I'm thinking I may give up this crushing if rock.
The simple reason is, our club claim is basically a place for members to camp out, and dabble a day or so with their drywashers.
Also, based on what one member said, he himself thought the whole place had been picked over to the point that any significant gold is already gone.
And based on my experience placer mining, you need to move at least 10 full buckets of 1/4 inch classified material to get 0.050 gram of gold. Occasionally you run into a spot where an inexperienced placer miner blew material through their drywasher way too fast.
And the fact what I've found in rocks amounts to less than what I got in drywashing of very fine (smaller than 100 mesh) this year.
It's just not worth the effort, nor the expense.
I've learned a lot, but I think my mining days at our claim are nearly at an end. When you get zilch six times in a row, something is telling you you are spinning your wheels.
Anyone interested in some mining stuff, PM me. You'll need to pick the things up, as they are too bulky and heavy to ship.