Assembler, I've dug up some rocks in the wash, and nothing. As for outside the claim, it's impossible to know whether you're on someone's claim, as most apparently don't mark their claims with the four corner posts and discovery marker.
I've tried detecting on and off the claim, and again, impossible, as there is so much man made junk in the ground, it's almost enough to drive you crazy. It's mostly rusted , or stuff from shooting.
I'll keep hiking around, in the hills with the detector like I did when I finally figured out what that isolated segment of road actually was. That day was mostly quiet with the detector only sounding off twice on a shell casing, and small metal fragment.
I think I have two more canyons adjacent to the club claim I haven't walked and detected. Beyond those, I believe there are several supposed claims according to "Land Matters".
The next two weeks are supposed to have intermittent rain showers. Here in the desert, those can be dangerous to be out in, as it can result in a flash flood. I have about a month and a half of cool weather to explore. After that, the heat will probably be back on.
The club had a couple other claims. I just need to be shown wherentheynare, as the written directions really were useless. One set of claims is about 40 miles away. You have to drive through JTNP in order to get to them, and supposedly, one of our members went off searching, and found a good bit of gold off claim. That's probably my last chance at finding a place I can stake a claim, as there are only a couple of registered claims in that area. Just need to know how to get there, and make sure the roads are passable for my Nissan Frontier 4x4.
So It's not over, but nearly so. Just wish people who have registered claims would mark them properly. There is a rule about that, isn't there?