A ) HI JIM, Actually it is the other way around , "you" prove? that DOESN'T? exisit.? ?In a court of law the burden of proof falls upon the prosecuter, in this case the establishment, meaning You.
Since the prosecutor is making a
positive assertion -- i.e., something that he believes has actually happened -- then the burden of proof is on him to show that it has, indeed, happened. It is not up to the defendent to prove something did not happen; he only needs to show doubt, which often can be done by showing just a small portion of the prosecutor's argument to be wrong. Science generally works the same way.
A) agreed, I have a? 75mm projectile which I found with a standard Garrett by a? local taking me to the spot where he had seen a white? fire repeatedly each year. I can post a picture if you wish, but it proves nothing, nor can you prove that it didn't happen. we are dealing in intangibles and nonrepetive happenings effectively, just our? respective words. How is science equiped to handle this?
If you apply the same rigors of justice to this claim, then the burden of proof lies with the people who claim that buried gold emits a radio signal, or othat buried treasure produces a visible flame, or that a Polaroid camera can capture a "treasure aura," or that a signal line can be generated to buried treasure a mile away, or that gold gives off a gas, or that dowsing rods physically react to buried treasure, or that gold produces ions, or.... well, you get the picture.
A)I agree Karl ,hence the offer to come here and personally interview some of the people that have actually recovered something with a fire, including me. even go on a fire search yourself.? ?Sigh, I have found only iron and copper so far.? I do admit that I do not go out of my way to check out fires.,
Q)? ?Geeze Karl, my electronic schooling was soo far in the past that I need refreshing.
Why and how is a Quartz crystal used to stabilize a radio frequency

Both? in transmission, or reception?
Quartz crystals operate via
mechanical vibration, not molecular... same as a tuning fork. When you get a chance to refresh your electronic schooling, you might notice that quartz crystals come in a wide range of resonant frequencies. Same quartz is used, just different shapes.
Q) And just how are they stimulated into resonance?======= you forgot axis? Karl.=====also I did not mention molacular vibration. Incidentally I over stimulated some in experiments,? sigh, new crystals needed.
- Carl
Merry Christmas my friend, to you and your family.? May we both be able to carry this on 50 years from now and that we both are rich.
Jse de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills )