Gold is radioactive? I didn't know that.

Actually all elements will break down. Iron is the most stable of all materials. It has a half life of about 10^25 years. I haven't actually timed it.

I find it interesting that people talk about the fact that science is finding new knowledge all of the time. They posit that pseudo science may be real science eventually. Most pseudo science exhibits the same traits as the midnight TV evangelists. It is true that 1000 years ago the world was flat. It is true that 500 years ago the Sun revolved around the Earth. It is true that 150 years ago we decended from fallen angels. But the fact remains that science is science and to corrupt the scientific process with "short cuts" reminds me of when I was 7. I used to think that if I stared at the Sears catalog long enough and with enough desire I could materialize whatever I couldn't live without. That didn't work very well either.

Carl keep up the good work and keep 'em in line.

Rock said:
I used to think that if I stared at the Sears catalog long enough and with enough desire I could materialize whatever I couldn't live without. That didn't work very well either.
Yeah, you're the guy I wanna listen to. ::)

All that I know regrading/about these "LRLs" :icon_scratch:
Is what I have actually experienced 1st HAND :-\
I had "4" ! different "Detectors ?"
All LRLs, taken into the field and demostrated, by the owners,
(Near by was a large silver cache )
The devices all FAILED to detect anything of any kind
The area of the tests is/was a rich gold/silver producer &! is STILL ! full of Spanish Mines/caches !
These things only make money for the "Maker/Sellers" ::)

OK BUGS where have you been keeping Bill? Incidently, when will you be near Tucson again?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. dont blame the instruments if all that you had to use them was Bill sigh. Sorta like asking a cro mag. guy right out of a cave to fly a jet aircraft.

Yes, but then all substances do. In addition, metal buried in the earth is subject to earth currents which can futher activate, or even augment their natural fields.

Our problem is to develop new ways to indicate or show us their existence , power, and direction. This can be done either by direct measurement, or by stimulation of their natural frequency and amplitude to a receivable level with our present abilities.

Until we do, there will always be sceptics, claiming superior knowledge, stating
"that no, they do not ", rather than simply saying, "we haven't reached that stage of development yet"..

Don Jose de La Mancha

im working on a diy machine when i finish with the project and test i ll share it with you guys and i put this issue to the test

Does metal have an atomic frequency? This argument has been going on since the beginning of dowsing. What you have to do is look at history. The Germans originally learned the secrets of atomic frequency/dowsing and found untold amounts of gold. The Spanish learned these dowsing methods from them and brought it to the New World where they found untold wealth. How else can you explain people in the 1400's tieing a gold nugget onto a willow stick and working their way through the New World basically raping it of all its large easy to get gold? That is what happened. Its history, so when people tell you there is no scientific basis for dowsing ask them how they think the Spanish found so much gold with a nugget and a willow stick?

My fiancee' has used his equipment to find large amounts of gold with people standing right next to him and they still said "you just got lucky" We just laugh about it.

No, the SPanish raped the local Indian tribes. Any time they found one with gold jewelry they tortured them into the giving up the locations and forcing them to mine it for them. I guess the indiginous peoples are the only frequency they needed.

The Spanish did steal from the Indians and used them as free labor but for the most part the indians walked along the stream bed and picked up all the large easy to find gold. they did a little mining not a lot. What were the indians going to do with gold except make some jewelry out of it.

The Spanish dowsed all over the SW. They dug mines that were several hundred feet deep with huge iron doors. If you go out West you can find the remnants of their activities literally everywhere. The Spanish even dowsed their way into the South.

Huge iron doors huh? I think you have been reading too many story books. You expect that a band of Spanish explorers had the equipment, time and material to smelt HUGE amounts of iron to create massive iron doors? I'm sorry but that is right up there with the idea they used dowsing. They found surface gold deposits and traced the placers back to the outcroppings and mined in from there. Same methods we use today.

Sounds like what he federal government does to us treasure hunters.

Sound like what the federal government does to us, treasure hunters.

I agree with Jason in regards to the iron doors.

If I had $56,000,( for the meter) I wouldn't have any need to look for buried treasure! Tod R.

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