Today was beautiful weatherwise. I went out to our far claim, but turned just short of it, and went up as far as the road was passable, and parked.
I hiked up to where I thought a big old time mine was, only to discover it wasn't a mine, just a slide. The other dig wasn't an old time o ne, but probably from the sixties or seventies. Needless to say, there was not a peep from my detector except once, and that was from a strange bullet remnant. It had a copper core, or some metal that looks like copper, and at one time was surrounded by lead. It has four of what must have been six 2mm grooves on the sides. It's very heavy.
And like I mentioned, the roads are pretty much impassable. But someone seemed to not care about the paint job on their truck, and forced their way through a bramble of bushes, to the end that was at one time a fairly large campsite for the old timers. It was totally covered by rusted empty cans, and other kinds of stuff I couldn't figure out. Of course there was the collection of shell casings, nuts, bolts, screws, nails, and all kinds of metal fragments. Not a friendly place for detectorists.
The road, if you can call it one now, was mainly bare bedrock. I imagine the old timers must have smoothed it out with fill back when they drove up the hill to the mines farther up (miles).
I returned to the road split, and went to another mine near our claim. I believe this one is abandoned, as the two claim posts are mostly rotted. This mine has an Adit about five feet high. I did not enter. Not only am I chicken, I'm alone, and do not know the mine condition past where I could see. On top of that, I hear there could be poisonous gases. And of course I'm alone. Going in would be stupid.
I scouted the areas around the two placer claims, and have come to the conclusion, after some 10 hours of fruitless detecting, that there's basically nothing to find. So I'm not going back there. It's too far, and the roads are, in some places, barely passable for my Nissan Frontier 4X4.
I'll just have to be happy with the Humbug claim until I can somehow locate something that will produce more gold than the dry washer tailings I've been working, and the hit and miss (mostly miss) hard rock foray.
In other words, the area I 've mined in sucks when it comes to finding any gold of any size or quantity. Southfork, you your son and his friend are very fortunate to have something that gives you a little pleasure for your efforts. Maybe someday, before I can no longer do mining, maybe I can work a place similar to yours.
I guess this pretty much ends this thread, unless, I somehow get lucky. Will be going back to placer mining.