Fishing for Silver- Fish On!s CRH Log

Have any issues in your county parks?, Here in Lebanon county, and in Lancaster there's no issues. I ask because I've heard Erie county can be a challenge.

I didn't want to let my two day silver streak go so I grabbed a box of dimes, but alas it was a skunk.
time to restart, good luck today!
and congrats on getting the ability to do coinlock bags, that's somethig i have been trying to get my banks to do forever, nobody will work with me with the coinbag instant cash thing...

Back on Track

Picked up two boxes of halves today:

Box 1: 4x40%'ers
Box 2: 5x90%'ers!:headbang: (All '64's) and 1 x 40%

Box 2 had one ender which was a '64. The ender roll actually had an additional '64 in it. Very pleased with today's results. I'll upload pictures tonight. I couldn't believe all the 90%'ers popping out of that box. Two more boxes tomorrow.
Happy Hunting everyone!

64end.webpdays work.webpedge.webp

Note: Two of those 40%'ers were a bit sneaky, but I caught them edge checking, not on the sound check.

2 boxes today

Box 1: skunk
Box 2: 1x40%

Meh.... at least it wasn't a total skunk day.

Road Trip

Well, I think my luck with quarters finally ran out. I went on a road trip today to a new area. First stop, the bank could only spare $80 in dimes and $400 in quarters. The quarters were a skunk and the dimes produced one merc.
Next stop, the bank couldn't spare dimes or quarters, but they had $17.50 in halves in the teller tray. That produced two 40%'ers. I stopped at a few other banks and got a stockpile of 2 dime boxes and 2 quarter boxes
Quarter Box 1: skunk
Quarter Box 2: skunk
Dime Box 1: Solid 2013
Dime Box 2: 2xmercs and 7xroosies

I haven't done a road trip in a while and while my quarters were all skunks, I think I had a pretty good day. That box of dimes was definitely my best dime box ever.

Total of 2x40%'ers and 10 silver dimes.

road trip.webp

Great haul. Would love to get those finds in my area. Keep it up!

Thanks a lot. I've actually been having minimal luck with dimes recently. Yesterday was a lot better than usual. I haven't found any silver halves in teller trays in a while either. I just had some spare time, so I drove to a county that I've been meaning to check out. Overall, I think that county gets hit by searchers pretty heavily based upon the conversations I had with the tellers. I must have just gotten lucky.

Don't believe what tellers (that you don't know) tell you. Most will lie to you, just to keep from having to deal with your requests. Or they cull themselves and don't want you buying rolls before they can search them. HH

Don't believe what tellers (that you don't know) tell you. Most will lie to you, just to keep from having to deal with your requests. Or they cull themselves and don't want you buying rolls before they can search them. HH

Thanks for the head's up. I actually ran into a nasty teller in that area yesterday. Some of the other tellers I was chatting with down there seemed pretty genuine. Those are the ones I was basing the opinion off of.

4 boxes of dimes this morning. I also grabbed $15 in halves from various teller trays (all skunks)
Dime Box 1: solid 2013p's
Dime Box 2: 1x1962 roosie
Dime Box 3: solid 2013p's
Dime Box 4: 1x1964 roosie

These solid new coin boxes are a pain, but at least I'm finding silver in the other boxes.

Box of dimes and box of quarters today. Both skunks. ugh! I hope I do better tomorrow

Today's boxes didn't come in. Tomorrow should be doubled up.

Rough week. Checked yesterday and those two boxes didn't come in again. I did get my other two half boxes from yesterday and they were both skunks. I also bought a box of dimes and quarters yesterday. They were both skunks as well. So far this week I have searched: two boxes of halves, two boxes of quarters, and six boxes of dimes. I have found a whopping two silver roosies. That's how things are looking here in sunny skunksville.

I hope today's halves and whatever I search this weekend is better.

I just did 2 half dollar skunks and 3 quarter box skunks as well... bad week for me too.

I just did 2 half dollar skunks and 3 quarter box skunks as well... bad week for me too.

I did my last two half boxes of the week. They were skunks too. I may take a break this weekend. I'm not sure. This week has been plain old awful. Maybe I'll take a drive to Maine this weekend and see if there is anything to be found up there.

bought two more boxes of dimes on the way home today. Both were skunks. I think there is some sort of treachery afoot. In the past I have never had more than one skunk dime box in a row (I don't think). I'm riding a 4 box skunk streak on both halves and dimes right now.

I should take a break this weekend, but I really don't give up without a fight. I'm going to come up with a game plan for tomorrow and hit it hard. There's a bank around here that has $100 in "large dollars" in their vault. Maybe I should go see what they look like. When I first found out about them I didn't feel like dealing with getting rid of $100 in ikes, but with the way dimes, quarters, and halves are going maybe I need to mix it up.

Today was brutal, but at least I finally found some silver. I was starting to have all sorts of theories about all the silver being gone, lol. I couldn't do a major road trip today, but I wanted to hit a new area, so I ended up checking out the "hood". It sucked. Total searched was $300 in quarters, 2 dime boxes, ~$30 in random halves, and ~$50 in cwr dimes and quarters from various branches. The results and then the story:
Halves: skunk
CWR dimes and Quarters: skunk
mwr Quarters: skunk
Dime box 1: 1x1961 roosie (finally some silver)
Dime Box 2: 3 roosies ('46, '57, '64)I

I'm so glad I finally found some silver. Now to the story:
I stopped at about 8 branches of my main pickup bank and none of them would sell me boxes of dimes. I have never encountered this before. I was shocked by how lazy the tellers in the hood are. I would even say back to them: "really, not a single branch has ever said I can't buy coin". They would just repeat: "no". Not "we have to order it", or "come back on a week day". just "no". I was incredulous. This happened at every single branch in that I stopped at in the ghetto. I eventually had to retreat to a nicer neighborhood to get MWR coin.

I also stopped at a rite aid to get a mini pie and drink for breakfast. When I walked in there was some derelict at the cash register arguing about payment. I went got my pie and drink and stood in line behind him. I watched him argue about his credit card getting declined for a solid ten minutes. Then another dude that was obviously on drugs walks to get in line behind me. Instead of getting behind me, he stands next to me. Then he grabs a magazine and stands even closer next to me and starts reading it to me and holding it so I can see. I completely ignore him. He apparently doesn't notice, or at least it doesn't dissuade him. Finally, I decide I'm not going to be able to purchase my breakfast within the next hour so I put it down and leave.

Every bank that I stopped at in the hood, there would invariably be someone holding the teller up wanting to discuss their balance and the last 15 transactions they had.

I am NEVER hunting in the hood again. Not because it is intimidating, just because every part of the hunt takes 10x as long as it should and it isn't productive anyway because of the prevalence of lazy tellers.

Sorry for the rant, but I feel much better now.

Also interesting: the better dime box had 9 ground down pennies in it. (yes, I know you want me to call them cents, but I'm not going to). 2 of them were ground down wheaties. I dumped all 9 with the rest of my dumps and amazingly TD counted them as dimes. Now if only TD could manage to count dimes as dimes, I'd be all set.

I'm not trying to sound like a whiner. Today was an adventurous day of CRH'ing and I'm really glad I finally found some silver again.

I tried hunting the Hood ad you referred to it. And I got a lot of shi tty looks as I was buying coins and others were getting refused money. Here I am with 5-6 hundred for coins and the guy influence front can't buy food,beer or drugs.

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