The original question was answered, in very understandable terms, back on Reply #3 and Reply #5. The short answer is still ?No?, that a buried treasure will NOT emit electromagnetic radiation/energy. Those thinking otherwise, please provide some plausible proof, and not just ?wishful thinking?.

A ) HI JIM, Actually it is the other way around , "you" prove that DOESN'T exisit. In a court of law the burden of proof falls upon the prosecuter, in this case the establishment, meaning You.

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windills ) & Shibboleths


Truth Be Told
Tayopa is correct. How many of us treasure hunters hunt hunt hunt and find nothing? And then as our minds wander as we weave a path awry loosening up and wallowing in speculative ideation

A) Self pity actually

we suddenly are awakened by that striking metallic alert that by happenstance we've neared a lost trinket of humanity...and the heart beats and the senses highten and machinations of what lies beneath fills our minds eye? I

A) yeah, maybe a Barbie Doll intact? sexy version of course.

is there not more that mere technological arrogance at play? Does not a weathered lost soul reach out and make our arms tighten as we move closer to the silent object of our desire?

A) sigh, of course it does. it is our duty to allow them to rest by uncovering the source of their purgatory and unrest.

And the darkened past reaches out in a solitary moment like a late night dream snaring ones heart and capturing ones eyes to once again see the light of day?

A) shehes awe struck.

Is there not more, much more beyond this world of science and measure that can be tapped in and dialed like a reluctant channel on an old radio?

A) yes naturally, sort a like the "G" spot?

Where time and space and emotions and life and death cross at a given sector and suddenly the world tilts like a windmill?
I for one enjoy seeing someone tilt windmills!
Cap Z.I

A)I too enjoy it, also pointy hats. (always will wonder, is it form fitted?)

DUH-----,this beautiful exortation from a "happy plant" relaxation session, makes me wish that I had finished grammer school, sigh.

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills ) & shibboleths

As I have studied in my elementary physics, ALL MATTERS are composed of never ending motion of electrons protons etc.


True, but they cancel out, resulting in a net ZERO potential.? ?Sorry....? :P


Q) Geeze Karl, my electronic schooling was soo far in the past that I need refreshing.

Why and how is a Quartz crystal used to stabilize a radio frequency?? Both in transmission, or reception?

Jose de La Mancha ( I tiltwindmills ) & shibboleths

The answer is "Yes, of course"! That's why 90% of the forum members wear those aluminum foil hats! That's not a scientific survey by the way. ;D Aside from that, I think everything would emit some kind of "signal" if the right stimuli were applied. Just lying there dormant, I don't think so. Monty


Scientists have observed that electromagnetic radiation has a dual "personality." Besides acting like waves, it acts like a stream of particles (called "photons") that have no mass. The photons with the highest energy correspond to the shortest wavelengths.

Q) Intersting, photns are nomrally conisidered visible if they fall in a certain frrequency range no?
Could there be any connection, by wild speculation, to the so called fires?

There is nothing to suggest that a buried treasure would contain electrically charged particles in motion.?

Q) Not even if they are stimulated by the earth's potential fields?
That problem has to do with the energy required to propagate an electromagnetic wave through various mediums, and is commonly called The Inverse Square Law.

Q) Doesn't that basically apply to only air transsmitted waves?
In essence; The intensity of an electromagnetic wave observed from a source of constant intrinsic strength falls off as the square of the distance from the object.?

Q ) From what little that I have learrned , ground waves are far more efficient than air waves.

In many cases they have obvserved an actuali "increase" form the origional transmission output power useing earth conduction???

If it increases, then a new energy source is involved, which can also act upon a bit of buried metal, or whatever--hmmm.


h this in mind... A buried treasure would need to be generating the same amount of power, and have an efficient antenna system, as an ordinary commercial radio transmitter (in order to be detected thousands of yards or miles from the source).

Q) Since it would be using earth wave propagation, would it?

There is nothing about a buried treasure to suggest this could happen.


Jsoe de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills ) & Shibbolethts

RealdeTayopa said:
A ) HI JIM, Actually it is the other way around , "you" prove? that DOESN'T? exisit.? ?In a court of law the burden of proof falls upon the prosecuter, in this case the establishment, meaning You.

Since the prosecutor is making a positive assertion -- i.e., something that he believes has actually happened -- then the burden of proof is on him to show that it has, indeed, happened. It is not up to the defendent to prove something did not happen; he only needs to show doubt, which often can be done by showing just a small portion of the prosecutor's argument to be wrong. Science generally works the same way.

If you apply the same rigors of justice to this claim, then the burden of proof lies with the people who claim that buried gold emits a radio signal, or that buried treasure produces a visible flame, or that a Polaroid camera can capture a "treasure aura," or that a signal line can be generated to buried treasure a mile away, or that gold gives off a gas, or that dowsing rods physically react to buried treasure, or that gold produces ions, or.... well, you get the picture.

Q) Geeze Karl, my electronic schooling was soo far in the past that I need refreshing.

Why and how is a Quartz crystal used to stabilize a radio frequency?? Both in transmission, or reception?

Quartz crystals operate via mechanical vibration, not molecular... same as a tuning fork. When you get a chance to refresh your electronic schooling, you might notice that quartz crystals come in a wide range of resonant frequencies. Same quartz is used, just different shapes.

- Carl

A ) HI JIM, Actually it is the other way around , "you" prove? that DOESN'T? exisit.? ?In a court of law the burden of proof falls upon the prosecuter, in this case the establishment, meaning You.

Since the prosecutor is making a positive assertion -- i.e., something that he believes has actually happened -- then the burden of proof is on him to show that it has, indeed, happened. It is not up to the defendent to prove something did not happen; he only needs to show doubt, which often can be done by showing just a small portion of the prosecutor's argument to be wrong. Science generally works the same way.

A) agreed, I have a? 75mm projectile which I found with a standard Garrett by a? local taking me to the spot where he had seen a white? fire repeatedly each year. I can post a picture if you wish, but it proves nothing, nor can you prove that it didn't happen. we are dealing in intangibles and nonrepetive happenings effectively, just our? respective words. How is science equiped to handle this?

If you apply the same rigors of justice to this claim, then the burden of proof lies with the people who claim that buried gold emits a radio signal, or othat buried treasure produces a visible flame, or that a Polaroid camera can capture a "treasure aura," or that a signal line can be generated to buried treasure a mile away, or that gold gives off a gas, or that dowsing rods physically react to buried treasure, or that gold produces ions, or.... well, you get the picture.

A)I agree Karl ,hence the offer to come here and personally interview some of the people that have actually recovered something with a fire, including me. even go on a fire search yourself.? ?Sigh, I have found only iron and copper so far.? I do admit that I do not go out of my way to check out fires.,

Q)? ?Geeze Karl, my electronic schooling was soo far in the past that I need refreshing.

Why and how is a Quartz crystal used to stabilize a radio frequency??? Both? in transmission, or reception?

Quartz crystals operate via mechanical vibration, not molecular... same as a tuning fork. When you get a chance to refresh your electronic schooling, you might notice that quartz crystals come in a wide range of resonant frequencies. Same quartz is used, just different shapes.

Q) And just how are they stimulated into resonance?======= you forgot axis? Karl.=====also I did not mention molacular vibration. Incidentally I over stimulated some in experiments,? sigh, new crystals needed.
- Carl

Merry Christmas my friend, to you and your family.? May we both be able to carry this on 50 years from now and that we both are rich.

Jse de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills )

Merry Christmas JiM:

A) agreed, I have a? 75mm projectile which I found with a standard Garrett by a? local taking me to the spot where he had seen a white? fire repeatedly each year. I can post a picture if you wish, but it proves nothing, nor can you? prove that it didn't happen.? we are dealing in intangibles and nonrepetive happenings effectively, just our? respective words. How is science equiped to handle this?

I am glad to see that you have solved your own dilemma. You unknowingly answered your own redundant question(s)


Q) Did I? Or are "you" missing something-----where is the answer to "how is science equiped to handle this"?

Jose de La Mancha? ( I tilt windmills ) & Shibboleths.

For those of us that know BURIED TREASURE EMITS something that we can't explain I would like to make a comment. To change a Scientific Theory or prove a new theory you would first have to find someone with a lots of money to back you. You would have to prove to them that there would be a big return on the investment. It's not what you know but a question of how much money it would take to prove it vs the profit....Art

Merry xmas to you all! How's it going to day Karl? Thanks for the reply on how to reach JBLACK.

See everyone on here has their good side, Have a great day everyone.

I don't know anything about square inverted waves or most of the theories posted here. I will tell you how to determine if something is buried and how deep it is. Make a set of L-rods from free coat hangers. Go to your yard and walk accross your water line. When the rods cross place a marker between your feet. Inch away from the marker. The rods will open and start to close again. When they close to an inverted vee stop and put another marker between your feet. The distance between the markers is how deep the line is. The deeper the object is buried the more accurate this method is. I know what the response to this post will be as this is a known object but this is one way to prove one way or the other what the real fact is. If you want to learn more, go to the Dowsing thread and look under Pro Dowsing, Want to try Dowsing....Art

This link is a good one explaining the Ideomotor Reponse.

A) HIO, I find your search subjects fascinating mr pointy hat (Merry Christmas my friend)
Baiscally IMR is part of Einsteins Univeral Theory which even he never could mathematically proove.
Yet his instincts, his genius hinted at the existence of such a force.

A) This is why the Holistic Universe theory is so important, It does, and also apparently fills in the gaps left by Einstein, the Quantum theory, String theory,etc.

Jose de LA Mancha ( I itlt windmills ) & Sibboleths

op.s. With the new year here, I suggest that all questions be answered where possible, not just ignored. - therwise how is one to make an informed decison , Even "I" with the well earned initiales of "JC" , am often wrong ?? (nah, just misinformed) however, never ask my wife.


Emissions from objects can be Measured. A study by Dr. Paul E Dobler called Biophysical Experiments on the Radiation of Matter, Divining Rods, Electric Waves was published in 1939. In the study he tells what instruments were used and how to make them. One of the instruments to measure these emissions is called a Radiodynamometer. I made the instrument and preformed his experiments with the same results that he had. If you have an alum foil circle hanging in an air tight jar and it moves when a gold nugget is placed near the jar. What moved the disk? When different objects are placed near the jar the degree of movement is different for each. I also have a rod holder that makes it imposible for the Ideomotor Effects to make the rods cross. Sorry Charlie if these experiments to hard for you to understand. Last post here for a while. If you want to know more about the jar or the rod holder go here....Art,19537.0.html Replies # 9 and #15

Hi, maybe I am looking to deep with this subject.To bad!It is worth mentioning it anyway!
I don't know all that stuff you guys are talking of,but if you suspect radiation and it's not the kind that..... we test our basements for, I would talk to the authority to find out what this is thats coming up from where ever you are, because it could be something you don't want to get involved with.If you know what I mean?A Geiger counter will help determine if it is radiation.If you suspect some kind of activity that would be considered dangerous get out of there and let authority or our government deal with that.

"The original question was answered, in very understandable terms, back on Reply #3 and Reply #5. The short answer is still ?No?, that a buried treasure will NOT emit electromagnetic radiation/energy. Those thinking otherwise, please provide some plausible proof, and not just ?wishful thinking?. "
HH, Jim

The question is.. why it will not emit electromagnetic radiation/energy? When somebody says 'NO" it must be supported with complete facts and not plausible reasonings.


"I know... the question was answered in a most complete fashion. The issue is settled, over, done.

I have no idea what "angel_09" is going on and on about. I suppose, like all pseudoscientists, he believes if he mentions the words radiation and mysterious force/energy enough times in the same sentence ---that somehow that act alone will validate his "wish science". Sorry, Angel_09, that just ain't gonna cut it....


Really? Or maybe you are not digging much to the essence of the subject...

Try to read the following statements:


Rutherford, Chadwick, Curie and Villard show that the emitted radiations of atomic nucleus are of three types: Alpha radiation, electrons (beta radiation) or very energetic photons (gamma radiation). James Chadwick shows in 1914 that the spectrum of the beta radiation (the strongness of emission versus the energy of the electron) is continous. THIS IS CONTRARY TO THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF THE ENERGY CONSERVATION! THIS MYSTERY ENDED WITH THE HYPOTHESIS OF A NEW PARTICLE EMITTED WITH THE ELECTRON OF BETA RADIATION: THE NEUTRINO.
We all know that earth is bombarded with different enegies, from the sun and other forces from the universe, and these forces are more than enough to active and offset the equilibrium of atomic nucleus.
Now tell me if these people are pseudoscientist....
Say for example a simple resistivity meter. Subject the soil into small amount of current and you will have a voltage and resistance readings to your instrument. Values are not in term of high voltage but in millivolts to few volts, and the resistance offered by the soil will gives us an idea how it opposes the flow of current, wherein electrons will have to pass forbidden band and stay at conduction band to have conductivity. Now the amount of energy emitted by the sun (excluding any other forces from universe, say for example the gravitational pull of the moon) is more than enough to produce effect on all things on earth, above the ground or underground... I'm not deriving a new theory, I'm just emphasizing the derived theory...


Sometimes it crossed to my mind if some of our colleague have had an opportunity to extract burried treasure from the ground... If they did, this question is for them to answer... Why was gold bars when found underground are always or submerged with water?
By the way, I'm using my own dowsing instrument, plus simple resistivity meter and cheap electronics detector when detecting or treasure hunting. My dowsing instrument will tell me the area, my resistivity meter will verify the area and my electronic detector will tell me the presence of the object i'm looking for. So my instruments co-exist to one another.


Until this date, atomic nuclei emitting radiation were found in nature; it was called natural radioactivity. One knowed since Rutherford that this natural radioactivity changed a nucleus into an other one: For instance radium becomes finally lead after many radioactive decays. We could say that lead does not become gold but gold becomes lead.... But this... this change of matter was not under control. It was not possible to construct the desired chemical element as the alchemist dreamed.
In 1934, Irene and Frederick Joliot - Curie discover the artificial radioactivity, making a great step toward the use and control of radioactivity. For this discovery, they recieved the Nobel price of chemistry in 1935....They made the alchemist dream become reality in some degree..."There are things we do not know... but it does not mean it is not true"


aarthrj3811 said:
To change a Scientific Theory or prove a new theory you would first have to find someone with a lots of money to back you. You would have to prove to them that there would be a big return on the investment. It's not what you know but a question of how much money it would take to prove it vs the profit.

Although this premise is ridiculously false, it brings up the question, "What in the world would be more profitable than a device that can locate gold from a long distance?"

angel_09 said:
Rutherford, Chadwick, Curie and Villard show that the emitted radiations....

Radioactivity is a fascinating subject, but what is its relevance to ordinary, non-radioactive gold?

angel_09 said:
The question is.. why it will not emit electromagnetic radiation/energy? When somebody says 'NO" it must be supported with complete facts and not plausible reasonings.

Not at all... a simple "no" is sufficient. Once again, the burden of evidence falls on those who make the positive assertion that buried treasure emits a signal.

- Carl

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