How Special
Now for a Word from the Frontlines
Activities have increased tempo around the Old Spring and the Hieroglyphs nearby them .
A Huge majority of the Dead Bugs found there , have been examined , and found to
have passed away from Freight of something Supernatural .
Recent investigations have not been successful in uncovering just exactly what that Supernatural is.
Meanwhile , back at the Shuffleboard Match , Tom Dooley was seen drooling on his own Lap ,
while Matt the undertaker has been showing signs of impatience with Tom , for taking so long to drop the heck Dead .
Matt would like to get Tom in the ground before the Winter Freeze hits this year .
Back at the Shack and in the Cadillac , Mona The Drip nose , has once again filled the ashtrays with her Cigarette Butts
until it has overflowed onto the Carpet .
A Check of the Area around Filmore Canyon has uncovered a strange new species of Reptile Type People
living underground near Filmore Spring ,,,, These Creatures have Eye's that Glow Red in the Dark ,,,
Many locals are now too afraid to visit the springs in Filmore .
One Couple has reported that they were Abducted , and while underground with the Abductors ,,, They state they saw
mass stacks of Gold Bars in a Pyramid shape stack in a Huge Room at one end of the Tunnel .
Of course , we have all heard these claims before ,, so no one takes these people seriously any more .
Stay Tuned to this thread , for further updates on our recent report of why Ex-Lax Bars were made to look
exactly like Hershey Bars . You'll find the answer quite interesting , I'm sure .
Thank you and Good Night Irene .