You know, Jim... I've never really been very successful talking to the wind.? And, it appears you aren't doing any better.
A)? Unfortunately, according to past posts,? there are many in here, whether correct or not, apparently think the same about you and swr among others..
No matter our best efforts; Pseudoscience marches on... lead by none other than an old man caught in a time warp that will not allow him to move forward from the late 1950s, ---when every B/W TV contained a 5U4 rectifier and the tuner was set to receive Captain Video and The Video Rangers at 6 PM every evening.
What a hoot!? ? ?

Q&A)? I wonder how many out there just may have a positive bit of data that just "might" upset your concepts, possibly even advance this investigative lead,? yet are not willing to present their data due entirely to the above attitude showing unwarranted contempt,? ridicule and an obvious unwillingness to consider "anything" that has not "yet" reached the cold so called scientific testing stage or the personal criteria t hat you and swr espouse.?
The above attitude is definatly not a scientific one, but as my Prof.? in psychology? would say, one apparently structured to produce a back lash which would only feed a questionable id.
Are you subconsiously rejecting, or just not responding to my post with the picture of the coins recovered? from a fire location, complete with living witnesses?
If such a remark "were" ever directed directly to me, I would? suggest that you perform a normally impossible physiological sexual feat
upon yourself.
Incidentally, I grew up in an era where the Radio transmitters still used? spark gap transmission and flat helical coils for tuning.? In fact my first project was to construct a receiver using a bit of Lead crystal as my rectifier, it actually worked to my amazement. The commercial Tube rectifiers series came later. I even made my own crude vacuum tube? rectifier just to further my knowledge.
Could there be anything any funnier than the saga, which unfolds here day after day?? ?(rhetorical)
A) I originally entered into these discussions because , naive me, I thought that we would be comparing different experimental data and experiences.? Instead I find character assassination, ridicule, flat rejection or ignoring of data presented,? etc.? until a passe' situation has been reached.
I admit that quite a bit of this data? is on my auto rejection? list, but I do not get upset and go into a personal holy war agenda to prove that they are worng,? After all. I certainly do not know it all nor has the last word on this subject been written.
This is investigative Science? NO-WAY!? ?I am disappointed in those that have the most to contribute.
Till Eulenspeigle? ?Jose de La mancha