Please read this ...i was at the area depicted in the ruth map is at red mountain ..and easy to find i am not some nut case .i spent a winter in apache junction and starter reading ..most books were thee same but one said could he hide a mine .. it would take him weeks to uncover it .. this is probably not the dutchmans mine also but it is the ruth map ... we walked in and down a little ways and turned arround and there it was ..a big sandstone formation leaning against a big gully .. the hoya and everything was kinda spookyI was recently told about a corporation called Holy Stones Incorporated operating in Arizona being involved in mining and treasure hunting operation. I was told this corporation has secret ties to the Trilateral Commission, the Vatican, and a Neo Nazi group in Germany. My informant claims to be a disgruntled member of the nine man group who form this corporation. He has supplied me with the four secret logos for the corporation, and a copy of a report that was generated for the corporation about Walter Gassler, the Lost Dutchman Mine, and a second Dutchman mine dubbed the Dutchman's La Barge Punisher, which I have never heard of. The informant tells me the corporation's official logos are two medallions poured from gold removed from the Punisher mine. My request is if there is anyone who is an expert on the Walter Gassler story who is willing to look at the report and render an openion. I do not want to publish the report here because I do not own the report. As I said it has been given to me by an informant. Can anyone help?