So much for the intricate reasonings regarding detectors; either electronics , dowsing or whatsoever method all of us use.
The bottom line in this forum is to get ideas that we can be used on how to be a succesful treasure hunters; to have fun out of it and still profitable. :) All my postings are based on researched and actual experiences.
Since it is a general rule that " you can not please everybody", with this I still respect the opinions of everybody whether these are pros or con to any subject matters. 8)

angel_09 said:

So much for the intricate reasonings regarding detectors; either electronics , dowsing or whatsoever method all of us use.
The bottom line in this forum is to get ideas that we can be used on how to be a succesful treasure hunters; to have fun out of it and still profitable.? :) All my postings are based on researched and actual experiences.
Since it is a general rule that " you can not please everybody", with this I still respect the opinions of everybody whether these are pros or con to any subject matters. 8)
Happy new year to you too. What would we do without this forum? Glad it is here. ;)

. What would we do without this forum? Glad it is here.? ;)


A)Heck yes,? It would be boreing if I didn't have a? few jousts going on with Karl, etc., right or wrong,?

I admit that some of my remarks are a bit to the left of the esdtabished professional's guidelines, but then some of his are to the extreme right of mine.

We, collectively, the room,? balance out to an extent, and I hope that enough information comes through from both sides to help others make an informed (??) decison.

Actually I don't remember him making a "flat" statement that he doesn't believe in dowsing, just that he doubts (??) that a successful device has been developed to substitute for the human factor, and that a metal can be stimulated into emiting a detectable field'? ? --? ? line forms on the rght ==========================>"X".

As much as I hate to admitit it, Karl is a sharp well educated cookie and I "DO"? respect and like him - even if he "IS" wrong in the theoretical aspects most of the time? heheheh.

(appol. Karl put it down to too much flue dope, sniffle, cough , hack, want it ?)

Jose de La Mancha? ( I tilt windmills )? Shibboleths

Although this premise is ridiculously false, it brings up the question, "What in the world would be more profitable than a device that can locate gold from a long distance?"

A)? I agree, but first you have to convince them that you can do this, most are quite resistant to parting with money.

I am sitting on top of a multi millon dollar mine, Tayopa, but no-one will help me to develop it.

Not at all... a simple "no" is sufficient. Once again, the burden of evidence falls on those who make the positive assertion that buried treasure emits a signal.

- Carl

Q)?? why , I say that I have done this or that,"you" prove me a liar, mistaken , or whatever, iit makes no difference if my premise is inconsistant with present technology.

EX." I saw a ghost", prove me? wrong

Or I found these coins with a FIRE, final locatoin was with the? old Gardner

( they are basically 8 reales, that is my S&W? .357 shown for comparison, the knife was buried with the coins. )

Att:? Jim, how can you prove that this picture wasn't? lifted from some where else?

Actally it" is" a true photo, and mine,? one reason why I tend to snicker at those that claim fires are? impossible.

Jose de La Mancha? ( I tilt winmills ) & Shibboleths


  • .jpgCache of coins in Mexico.webp
    .jpgCache of coins in Mexico.webp
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  • .jpgCache of coins in Mexico.webp
    .jpgCache of coins in Mexico.webp
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I found those coins with a metal detector, a Gardner, after being shown the basic location of a fire. now what?

Is it true that one picture is worth 1000 words?

I have the coins, pictures, detector, and witnesses to back it up, no matter what orthodox institutions say, I have them.

I have made my claim to finding a treasure based upon a fire and have the picture to back it up, even have a few witnesses if you wish to come down here to interview them.

Now what?

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills ) & hibboleths

Hey Tilt...What we call proof isn't good enough. I have told these guys many times that if they are in my area to let me know. I will show them what I can do. If they have time I will set up a double blind test......Art

All these electro magnetic energies are too hard for me to try to figure out, I have a tough enough time figuring out how to tune my MD, but I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts and I just want to thank all you fellows for the
time and imput everyone has put in, it has been fun and entertaining, don't stop now... ;D
I know the good book says faith can move mountains, that is talking about a force or some kind of energy that can't be seen or measured on any scale man has been able to invent. Some seem to have a little faith and some seem to have none. Some beleive in miracles, but most don't.
There are many energies and forces of the universe that science and man's limited senses
(knowledge) cannot understand figure out, or comprehend, but we dare not be so foolish as to stand up to the great creator and demand that he prove to us all the laws and powers he created and put in force that we don't understand. Do we? ???

As far as I know... ;D
It takes a movement to produce an energy/waves/freq, etc..! :P
The Human body is a alive and moving...hence a small but detectable currect
Radio active & Magnetic minerals produce energy... :o
Good old! DEAD :'( gold and silver don't !
Check your Physics Books !

As far as I know...? ;D
It takes a movement to produce an energy/waves/freq, etc..!? ?:P
The Human body is a alive and moving...hence a small but detectable currect
Q)Whar kind of movement?
Radio active & Magnetic minerals produce energy...? :o
A)how do magenatic ones produce energy?

But! Good old! DEAD? ?:'(? gold and silver don't !
Check your Physics Books !
Q&A) By themslves in a neutral field zone perhaps no, but when subjected to a strong earth field with ifinite harmonics ?

Till Eulenspeigle Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmils )

After 109 posts i just realized this is for nought. We have to start over! The question in the subject line is not in proper english. Please check your spelling and grammer! ;)

It is nice to read different excert from different references such as this:

"Science and Other uses

"Outside a legal context, "burden of proof" means that someone suggesting a new theory or stating a claim must provide evidence to support it: it is not sufficient to say "you can't disprove this". Specifically, when anyone is making a bold claim, it is not someone else's responsibility to disprove the claim, but is rather the person's responsibility who is making the bold claim to prove it."

This theory derived by scientist that makes the new theory to be categorized as pseudoscience, how near it is from error or far from truth? Please let me quote the following selected passage on how true a scientific theory is:

FOR more than a decade, physicists in Japan have been seeing cosmic rays that should not exist. Cosmic rays are particles - mostly protons but sometimes heavy atomic nuclei - that travel through the universe at close to the speed of light. Some cosmic rays detected on Earth are produced in violent events such as supernovae, but we still don't know the origins of the highest-energy particles, which are the most energetic particles ever seen in nature. But that's not the real mystery.
As cosmic-ray particles travel through space, they lose energy in collisions with the low-energy photons that pervade the universe, such as those of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Einstein's special theory of relativity dictates that any cosmic rays reaching Earth from a source outside our galaxy will have suffered so many energy-shedding collisions that their maximum possible energy is 5 ? 1019 electronvolts. This is known as the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit.

Over the past decade, however, the University of Tokyo's Akeno Giant Air Shower Array - 111 particle detectors spread out over 100 square kilometres - has detected several cosmic rays above the GZK limit. In theory, they can only have come from within our galaxy, avoiding an energy-sapping journey across the cosmos. However, astronomers can find no source for these cosmic rays in our galaxy. So what is going on?
One possibility is that there is something wrong with the Akeno results. Another is that Einstein was wrong. His special theory of relativity says that space is the same in all directions, but what if particles found it easier to move in certain directions? Then the cosmic rays could retain more of their energy, allowing them to beat the GZK limit.
Physicists at the Pierre Auger experiment in Mendoza, Argentina, are now working on this problem. Using 1600 detectors spread over 3000 square kilometres, Auger should be able to determine the energies of incoming cosmic rays and shed more light on the Akeno results.
Alan Watson, an astronomer at the University of Leeds, UK, and spokesman for the Pierre Auger project, is already convinced there is something worth following up here. "I have no doubts that events above 1020 electronvolts exist. There are sufficient examples to convince me," he says. The question now is, what are they? How many of these particles are coming in, and what direction are they coming from? Until we get that information, there's no telling how exotic the true explanation could be.

FOUR years ago, a particle accelerator in France detected six particles that should not exist. They are called tetraneutrons: four neutrons that are bound together in a way that defies the laws of physics.

IT IS one of the most famous, and most embarrassing, problems in physics. In 1998, astronomers discovered that the universe is expanding at ever faster speeds. It's an effect still searching for a cause - until then, everyone thought the universe's expansion was slowing down after the big bang. "Theorists are still floundering around, looking for a sensible explanation," says cosmologist Katherine Freese of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. "We're all hoping that upcoming observations of supernovae, of clusters of galaxies and so on will give us more clues."

Just foods for our thought....


I've been watching this thread and although the original question was wether a buried object does emit electromagnetic field, there were several posts wich elucidated around the theme and outside of it. That's alright and even healthy for knowledge enhancements.
At this point there's no doubt that ANY buried object does emit electromagnetic energy or at least some type of energy derived from that.
Angel09 is absolutely right. He mentioned about Einstein and GZK limit. He could even have cited the kaluza-klein aproach which also applies... In fact Einstein got it right when he developed the unified field theory later..
To me, the fact that the 'skeptics' or 'crictics' (quoting Dell) insist that real science should be invoked for explanations is a complete null point and it's like trying 'to beat a dead horse'..
Real science as they say, is in its infancy... On the other hand , true science is a little more evolved, but the 'powers at be' don't want to rewrite quantum physics and most important , THEY DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO HAVE ACESS TO THIS KNOWLEDGE.. That's why they they make their way avoiding this knowledge in getting into public domain.
Some posters here in this thread are confined to answer in the 'real science' realm. Unfortunately they are locked inside its limitations...
Angel 09 cited some events above where the scientific comunity faces unknown science all the time. But unfortunately those are not always front page news..
There are without a doubt particles, forces, technology which are NOT known by science yet.
Take a look at the 'Philadelphia Experiment'... Which kind of field could possibly integrate space time with that ship? Why the government confined and took away from the public papers by Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, TT Brown, and so on?


Science knows of the existence of the spirit (soul).
But why they don't come out front and publish the proof?


FreetwoSon said:
What a tag team! Can anyone knock these guys off there throne?? ;D
I would try, but I'm afraid the hot air in their shirts would explode and kill someone.


THOSE who have not experienced/researched this in real life, this question will branch-out to different topics/agendas and different types of reasonings.
But to those who have had checked it, they will tell you how easy to answer this question.
This is based on actual testing of radiated energy:

If gold is buried not more than 15 feet, (volume is not less than 150 kilograms) the area of the hole will have a different temperature compared to its sorrounding. Say for example, the hole is around 5 feet diameter, that 5 feet diameter will have a higher temperature against its sorrounding, 4 - 6 degrees higher. The delta T is more noticable during cold weather, and the effect of this energy always have a negative effect to human body, especially to children.
The bottom line is : a thermometer is another treasure hunting tool that a hunter can be use.....


You know, Jim... I've never really been very successful talking to the wind.? And, it appears you aren't doing any better.

A)? Unfortunately, according to past posts,? there are many in here, whether correct or not, apparently think the same about you and swr among others..


No matter our best efforts; Pseudoscience marches on... lead by none other than an old man caught in a time warp that will not allow him to move forward from the late 1950s, ---when every B/W TV contained a 5U4 rectifier and the tuner was set to receive Captain Video and The Video Rangers at 6 PM every evening.

What a hoot!? ? ?;D

Q&A)? I wonder how many out there just may have a positive bit of data that just "might" upset your concepts, possibly even advance this investigative lead,? yet are not willing to present their data due entirely to the above attitude showing unwarranted contempt,? ridicule and an obvious unwillingness to consider "anything" that has not "yet" reached the cold so called scientific testing stage or the personal criteria t hat you and swr espouse.?

The above attitude is definatly not a scientific one, but as my Prof.? in psychology? would say, one apparently structured to produce a back lash which would only feed a questionable id.

Are you subconsiously rejecting, or just not responding to my post with the picture of the coins recovered? from a fire location, complete with living witnesses?

If such a remark "were" ever directed directly to me, I would? suggest that you perform a normally impossible physiological sexual feat
upon yourself.

Incidentally, I grew up in an era where the Radio transmitters still used? spark gap transmission and flat helical coils for tuning.? In fact my first project was to construct a receiver using a bit of Lead crystal as my rectifier, it actually worked to my amazement. The commercial Tube rectifiers series came later. I even made my own crude vacuum tube? rectifier just to further my knowledge.

Could there be anything any funnier than the saga, which unfolds here day after day?? ?(rhetorical)


A) I originally entered into these discussions because , naive me, I thought that we would be comparing different experimental data and experiences.? Instead I find character assassination, ridicule, flat rejection or ignoring of data presented,? etc.? until a passe' situation has been reached.

I admit that quite a bit of this data? is on my auto rejection? list, but I do not get upset and go into a personal holy war agenda to prove that they are worng,? After all. I certainly do not know it all nor has the last word on this subject been written.

This is investigative Science? NO-WAY!? ?I am disappointed in those that have the most to contribute.

Till Eulenspeigle? ?Jose de La mancha

Not many repond to my posts here either. And i'm told i'm pro drowsing. I've seen this stuff work, can do a little myself. My questions to the pro dowsers is this: With sites that have pro dowsing support, why do you continue to try to prove it works to this so called hate group people? Would not most people travel the path of least resistance? The way i see it, the pro dowsers are the pot calling the kettle black here! Go ahead ignore my post, it does not upset me in the least. ;D

Then might i suggest, when they post something you guys do not like, ignore it. This topic has been a cheap form of entertainment for a long time now. I believe drowsing works, but some pro drowsers posts have been on the same level, that some are complaining about from a certain couple of of anti drowsing posters. Maybe what you and the others need to do is invent a code to post freely to each other. Then your circle could share ideas and thoughts without ridicule. Just a suggestion.

Now for the aid and comfort thing. No they are not on my christmas card list. In the past i have watched Karl Miller be a told he is JBLACK. I do not know if he is! But i can tell you one thing. I sure hope he is! JBlack actually made this section of the forum come to life!

Go ahead ignore my post, it does not upset me in the least.? ;D

HI Free, I am not ignoring you. I remember most of your posts.

Till Eulenspeigle

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