DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

whiskeyrat:coffee2: In the years to come,you will have your own adventures to talk about, not all will be exciting, but to you they will be memorable, just remember to pass them on, If you find that your not having memory's of your adventures then your not spending enough time hunting for your dreams , no matter what they are, keep the spirit, happy hunting,np:cat:

Thanks NP, another adventure is about to start in 8 hrs. Be back in 3 weeks if all goes well:) unless i fall in love with where i am going, then I might just stay.

I know that area I'm the caballos. He is close.....

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I know that area I'm the caballos. He is close.....

Sent from my XT1031 using Tapatalk

you know what area? who is close to what? I see you live just down the road from the Caballos. nice area

When ever someone describes a area of interest you have my attention. There is real treasure if its still there. I cant verify it as I don't have permission. The area is watched. You will get a visit if you go into the wrong areas.

Sent from my XT1031 using Tapatalk

Okay. I have to step in here as someone who knows a bit more than your average bear about VP and the whole Noss Adventure.


First, Willie Daughitt and Buster Ward were the first two whites to find a treasure cave in the area in 1927. No matter how he obtained them, Willie used a map and sextant he got from the windowsill of an old house to find the cave. In it, there were over 2,000 forty pound bars of gold. Willie and Buster may have even killed a couple of people in the process of keeping their cave a secret. Willie was kidnapped and tortured twice by people trying to find his cave. Willie was friendly with Doc Noss. Doc actually helped Willie escape from his kidnappers the second time (maybe even killing the guy watching Willie). In gratitude, Willie let Doc examine the map he had found in his cave. It showed Willie's Cave and six other treasure caves. After doc was murdered by Charlie Ryan in 1949, Willie gave up the ghost. He took all the gold he could. Moved to San Diego and changed his name to Lawrence Foreman. He lived there mostly unemployed from about 1949 till his death in 1998. When he died, his estate was estimated at about $3.5 million.

VP was one of the treasure caves on the LaRue Map that Willie showed Doc. The family thought that Doc may have also discovered another treasure cave in the Caballo Mts, but kept it a secret from everybody after all the crap that had happened to his family over the gold in VP. Unfortunately, Doc was murdered before sharing his secret with anybody else that I know of.

NP, you are very sorely mistaken about so much of what you posted, I don't know where to begin. There were many people that assisted Doc in bringing out treasure from VP. One was Benny Samaniego. Doc gave him a Spanish Suit of Armor which he was known to wear for many public occasions and parades.

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After assisting in removing several hundred gold bars from VP along with many artifacts, Doc have Benny a gold bar which he used to pay cash for the house that cost him about $10,000 (if I remember correctly).

You say that there are no witnesses to any gold in VP. That is incorrect. Capt. Fiege and Capt. Berlette of the USAF found a cave at the bottom of VP that contained piles of gold bars. We have the written results of their polygraph tests to prove what they say. We also have a sworn affidavit from an Army Military Police Capt Orby Swanner. He says that he personally witnessed the US Government flatbed something in excess of 93,000,000 (yes, that's ninety-three million) troy ounces of gold from VP before sealing it up. The military says he made it all up and was never there to begin with. GUESS WHAT?

When Operation Goldfinder opened up one of the large chambers, they found Capt Swanner's name sooted into the wall from a carbon arc lamp JUST LIKE AND WHERE CAPT SWANNER SAID IT WAS!

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They were within feet of breaking into the deepest chamber when their time officially ran out. The Army took over the site, refusing to grant them any more time. They resealed it, just like it is today.

My best guess based on what I know is that there are at least three (maybe four) treasure caves still not found, and that they are spread out between the Organ, San Andres, and Caballo Mountains. Its a shame Willie's Map wasn't in his effects when he passed away....................... or was it?

Best - Mike
Why do you believe that Willie got a map out of a window seal? where does that come from? a 16 to 18 year old boy named Jack Reynolds found the map in a window seal in fort Selden between Hatch & Las Cruces and Willie killed the boy to get the map. Why do you believe Doc helped Willie? It was Doc who tortured Willie along with the boys from Hatch. How do I know? Willie & Buster stayed at the rock house on the Johnny Gordon ranch and Johnny's nephew Johnny Holden told me that he held the gold bars with his own hands and that His uncle Johnny Gordon said that Willie told him that after being tortured he finally told them what they wanted to know. Ir was then they removed the bandanna's off their faces and one of them was Doc. Willie and Buster did not get in until 1929. Doc showed up with map in hand in 1934 and went straight to the Caballo's to a specific canyon within 4 days he found the air vent and was in. It was there that he obtained several maps showing other locations and VP was one of them. Doc removed bars from this location up 1936 when he tried to make a deal with Governor Tingley that went south and the gig was up the Caballo's were to hot and heavy with treasure hunters and thieves along with Governor Tingley sharing with Ethel DuPont Doc's find 3 weeks latter the DuPont's were drilling up and down that canyon where Letha and Jerry later showed up after the closing of VP. Doc wasn't deer hunting at VP he already had a map from the Caballo's showing him where to go. In fact Doc had already explored VP in 1935 then "Quote" officially showed up in November of 1937. Now even myself I am just repeating what I was told but its coming from family members and people closely associated with the whole ordeal. It still does not mean my info is correct. But this is the very thing Johnny Holden told me that drives them nuts who were there and or directly related to the ones who were there when it all happened. listening to all of these stories that are a hacked up regurgitation some truth. LOL I have no idea what really actually happened but I assume the people closely related are much closer to the truth as to what had happened. Even all of the name dropping concerning VP. Ova and Letha weren't shooting straight with any of those people they had to perpetuate the lies concerning the Caballo's but make no mistake VP was loaded and now it's all gone!

What about the Caballos Bob ??? Incidentally a Sextant is a pretty large object to hide in a window sill cavity.

My interest lies in where did they come from.

I have faith in NP.

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So Johnny Gordon was one of the ''City Men'' ?

Why do you believe that Willie got a map out of a window seal? where does that come from? a 16 to 18 year old boy named Jack Reynolds found the map in a window seal in fort Selden between Hatch & Las Cruces and Willie killed the boy to get the map. Why do you believe Doc helped Willie? It was Doc who tortured Willie along with the boys from Hatch. How do I know? Willie & Buster stayed at the rock house on the Johnny Gordon ranch and Johnny's nephew Johnny Holden told me that he held the gold bars with his own hands and that His uncle Johnny Gordon said that Willie told him that after being tortured he finally told them what they wanted to know. Ir was then they removed the bandanna's off their faces and one of them was Doc. Willie and Buster did not get in until 1929. Doc showed up with map in hand in 1934 and went straight to the Caballo's to a specific canyon within 4 days he found the air vent and was in. It was there that he obtained several maps showing other locations and VP was one of them. Doc removed bars from this location up 1936 when he tried to make a deal with Governor Tingley that went south and the gig was up the Caballo's were to hot and heavy with treasure hunters and thieves along with Governor Tingley sharing with Ethel DuPont Doc's find 3 weeks latter the DuPont's were drilling up and down that canyon where Letha and Jerry later showed up after the closing of VP. Doc wasn't deer hunting at VP he already had a map from the Caballo's showing him where to go. In fact Doc had already explored VP in 1935 then "Quote" officially showed up in November of 1937. Now even myself I am just repeating what I was told but its coming from family members and people closely associated with the whole ordeal. It still does not mean my info is correct. But this is the very thing Johnny Holden told me that drives them nuts who were there and or directly related to the ones who were there when it all happened. listening to all of these stories that are a hacked up regurgitation some truth. LOL I have no idea what really actually happened but I assume the people closely related are much closer to the truth as to what had happened. Even all of the name dropping concerning VP. Ova and Letha weren't shooting straight with any of those people they had to perpetuate the lies concerning the Caballo's but make no mistake VP was loaded and now it's all gone!
:coffee2:Welcome to TN,It's always good to see new people. I am not trying to be rude with what I am going to say,you have to understand, I am almost 66 years old, 8 years ago I had a stroke, and last nov and dec,I had heart failure 5 times, and bypass surgery, my time is precious, I am not going to keep repeating every thing I have already written, to start with I want you to understand that willie was the one with the treasure,willie was the first one with the maps and paper work,later doc ended up with this stuff. the DuPont story that was told about doc rushing back because he was afraid they would drill into the hole was a farse, he needed to get back to hot springs because he was suppose to meet with M. Perone his girl friend at the time,but , Ova and Letha went to were DuPont was suppose to be drilling a couple hours after doc left and he never showed up at the site, DOC had several girl friends when him and Ova were together, and the reason Letha and Jerry were hunting were they were had nothing to do with DuPont. Ova only knew one story about VP and that was what Doc told her. and when you say you assume the people closely related are much closer to the truth as to what happened,none of these people with O N F P were reated to Doc, Ova was married to him ,that's all. but Letha was with them every were they went. but all those kids were Letha's and she was no blood relation to Doc. good luck on TN. NP:cat:

NP, ya posted ---- I am almost 66 years old, 8 years ago I had a stroke, and last nov and dec,I had heart failure 5 times, and bypass surgery, my time is precious,

Yer still a kiddie ?? If I can make 92,which I have done, so can you, and you will.

Errr, just what was involved in your stroke? ?

Mine was recently, a couple of months ago, and resulted in the complete loss of left hand & leg. However I have recovered perhaps 90 %, can even type with my left hand now. Left leg tends to drag a bit, but I'll get rid of that.

I firmly believe that our bodies develop parallel control paths, and it is up to us to develop the otherwhen one fails It does take time and concentration, and belief or faith.

When you look at a finger and wiil it to move, and it just sits there unmoviing, it is kinda hard to believe this. So get to work NP.

I have gotten over terminl neck cancer, macular hemorrhaging,of one eye, and the effects of that stroke, plus pain control,so can you NP, my friend. Get to hopping.

I learned this during my 10 yr investigation of the para-normal sciences..


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NP, ya posted ---- I am almost 66 years old, 8 years ago I had a stroke, and last nov and dec,I had heart failure 5 times, and bypass surgery, my time is precious,

Yer still a kiddie ?? If I can make 92,which I have done, so can you, and you will.

Errr, just what was involved in your stroke? ?

Mine was recently, a couple of months ago, and resulted in the complete loss of left hand & leg. However I have recovered perhaps 90 %, can even type with my left hand now. Left leg tends to drag a bit, but I'll get rid of that.

I firmly believe that our bodies develop parallel control paths, and it is up to us to develop the otherwhen one fails It does take time and concentration, and belief or faith.

When you look at a finger and wiil it to move, and it just sits there unmoviing, it is kinda hard to believe this. So get to work NP.

I have gotten over terminl neck cancer, macular hemorrhaging,of one eye, and the effects of that stroke, plus pain control,so can you NP, my friend. Get to hopping.

I learned this during my 10 yr investigation of the para-normal sciences..

Amigo,:coffee2: When I had my stroke I was asleep , I woke up with my speech not working right, and my whole right side was paralyzed , nothing really had no pain, my arm would not work right and my fingers wouldn't work at all, when I went to the hospital they thought I was going to need to be operated on , so they sent me to another hospital to have that done, but at the time they said I didn't need it done,so they sent me back to the first hospital that I was at for in hospital rehab, I had a week and a half of speech therapy, finger and hand ,and walking therapy. I had a lot of help from my spirit, its exactly what you were talking about, you have to have faith, after time I can tell you I only come back about 90% after all is said and done, so just keep your spirit lit and your faith up, It will all work out Brother. NP:cat: PS. I also lost 90lbs, plus in nov and dec when I had my heart problems I lost another 50lbs.

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Glad you both are still around to tell us of your experiences and adventures. I agree, mind over matter DOES make a difference. :icon_thumleft:

Glad you both are still around to tell us of your experiences and adventures. I agree, mind over matter DOES make a difference. :icon_thumleft:

Ditto and please do continue!

:coffee2; :coffee2:

Ditto and please do continue!

:coffee2; :coffee2:

Agreed, and please continue! Another fascinating thread I will have to follow! I spent about 6 years at Alamogordo (1954 to 1960), and my father worked at Holloman/White Sands, so this area is of special interest to me.



In the last 30 years, did anybody found any treasures on Victorio Peak?

In the last 30 years, did anybody found any treasures on Victorio Peak?

Honest Samuel,

The last I heard anything that I would be willing to get behind would have been in the 1970s. Fred Drolte and his crew (so the story goes) had been drilling pilot holes trying to bore into some of the tunnels. At one point, the bit dropped off the end of the shaft into a void. Drolte shooed off all his workers, then later paid them all very handsomely. Two of the brothers that worked for him supposedly got paid a small fortune. True or not? Quien Sabe?


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