DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

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Ponchosportal. my friend, The answer for the occaisional viewer could be in the 'obvious openess'.. a certain amount of materiel was being passed as legitment, while the illiegitiment cargoes were intermixed with them, also any curious eyes/ ears would receive the same answer "The kings fifth" , if it hadn't bee collected in Mexico City, plus normal production.

I am at work right now, but at home in Father Polzer's Book on Jesuit Rules and Precepts, they had to limit the number of mules a Jesuit Missionary Father could take on an entrada. Previous to this, 50 and 100 mule trains were not uncommon. A Jesuit Priest would not have stood out in front of a 100 mule train back then. Just tell anybody that he was on a long entrada and needed to bring supplies.


I am at work right now, but at home in Father Polzer's Book on Jesuit Rules and Precepts, they had to limit the number of mules a Jesuit Missionary Father could take on an entrada. Previous to this, 50 and 100 mule trains were not uncommon. A Jesuit Priest would not have stood out in front of a 100 mule train back then. Just tell anybody that he was on a long entrada and needed to bring supplies.


Makes more sense now with that much of an accustomed circus/sight/entourage on trails with ........

Thanks Mike.

A story from the book " Inca's treasures - myths and realities " by Patrick Braun :

Juan Valverde ( known from his famous Derrotero ) after the melting of his gold Inca artifacts , obtained twelve gold bars which weighed 600 Kg ( 50 kg each ) . He wanted to take these gold bars to Spain , but was very hard to do because the detailed search of the packages by the Spanish authorities .
The solution to Valverde problem gave his friend Olmedo Alvarado , a Spanish priest , who put the church emblem on the bars and gave him an " official " paper note which said how the gold was for the Archbishopric of Madrid .
To thank his priest friend , Valverde gave him one ( 50 Kg ) of the twelve gold bars .

So , I believe how many folks " should " have Spanish priests or Spanish authorities as friends in those days . No wonder why the most hidden caches have a church or a " fifth " emblem .

Was this practice similar for the wealth which was transported by the black robes to Europe ? And , used their coadjutors to do this job ?

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Any story about the bars in the first picture?


  • map with bars.php.webp
    map with bars.php.webp
    292.5 KB · Views: 183
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.........another possible reason for bringing all that gold/silver that far North would be that maybe they were hooking up with French Jesuits to take to the NorthEast, then across the Atlantic to Rome.

Just a thought.


.........another possible reason for bringing all that gold/silver that far North would be that maybe they were hooking up with French Jesuits to take to the NorthEast, then across the Atlantic to Rome.

Just a thought.


That's interesting, but then one might also speculate that it was all early French Jesuit action, coming from north of the Caballos, not the south. We know the French Mallet brothers scouted via the Platte River to beyond the headwaters region of the Arkansas River in 1739. This region in southern CO has a long French presence, as indicated by place names. The CO Treasure Mountain legend has French miners from New Orleans discovering and caching an enormous amount of gold somewhere in the eastern San Juan Mountains region. If one is blue-sky speculating, I guess you could interpret the tale as having the French moving the gold south out of the San Juans, following the Rio Grande all the way from the San Luis Valley to the Caballos, where the loot may have been staged, awaiting a later transfer down river to the Gulf. This would be a relatively easy downstream raft trip all the way through NM and TX. Of course, there is the sticky problem of avoiding the Franciscans and Spanish all the way through NM and beyond.

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...and also don't forget Father LaRue. The only Jesuit LaRue we have ever been able to find was a French Jesuit. Maybe we should have been going at this sideways, instead of head on. The easiest way to hide wealth from The Spanish would be to run it into the far North of Pimeria Alta. VERY few Spaniards, and heading into French Jesuit Territory in Louisiana.

Also don't forget that the French suppressed the Jesuits three years before The Spanish.


Im just curious, has anyone had a chance to use the info I posted on here about what doc had hidden next to the spring at Rincon? this is first hand knowledge of something hidden by doc that has never had the location given out to my knowledge. I hope someone takes the time to go look. because, as far as I know the family never did, good luck. np:cat:

I will be back in the Caballos starting October 1 and looking for this location is #1 on my list.
However, there are dozens of springs to explore near Rincon.
Do you have any clues to narrow it down some?????

Over the years, Ova shared stories with Letha. It is these shared stories that led Letha and Jerrry to begin hunting the Caballos...and south of the Caballos. Ova knew that Doc went many places besides Victorio Peak. Usually she'd wait in the car. Sometimes they would camp. Doc would stress the importance of some of these places should anything happen to him. One of these places was outside of Rincon, NM. Ova believed in Victorio Peak, but Letha wasn't so sure. Doc had told Ova that if anything ever happened to him, she should go back to the spring at Rincon were they had camped many times before. On a rock shelf in the cliff, covered with rocks, above the spring was a small trunk he had hidden which contained some gold and other treasure artifacts. The artifacts included all the documents from the dead Padre found in the room.
So, the mystery of the documents found with the Padre could be solved at the location at Rincon. Letha and Jerry hunted this location with no

I have read in your posts that Letha and Jerry never hunted for this location, then here you say they did with no results?
Do you think Jerry and Letha knew the correct location of this spring? Or do you think they never looked for it?
Do you know which of the many springs near Rincon might be the correct one?
I am starting my quest to find this on October 1 and would appreciate any guidance.

...and also don't forget Father LaRue. The only Jesuit LaRue we have ever been able to find was a French Jesuit. Maybe we should have been going at this sideways, instead of head on. The easiest way to hide wealth from The Spanish would be to run it into the far North of Pimeria Alta. VERY few Spaniards, and heading into French Jesuit Territory in Louisiana.

Also don't forget that the French suppressed the Jesuits three years before The Spanish.


Oh, yeah ... LaRue. This character is all over the NM treasure legends, but seemingly nowhere to be found in New World history. He's attached at the hip to the Soledad Peak (one each in the San Andres or Organs - take your pick) treasure tales. Might as well throw the Caballos into the game too. Supposedly, LaRue was a rogue Franciscan who came up from Mexico, but there's no record of him there - maybe because he was a French Jesuit. The French in North America is an interesting topic. New Orleans is an interesting place too.

One site left in Caballo...VP is empty.

I would say : find LaRue's mines and you will be very close to the almacen .

That's interesting, but then one might also speculate that it was all early French Jesuit action, coming from north of the Caballos, not the south. We know the French Mallet brothers scouted via the Platte River to beyond the headwaters region of the Arkansas River in 1739. This region in southern CO has a long French presence, as indicated by place names. The CO Treasure Mountain legend has French miners from New Orleans discovering and caching an enormous amount of gold somewhere in the eastern San Juan Mountains region. If one is blue-sky speculating, I guess you could interpret the tale as having the French moving the gold south out of the San Juans, following the Rio Grande all the way from the San Luis Valley to the Caballos, where the loot may have been staged, awaiting a later transfer down river to the Gulf. This would be a relatively easy downstream raft trip all the way through NM and TX. Of course, there is the sticky problem of avoiding the Franciscans and Spanish all the way through NM and beyond.

The Spanish Fight
by Captain Jonathan Carver

(30) "The time I tarried here [Doty Island], I employed in making the beſt obſervations poſſible on the country, and in colleƈting the moſt certain intelligence I could of the origin, language, and cuſtoms of this people. From theſe enquiries I have reaſon to conclude, that the Winnebagoes originally reſided in ſome of the provinces belonging to New Mexico; and being driven from their native country, either by inteſtine diviſions, or by the extenſion of the Spaniſh conqueſts, they took refuge in theſe more northern parts about a century ago.
(31) My reaſons for adopting this ſuppoſition are ... thirdly from their inveterate hatred to the Spaniards. Some of them informed me that they had made many excurſions to the ſouth-weſt, which took up ſeveral moons. An elderly chief more particularly acquainted me, that about forty-ſix winters ago [1720], he marched, at the head of fifty warriors, towards the ſouth-weſt, for three moons. That during this expedition, whilſt they were croſſing a plain, (32) they diſcovered a body of men on horſeback, who belonged to the Black People; for ſo they call the Spaniards. As ſoon as they perceived them, they proceeded with caution, and concealed themſelves till night came on; when they drew ſo near as to be able to diſcern the number and ſituation of their enemies. Finding they were not able to cope with ſo great a ſuperiority by daylight they waited till they had retired to reſt; when they ruſhed upon them, and after having killed the greateſt part of the men, took eighty horſes loaded with what they termed white ſtone. This I ſuppoſe to have been ſilver, as he told me the horſes were ſhod with it, and that their bridles were ornamented with the ſame. When they had ſatiated their revenge, they carried off their ſpoil, and being got ſo far as to be out of the reach of the Spaniards that had eſcaped their fury, they left the uſeleſs and ponderous burthen, with which the horſes were loaded, in the woods, and mounting themſelves, in this manner returned to their friends. The party they had thus defeated, I conclude to be the caravan that annually conveys to Mexico, the ſilver which the Spaniards find in great quantities (33) on the mountains lying near the heads of the Coloredo River: and the plains where the attack was made, probably, ſome they were obliged to paſs over in their way to the heads of the River St. Fee, or Rio del Nord, which falls into the gulph of Mexico to the weſt of the Miſſiſſippi."[SUP]1

[/SUP]Mdog here, black people could be Jesuits in black robes. Seems I've heard a legend that a militant organization from within the Catholic church wore black armor or black clothing, don't know.

Just something to add to the last post I made, I've been interested in the French of New France for several years and early in my research I read that New France was cash poor but in the northern parts of the Mississippi River, some French traders were able to trade with Native Americans for silver that the Indians had looted from the Spanish.

I would say : find LaRue's mines and you will be very close to the almacen .

I've already posted exact locations of each of La Rues mines

they are in the ORGAN Mountains

I posted his Placer site many times

one is in Glendale Canyon , Organ Mountains

one is above the waterfall in Rucker Canyon

La Rue was Langaudoc French

same as King Richard the Lion Heart

and to dry my hair

I always Micro-wave it

View attachment 1203955

Treasminder 2

I believe LaRue had at least 7 mines . And also , I believe are not in the Organ Mt.

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