I take that as quite the compliment, and will give a try.
That is curious ... all of it.
If either by pm or post, are you free to mark up something showing approximate locations of those 5 audit/tunnel claims, and if any information on type of activities that were being recorded..
It would help to see where precisely Where the NE one was/is at.
Thanks Matthew,
I don’t know if either Fowler or Pierce were avid Dutch hunters .... to be reading books and such,
But would think maybe not the books until perhaps a decade after the 77/78 mystery find.
The Holmes manuscript, does not seem to have been widely used by average Joe Dutch hunter, until perhaps the 80’s or 90’s.
I think it likely, since Harnish had Fowler and Pierce, stay on it for proving up claims, and that their names were also on those tunnel claims, that those two, had long history working together out there.
It would not surprise me, if sometime in 84 or 85, just before the lightning that took Fowler, one or the other of them got the information from the manuscript. The narrative about the path to the ravine, and waltz’ camp.
I think that if Harnish had ever known about the manuscript clues, he would have looked at the Four Peaks view, and any sign of Waltz’ hidddn camp would have been demolished.
I do think it possible, that either Fowler or Pierce while out proving those claims in 84 or 85, perhaps did see the view, and kept it to themselves. Nobody could file a new claim, so they started looking.
They would have then known where the hidden camp could be found, and talked about it instantly upon reading it.
Then Fowler gets hit by lightning, but Pierce doesn’t.
Grief stricken Pierce, resolves his new quest to his old pard’s memory.
However, I do not know if Pierce is still alive. And if he is not the map maker, it could be very hard on him, to get ambushed by Dutch hunters trying to have time with him.
I think it’s quite possible that he is the map maker for the Waltz map, but out of respect,
If anybody was to attempt a visit, it should be by you (Matthew) or Clay, maybe both.
Pierce, had the means, the time, and perhaps the knowledge, and motive.
If I could have do over on my report, this would be it.
Edit: as far as the mystery find ..... I personally do not think it was the LDM, but rather a much smaller squirt of the good stuff, had maybe also shot up into where they did the tunnel audit.
The party doesn’t sound to have lasted very long, and looks to have been down to slim pickings from then until booted by Forest Service.
One of the German clues, has Waltz calling the site, his uplift.
It is an uplift alright. Would be kind of strange, to only have one squirt of good stuff happen, during the violent uplift of that area.
This report is only theoretical about Pierce. Please have respect.
I debated with myself as to post this or not, so please ...