DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

what size are the caliche colored rocks? any specific shape to them?
do you have a guess as to whom scattered them after you found them?
whiskeyrat,:coffee2:there was no boulders, each one was about the size of two bowling balls, no I have no Idea who moved them,but to me it really made no difference once I located
them,to find them undisturbed after so many years was amazing in itself. np:cat:

NP: What are some other habits that you noted, about how Doc chose a campsite?

whiskeyrat,:coffee2:to start with he really would go out of his way to drive to his camp sites,and he usually always had two other people with him,with that said,Doc had certain canned goods he always took with him, he always used the same dump at each site ,he had a certain triangular way of placing rocks for his fire,and now it makes no difference about his camp sites they have long disappeared thanks to P.S.good luck.

whiskeyrat,:coffee2:to start with he really would go out of his way to drive to his camp sites,and he usually always had two other people with him,with that said,Doc had certain canned goods he always took with him, he always used the same dump at each site ,he had a certain triangular way of placing rocks for his fire,and now it makes no difference about his camp sites they have long disappeared thanks to P.S.good luck.

well, driving to the site narrows things down a bit since in late 1920s early 30s cars and trucks were somewhat more limited than today.
I would also assume it was always at a spring? or source of water.
his campsites matter to me because i would like to locate the one near rincon where he susposedely buried the wooden box, that he told Ova to go get should anything happen to him.
so any hint you might have as to this particular camp sites wearabouts would be greatly apprciated.

well, driving to the site narrows things down a bit since in late 1920s early 30s cars and trucks were somewhat more limited than today.
I would also assume it was always at a spring? or source of water.
his campsites matter to me because i would like to locate the one near rincon where he susposedely buried the wooden box, that he told Ova to go get should anything happen to him.
so any hint you might have as to this particular camp sites wearabouts would be greatly apprciated.
I do not remember the name of the spring but he camped close to it and in the cliffs of the spring is were he hid the trunk,at this spring the camp site was used often by Doc
and Ova,but not by other people at the

I do not remember the name of the spring but he camped close to it and in the cliffs of the spring is were he hid the trunk,at this spring the camp site was used often by Doc
and Ova,but not by other people at the

THanks NP,
do you happen to know if they drove up from the Hatch direction (from the south) or from the Northern route up by T or C (from the north but on the east sdie of the caballos)

Whisky rat, you can keep the jewels, gold and silver, I just want a peek at the papers for historical reference --naturally..:laughing7::laughing7::coffee2::coffee2:

NP, work on the name, maybe puting you under hypnotic recall may help.

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Whisky rat, you can keep the jewels, gold and silver, I just want a peek at the papers for historical reference --naturally..:laughing7::laughing7::coffee2::coffee2:

NP, work on the name, maybe puting you under hypnotic recall may help.

RDT3: I will most definitely bring the papers to show you personally. It would be an honor to meet you.
NP: I would love to bring the papers to you also and review them together if you are still interested.
You have both been an inspiration to me and my desire to follow in your footsteps.
I will still have internet when in New Mexico, so if you come up with anything NP please relay it to me.
You can send PM if you want to.

THanks NP,
do you happen to know if they drove up from the Hatch direction (from the south) or from the Northern route up by T or C (from the north but on the east sdie of the caballos)
:coffee2:from the hatch area .np:cat:

Whisky rat, you can keep the jewels, gold and silver, I just want a peek at the papers for historical reference --naturally..:laughing7::laughing7::coffee2::coffee2:

NP, work on the name, maybe puting you under hypnotic recall may help.
:coffee2:I just need to do another remote viewing

Be carefull out there Whiskeyrat, you pretty much told everyone when and where your going out there, i can guarantee you that there's some thinking right now, that your gonna be horning in on THEIR TREASURE. Keep us updated to let us know your ok. Good luck, I hope you hit it.

NP, remote viewing is a fascinating subject. Have a friend that shows possibly excellent results. go, go find my missing cave full of Tayopa silver bars

To help you on your way

Hmmm need coffee on that one :laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: Join me WR, NP, or must I drink alone - even for me three cups a coffee is stretching it.

RDT3: I am having a drink with you as I type. However, im afraid its not coffee. maybe my handle is a hint as to what.

Whikey Rat, you -posted --- well, driving to the site narrows things down a bit since in late 1920s early 30s cars and trucks were somewhat more limited than today.

On La Tarasca search we were in extremely rough country, not high, perhaps 1500 ft, but rough. When we came upon an abandoned
Ford modet "T". How - n -- ell they ever got it to where it was will always remain a mystery to me.

You must remember that the early cars had no nice paved roads to run on, so they were built for the conditions they had.

Don't sell them short.

The truck had a light patina of rust, tires were rotten, and the engine could still be turned over with the crank - it was salvageable, but as to how to get it back to civilization ???short of a heliocopter ----


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Whikey Rat, you -posted --- well, driving to the site narrows things down a bit since in late 1920s early 30s cars and trucks were somewhat more limited than today.

On La Tarasca search we were in extremely rough country, not high, perhaps 1500 ft, but rough. When we came upon an abandoned
Ford modet "T". How - n -- ell they ever got it to where it was will always remain a mystery to me.

You must remember that the early cars had no nice paved roads to run on, so they were built for the conditions they had.

Don't sell them short.

The truck had a light patina of rust, tires were rotten, and the engine could still be turned over with the crank - it was salvageable, but as to how to get it back to civilization ???short of a heliocopter ----

Thats awesome. I love finding or seeing pics of old cars in canyons and old barns. In one canyon I frequent near Animas Peak there is an old coupe hanging vertically on a cliff face, caught on a rock.
It would take a helicoptor to snatch that one also.
I used to haul old coupes etc out of swamps and junkyards and build street rods. I have been known to cut them into small enough pieces to carry them out.
One time i cut one up and brought it out with many trips on a snowmobile.
Another time I used the frame as a bridge across a small stream to carry the other pieces over.
But I digress.

I have read that Doc used a 1929 Cadillac because it had tall tires and was built tough.
Perhaps NP knows if that is true?

whiskeyrat,:coffee2:If and when you get to the caballo's I would recommend you be real careful about letting people there know what you are doing and were you are going. just a little advice from someone who's been there and done that,be careful and good

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