Fishing for Silver- Fish On!s CRH Log

You are having an amazing week. It looks like we got into this business about the same time. I like your approach of mixing things up. I am going on vacation next week and plan on doing a lot of teller tray hunts. I hope I have your luck.

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Yeah, this has been a really good week for me. I'm upping my volume starting next week. I normally do 6 boxes a week (this week I did 8 thanks to a fortuitous set of circumstances). Starting next week I'll be doing 8 or 10 boxes a week. I have a lot of vacation time in the next month or so which means I can test out the capacity of my dumping strategy. I do always mix things up. I'm actually contemplating focusing mostly on halves since they have been producing the most lately.

Looking at some of those finds in your signature, I think you should hope for your own luck instead of mine. Good luck next week.

Catch up post

Friday I went flounder fishing instead of picking up my two boxes of halves. Fishing was terrible, so I used Friday afternoon to cruise through some banks that were in the coastal communities.
The first bank that I stopped at said they had accidentally ordered two boxes of halves, so I bought them all. It was actually $920 in MWR:
Box 1 ($420 MWR): Skunk
Box 2 (Full Box): 1x'64

I then stopped at a bunch of other banks and it became apparent that people were searching all over these towns. Some tellers said they had just given their halves away, others were downright nasty when I asked for halves since it was apparent that a ton of people had been asking her.
I stopped by a TD and grabbed a box of dimes and that produced 1 silver roosie.

Saturday planned on dumping the unplanned boxes of halves i had picked up the day before, picking up the two boxes I had ordered which came in the day before, and then dumping those as well. I dumped the first two boxes at one of my newer dump banks (conveyor belt counter that is at a brinks supplied bank). This dump was great because I didn't know the capacity of the counter and it gobbled up all the halves without needing a bag change. The only problem with this place is that it's a credit union and they mark your coin counting transactions on your account which means if I'm not careful, I may eventually get cut off there.

Anyway, back to the hunting: On the way to pick up my boxes, I ended up getting side-tracked at a few banks on the way (as I always do). One bank had $270 CWR. I searched these and they were most likely a dump, though not re-rolled MWR. I stopped at a couple more banks that resulted in clad halves and a few tellers that were obvious snipers (looking closely at halves before handing them over).

Next I picked up my two boxes of halves and here are the results:

Box 1: Skunk
Box 2: 1x40%

The silver in box 2 came in the first roll and I thought I was in for a good box, but that was all that was in it. Oh well, any silver is good silver. I wasn't satisfied with the day's silver and I had a couple hours before the banks closed, so I decided to see what I could find at a bunch of banks that were in my usual area, but just a little too awkward to get too during my lunch hours during the week. The first bank is one I drive by literally 4 times a week and I always tell myself I should stop at, but I just never have time when I am there. There were two tellers working and between them they had 3 halves. Two of the halves were 40%'ers. Sweet! The best part is that these tellers are obviously clueless about silver or at least 40%'ers. Next I asked for halves at a branch of my pickup bank that I don't order from. They had no halves but offered to order me boxes, so I took them up on it.

I then asked a branch of my pickup bank that is far from home. They had no halves, but offered to order for me as well. I declined since it would have been way out of the way to pick up, but I will definitely order from them when I take a week's vacation later this month. They did however give me $420 mixed MWR and CWR dime rolls. I found 2 silver roosies in the CWR and nothing in the MWR.

Finally, I got so sidetracked with hunting that I missed the hours of my dump bank, so today I'm heading out to dump yesterday's halves and maybe find a pickup or two.

Sorry, no pics. It's been a busy weekend. Happy Hunting everyone!

Today I picked up two dime boxes:

Box 1: 1 roosie
Box 2: 3 roosies

I only need 7 more to finish my first roll. While I was dumping the dimes, I heard clanking in the machine and new there were large dollars in there. I got the miserable teller to open it up and I was rewarded with 7 Ikes. Nothing like getting a $7 bonus while dumping.

Not much going on so far this week. Monday I asked for halves at a few random banks. That resulted in a small amount of clad and a rerolled dump box that actually had $500.50 in it. I also bought a box of dimes that was a skunk.

Today I asked for halves at a couple random banks and got a little more clad.

I upped my half orders this week and should have ten boxes coming in over the course of the next three days. I hope they produce.

Not much going on so far this week. Monday I asked for halves at a few random banks. That resulted in a small amount of clad and a rerolled dump box that actually had $500.50 in it. I also bought a box of dimes that was a skunk.

Today I asked for halves at a couple random banks and got a little more clad.

I upped my half orders this week and should have ten boxes coming in over the course of the next three days. I hope they produce.

Good luck! Unfortunately both of my garda half dollar boxes were skunks tonight...

Due to the continuing forgetfulness of my Wed pickup bank, I only had two half boxes to pick up today (both garda, one with the 6024 stamp and one with no stamp):

Box 1: 1x'68
Box 2: 1x'66 and 2 Buffalo Boy coins

Box 1 may have been the oddest box I have ever hunted. There were at least 15 clad proofs that someone apparently chrome plated. I have no idea why someone would do that. I don't think they were plated recently either since they were all brown and purple. I'm not even that into coin collecting, but it was such a shame to see all those ruined proofs.

I didn't set the world on fire, but I'm happy each box had silver in it. I hope the silver keeps flowing this week. 8 more half boxes to pick up between tomorrow and friday.

Good volume... I hope you have a bunch of enders, benders, wenders, and barbenders.

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Good volume... I hope you have a bunch of enders, benders, wenders, and barbenders.

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Thanks, me too, but it isn't looking like that is how this week is going to go.

I ended up with 4 boxes of halves to search today:

Box 1: skunk
Box 2: skunk
Box 3: 1-1967
Box 4: 1-1964 (in the last roll of the day)

Not a total skunkfest so I'm happy. It was starting to look bleak for a while there, but the '64 in the last roll of the last box definitely improved my outlook. I should have 4 boxes of halves coming tomorrow and I have the day off, so I'm also going to do a road trip to a new area.

Today was a long day of CRH'ing that started off pretty good, but the finds didn't keep up throughout the day. I left my house this morning at 8 am to pick up the four boxes that were supposed to be ordered for today and then went on a road trip. I just got home about ten minutes ago from the longest road trip ever.

I stopped at the new pickup bank first that was supposed to have ordered two boxes for me, but apparently there was a miscue and they never got ordered for me. The vault teller said he was never told about it and apologized and said he will order them for next week, so that's ok.

I then went to my regular Friday pickup bank and luckily they had two boxes for me. I actually didn't see the vault teller here last friday, so I wasn't 100% certain that she was going to order them, but she did. Here is the run-down from those two boxes:

Box 1: 6-40%
Box 2: skunk

I'm pretty good with that. That puts the totals for my ordered boxes for my upped volume week (was supposed to be 10 but ended up being 8) at 1x90% and 9x40%. Not stellar, but I'm happy with it.

Next I went to pick up my buddy to take for the ride on the road trip since he had nothing to do today and he lives in the direction I was headed anyway. I stopped at the bank that is literally right at his corner on the way and the tellers had 3 halves between their trays and one ended up being a 40%. I thought this was going to be the start of a great day, but here is where it got slow. We stopped at a bank that wasn't too far from his house and the teller actually had $290 in CWR halves and a full box from dunbar. I bought both. Both were skunks. Over the course of the next 5 hours, I stopped at about 40 banks. I ended up with another full box of halves(garda), a box of dimes (garda), $320 in CWR from one bank, another mixed $60-$70 loose halves from teller trays, and two rolls of Ikes (first time i have seen Ikes in rolls). One bank that I didn't have an account with actually gave me a nice heavy duty bag too that will be a nice dump bag. Out of all of the above mentioned coins, I ended up with 1-40% out of the garda box and that was it.

In total, I ended up with 8-40%. I'm happy with any silver, so I'm not complaining. I was honestly hoping for a little more though given the amount of coin I searched, the number of banks I hit, and the potential I thought was in the area I went to. I did however finish my 5th full roll of 40%'ers since I started this hobby and put 5 coins into my sixth roll, so it's nice to see the silver starting to pile up in my stash.

Here is a pic of the finds from today.

I'll be back at in the morning. I'll probably try to grab as many dime boxes as I can since I am 7 roosies short of my first full roll of roosies.

Today, I dumped all the coins I picked up yesterday (~$2k). I stopped at a few banks asking for halves and ended up with around ~$50 in clad halves. I also picked up 3 boxes + $230 in MWR from four banks. Here are the results:

Box 1: solid 2013p
$230 MWR: 1 roosie in the second roll. Thought I was going to have a good score, but that was the last silver in this batch
Box 2: 1 roosie
Box 3: 5 roosies. Good box.

This gave me 7 silver roosies for the day which is exactly what I needed to complete my first full roll of silver roosies. This was one of my goals for the year, so I'm happy I finished it. Now I need to work on finishing the roll of quarters......

Dime Roll.webp

Nice accomplishment...all the 2013's took the fun out of dimes for me...keep it up!

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Nice accomplishment...all the 2013's took the fun out of dimes for me...keep it up!

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Thanks. There was about a week or two period where almost every box was 2013p's, but today was the first one I've seen in a few weeks.

Awesome! Congratulations on your dime roll, time to finish off that quarter roll. Good luck :)
I'm almost finishing my silver dime tube too I think i need 3 or 4 more.

Awesome! Congratulations on your dime roll, time to finish off that quarter roll. Good luck :)
I'm almost finishing my silver dime tube too I think i need 3 or 4 more.

You'll finish your roll soon. I intend to finish my quarter roll, but I have a feeling it is going to take a while.

I stopped at a few banks in a state to the south of me today. I got 3 boxes of quarters and a box worth of MWR quarters from one bank that had loose rolls.

$500 Loose rolls: Skunk. Apparently the tellers at this branch were putting aside an uncirculated roll of each state quarter that came out. They sold it to the wrong hunter because I opened them all and put them in the dump bucket.
Box 1: 1x'64
Box 2: skunk
Box 3: skunk

I was happy to finally see a silver quarter again since my last six or eight boxes were skunks. I still would like to rediscover my earlier luck with these things. This brings my total to 9 silver quarters. I need 31 more to finish a roll and I think it is going to be slow going.


Quick day today. I dumped $1k in quarters. I finally figured out where the magnets are on the various types of machines I use. I'm including a pic of a cool foreign I found. It's a square 50 cent piece from Aruba. I then stopped at two of the three banks that are right near each other that seem to consistently give up teller tray scores. One of them had 3 halves in the tray (one was a '68d) and I also got the teller to order me two boxes for next week. I'm on vacation next week and my goal is to try to have 20 boxes of halves to search. This shouldn't be too hard to line up. I can already count on 10 being ordered and I have at least 5 other banks that I have ordered boxes from in the past that shouldn't have a problem with ordering again.


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