I ordered both the Whink, and Muriatic Acid, for the future, whenever they might be needed.
Today the odd rusty magnetic stuff got a bath of CLR. That seemed to release some more rust.
I then roasted the material, with plenty of ventilation.
I then crushed as much that would crush and then classified it smaller than 75 mesh.
In the pan the water turned an ugly red. I panned the water clear, then ran my magnet through it.
After that, all that was left was silvery pyrite. No gold.
I guess I've learned a little more about processing strange material, even if I didn't get any yellow stuff. Thanks southfork for the guidance. I like learning something new as often as possible. Maybe someday I'll learn enough geology to be better at looking at rocks and rock formations to determine if any gold might be in them.
As for rocks, I sledge hammered 3/4 bucket of rocks, and got nothing. One little piece showed a few yellow glints, but I think they're pyrite. Two other pieces has beautiful green coloration in a few spots in white quartz, with a few spots of black. I'm keeping all three until I find better examples. I figure I can collect interesting rocks if I can't find gold.