today also marks a milestone for me: I finally finished putting together a full roll of '64 Kennedy's. I found exactly one '64 in the first month or so I was hunting, so things have certainly picked up since then. Two more boxes of halves this week and whatever else I run into randomly. I hope the good luck continues. Happy hunting everyone.


I have never found silver crhing...but, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop getting rolls! One day ill get some goods


I have never found silver crhing...but, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop getting rolls! One day ill get some goods


Don't give up. Honestly, no one particular thing works for me consistently. I manage to find some silver every week. When half boxes aren't working, I'll go on a road trip and hit teller trays. If that doesn't work, I'll buy dime boxes. If that doesn't do it, I'll buy quarters, or try a new armored car service. Honestly, I think the key to this whole hobby is consistently searching as much volume as you possibly can and not getting stuck in one particular routine of searching. I haven't yet found a dream box, a solid roll, or many of the milestones that a lot of other members have, but I consistently search as much coin as I can and constantly mix up my approach.

At the same time, you should learn what routinely does NOT work in your area. For instance, I have learned that in my area Brinks Stinks, so I don't go out of my way looking for their coin. If I happen upon a box of brinks halves, I buy it. But at the same time, I don't go to banks trying to buy brink's boxes.

Keep at it and the silver will come.

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