I have wanted to make one for a long time, but I have too many other areas of interest to stop and do it right now.

It so happens that I have built what you describe. Would you like to know the results?

- Carl


Carl, not to be argumentative, but when you tried this experiment, how big was your cache? What material did you use? What frequency?

I believe I was using either 50 or 100 silver half dollars. This was about 5 years ago, so I don't recall exactly. Freq. was 8.7 kHz, plus a few others.

- Carl

Is it possible that you didn't hit the right freq. for the silver?

I don't pretend to know much about these things, but It seems that, even if you could hit the exact freq., it would take a huge amplification, probably more than a car amp. to make a target vibrate enough to read. Could it be that this theory is correct, but we just need to find a way to make it work?

Also. Have you ever heard an idling car vibrate the windows in your house? If you lower the car's sound, the window stops vibrating. If you rev up the car, it's running harder and faster, but the window stops vibrating. Why is this? What is it about that one particular frequency that excites the window?

You're describing a physical vibration... a window of a certain shape/size/thickness has a resonant frequency. Make the window smaller, and the resonant frequency increases. This has little to do with the composition of the glass... you could replace the glass with a sheet of aluminum, or plywood, or plastic, and they will resonate at about the same frequency, for the same size. Basic physics.

Now, let's assume we can apply that to coins. Actually they're too rigid to resonate from sound waves, so let's pretend we can resonate a coin with some other "wave". Like, maybe, a signal generator that is "plugged" into the soil. We're still talking about a physical vibration, so it's the shape/size/thickness of the coin that would determine the frequency, not the composition. So, in order to locate buried coins, you would need to try a different frequency for each and every coin you want to include. It gets horribly worse, when you try to add jewelry, nuggets, gold bars, and the infinite shapes and sizes of containers that might hold caches.

- Carl

Carl-NC said:
... a window of a certain shape/size/thickness has a resonant frequency.

- Carl

So why couldn't you tune to the freq. of a $20.00 gold piece and make it work? I understand that a rock could have the same resonant freq., but would there be many rocks with that exact freq.

In your example, a window vibrates due to the sound waves from a car... take that same window, and bury it. Will it still vibrate? Why not?

By now you might be wondering, if I could make a gold coin resonate, and if that resonance could be detected, then why isn't this as common a technique as the induction metal detector? I could simply tell you the answer, but you would get far more satisfaction finding out for yourself, and not believing what I say.

So, Step 1... take a $20 gold coin, and find its resonant frequency.

- Carl

Actually, I am asking questions because I think this could work.
I understand about dampeners, but do dampeners (earth) change the freq., if size/shape is not changed?

Hey Carl.. I have question I send out a resonant frequency to a gold bar and it goes to the bar and keeps going. I then send another of resonant frequency to the gold bar and it stops at the gold bar. I don't understand this at all......Art

jbot said:
Actually, I am asking questions because I think this could work.
I understand about dampeners, but do dampeners (earth) change the freq., if size/shape is not changed?

If any part of the resonating item is firmly restricted then, yes, the frequency can be altered.

Back to the Window Example... lay the window horizontal, like a table top, supported by the outer frame... it will have a certain resonant frequency. Throw some sand on the glass.... the sand will dampen the resonance but will have little effect on frequency. But if you firmly restrict the center of the glass pane (using, say, a center support post) then the frequency will change radically.

The real problem is getting items with a high mass-to-surface area ratio to vibrate at all. Window panes are easy; coins are not. Bury the coin, and the problem gets hard in a really bad way.

- Carl

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Carl.. I have question? I send out a resonant frequency to a gold bar and it goes to the bar and keeps going. I then send another of resonant frequency to the gold bar and it stops at the gold bar. I don't understand this at all......Art

How do you know you are sending out a resonant frequency? What determined the frequency you chose? How do you know whether it keeps going, or stops?

You know how I detect resonant frequencies. I like it when the signal stops at the object. I just don't know why some stop and others don't.....Art

aarthrj3811 said:
You know how I detect resonant frequencies. I like it when the signal stops at the object. I just don't know why some stop and others don't.....Art

It's possible I might know, but other folks reading this thread might not... so it probably would be useful to everyone, if you explained how you determined the frequency you used, how you know it is actually resonating the target, and how you know whether it keeps going, or stops. This likely will involve an explanation of what equipment you are using to measure the resonance.

- Carl

I use two brass L-Rods. The unit that I paid $252 for transmit's at 3.025 MHZ and stops at the target. The other unit is a $19 walkie-talkie whose signal goes to the target and keeps going. I won't tell you the Mfg. as I don't promote any of them. I don't want to discuss the use of L-rods as there is a forum for that. Just wanted to get your thoughts on why these signals do this....Art

aarthrj3811 said:
I use two brass L-Rods. The unit that I paid $252 for transmit's at 3.025 MHZ and stops at the target. The other unit is a $19 walkie-talkie whose signal goes to the target and keeps going. I won't tell you the Mfg. as I don't promote any of them. I don't want to discuss the use of L-rods as there is a forum for that. Just wanted to get your thoughts on why these signals do this....Art

Well, the technique you're using is dowsing, and not geophysics, so your question probably belongs in the Dowsing forum, and not the Geophysics forum. Nevertheless, I'll respond here...

So, how do you know that you are transmitting 3.025MHz? Have you verified the signal with a instrument that does not involve dowsing? How do you know the signal is even reaching the target? Have you verified it with a instrument that does not involve dowsing? How do you know the target is resonating? Have you verified it with a instrument that does not involve dowsing?

I will suggest that 1) your signal is not doing what you believe it to be doing, and 2) your dowsing rods are not doing what you believe them to be doing. I strongly suspect that, in a properly conducted test that eliminates your knowledge of the target and the state of the transmitter, you would find that things are not working the way you believe them to be working. You owe it to yourself to make every attempt to prove yourself wrong, but doing so takes a whole lot more resolve than just accepting the illusions you get with dowsing.

- Carl

I guess I will have to find out for myself. ..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
I guess I will have to find out for myself. ..Art

Unfortunately, I doubt that will ever happen.

Hey Carl! I s that really you in that photo? :D LOL

Do you have the book "Encyclopedia of Physics"? In it on page 831 it talks about nuclear magnetic resonance and how Nuclear magnetci Resonance (NMR) is the effect of a resonant rotaing (or alternating) magnetic field, imposed at right angles to a typically much larget satic field, to perturb the orientation of the nuclear magnetic moments. thsi is what is behind the proton magnetometer.

Furthur down the page, it discusses the "nuclear gyromagnetic ratio y. And y is found to have a different characteristic value for each nuclear species, varying from the largest value, y/2pie=42.5774 kHz/mT for the proton to the smallets, y/2pie= 0.72919 kHz for Au (Gold). And that Nuclear momemts are fundamentally quantum objects.
So maybe a device cold be devised based around this frequency for gold? I don't know, Maybe some food for thought.

After watching the Program on quantum Physics

Last night on Starz, titled "What the ....Do We Know ",

IF by any chance They Know what Their Talking about.

I now believe Anything is Possable.

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