DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Good Mornin,:coffee2:
Back to the Caballo's, something I thought hard about sharing,but, every one can still learn something,as long as someone is willing to share.
Jesuit Cache's
In all my years of treasure hunting,one of the things I found Interesting about Jesuit cache's sites were the ways they were stored.
1. multiple booby traps, usually dead falls.
2. under ground rooms,or, existing caves,some times either one could have been modified.
3. signs of the cross to watch over the cache.
4. and the most Important,before being transported from their original site,to the cache site, the mineral was always,with no exception
covered with something,usually caliche or mud,and also stored this way,to help disguise what was being transported.this was a well kept secret
for many years,this was to eliminate false claims and stories.
I am glad to be able to share this with you.NP:cat:

tm2: thanks. yes, i already had this rock on my gps tablet from your previoius posts. I will start with this rock. In an earlier post you also told where to find hyroglyphs (sp?) near this area (i have them on gps also). and said to take pics and send to you to decode. I will do that also. I hope to learn how to read this ancient sign for myself also. I am studying currently and find it fascinating.

Right there in the right side of the map image is the mine .

I could lead you to it if I was down there .
That would be best .

There was a stone monument pointing to it , an Idiot found out what it was , climbed up there and knocked
it off the ridge .

tm2: ok, glad you clarified. the earlier post location, and this post location differ by about .6 miles.
possibly standing on the map rock and reading the signs (if i can interpret them) will narrow it down also.
when would you be down there? I would be honored to meet you and have you lead me to this mine.
If you do want to do it and let me know when, i will be there ready to hike, any time.

Good Mornin,:coffee2:
Back to the Caballo's, something I thought hard about sharing,but, every one can still learn something,as long as someone is willing to share.
Jesuit Cache's
In all my years of treasure hunting,one of the things I found Interesting about Jesuit cache's sites were the ways they were stored.
1. multiple booby traps, usually dead falls.
2. under ground rooms,or, existing caves,some times either one could have been modified.
3. signs of the cross to watch over the cache.
4. and the most Important,before being transported from their original site,to the cache site, the mineral was always,with no exception
covered with something,usually caliche or mud,and also stored this way,to help disguise what was being transported.this was a well kept secret
for many years,this was to eliminate false claims and stories.
I am glad to be able to share this with you.NP:cat:

Thanks NP.,for that info. I have been trying to work one of there sites,( iam guessing its a Jesuit site) So i know to watch for multiple traps now. Thanks for the info. and thread you have started here,its been a good read. And it also has brought out some good info.from others.The sites that i believe are Jesuit, seem to be so complex,and i have seen what looks like a sucker deal at one,it looks so tempting to go in there and open the hole up,but i know its a death trap. Would you,and are you able to tell me if the 7's i have found with the slashes on the ends are Jesuit? Its ok if you dont want to say. And as a lone treasure hunter, do i have a chance to get in to there storage room?Thanks.View attachment 1171275

Thanks NP.,for that info. I have been trying to work one of there sites,( iam guessing its a Jesuit site) So i know to watch for multiple traps now. Thanks for the info. and thread you have started here,its been a good read. And it also has brought out some good info.from others.The sites that i believe are Jesuit, seem to be so complex,and i have seen what looks like a sucker deal at one,it looks so tempting to go in there and open the hole up,but i know its a death trap. Would you,and are you able to tell me if the 7's i have found with the slashes on the ends are Jesuit? Its ok if you dont want to say. And as a lone treasure hunter, do i have a chance to get in to there storage room?Thanks.View attachment 1171275
dog:coffee2:,the 7's are more than likely Jesuit, between the 7 with owl and the rocks what is that wood, were did it come from,has some one been in the room before,always be careful of traps.
thanks for the kind ps, are those rocks on a small mound.

I'm not quite sure what kind of evidence I would need to see in order to believe such, short of laying hands and eyes on them. Maybe a picture could be convincing, but considering this whole game, and I do mean game, of THing operates like a Secret Society, with levels of information being doled out to those 'initiated and proven worthy to receive it' and how much of this is 'word of mouth' (think telephone game or intentional misinformation), I am suspicious of anything I 'hear' or read about it all. Even if one treasure hunter is relaying what he believes to be good information, does not make it anything other than a pile of BS in and of itself.

NEVER trust a member of your Society with Secrets who ranks above you, for they WILL lie to you (they have no choice and must) about the knowledge and secrets above your level ...

As far as a stash that size, the MOST credible reports I would accept would be those of Native Americans. Europeans would not lose track of that much gold, nor would a Euro be able to mine that much without notice, even in the 1500's. It is just too much work to keep hidden and too much wealth for preemptive measures for relocation by future generations or Secret Society fellas (what if I die - how will anyone know where the stash is?) to not be taken. People who accumulate 40 tons of gold would NOT leave this question unaddressed. IMO, of course.

Admittedly possible, but escaping detection would imply to me it has been hidden or tapped out. Possible, but that is a lot of gold.

I'm obviously not familiar with that portion of NM, but must it be the closest? One thing that area has is much more year round accessibility, than the gold bearing climes to the north. I would say the areas known to produce large quantities of gold (keep in mind their level of placer/ore recovery techniques - how much ground would need to be worked) are well north of there. That is a lot of labor to round up that much gold, process it, and hide it. More than just one 'foreigner' would have been involved. So, why was that much gold stored to begin with? Future trips to recover it? To accumulate and acquire a significant amount in one easily retrievable location for some other party?

That would make sense - I don't know the tonnage a Phoenician ship could carry. Certainly makes sense if they couldn't ship it all at once and needed to come back years later. But, why was that knowledge lost, if Phoenecian? There would have been no small amount of Phoenicians over here. If Phoenician, and this stuff is Ophir related, it was KNOWN that there was such a deposit. Kidnap a couple of the Phoenicians manning the oars and picks, and get them to tell you how to get to the cache. Have you given any thought to how many Phoenicians would have to have known and been in on it and then how that info just up and disappeared?

If we are talking post- Columbus, no way would there be anything left for Willie and Doc. It was nothing but Secret Societies over here, from the Allumbrado to the Jesuits. Secret Societies do not lose track of 40 tons 'o gold in such a short period. Further, where are the oral traditions of Native Americans concerning the Phoenicians? I haven't looked for them; do they exist, or were such traditions exterminated?

We got Willie's 7 caves' o gold, your 7 spotted turtle, etc. Are you suggesting the Caballos are Cibola related? Though I do not know of Phoenician traditions, I do know the Navajo have a Black Kachina one, Estévan. I believe Cibola has its origins in 7 bishops (I think Moorish) leaving the Iberian peninsula to find the 7 cities. I cannot find it to reference it, but I came across a bit about one of the Popes getting whacked for letting the Cibola Legend out in the public domain.

I believe very little of any public information on this stuff, and would not believe, certainly not automatically, MOST private information on it either ...


That is the biggest hangup I have. I've heard the Natives reburied it stuff, but c'mon, the Noble Savage who needs no gold? By the 1900's, they would know full well what gold would do for them. They would have AT LEAST relocated it to a reservation where they could keep a closer eye on it, wouldn't you think?

Do you think the supposed Caballo cache has something to do with that mysterious Cave 'o Gold, La Caverna del Oro, that is wrapped up in more than one location, the tale you referenced in your book? Inherent in that story is the evil priest. Must that priest be a Jesuit or Franciscan? I think any truth to the 'Evil Priest' does not refer to the priest most are talking about. There was some dark stuff going on over here not too long prior to Columbus. I mentioned my thoughts concerning a potential of the Evil Aztec Priest/Anasazi disappearance origins in another thread.

I came across this from a guy claiming to be a Professional Treasure Hunter, calling himself Dragon Wolf. I don't post it because I beleive, but simply post it:

The Last Prophecies of Fatima are of the appearance of the Dark Virgin called Guadalupe by a white man from Arizona. Guadalupe Guides him through visions to Unlock the Codes of the Master Architect of Natures (Gods) Language and the Secrets of the Holy Temples of Sacrifice. This is the Language taught to Moses. These Temples are where Millions of Indians were Murdered during the Gold Mining and Mass Prospecting of the West Indies and the World. This Gold Mining was done by total restructuring of the landscape using the Fire and Water method called the Crack Stone Mining process. This was done using Indian Slaves forced into Christianity by paying with their lives during the years of the Black Legends. This was direct instructions given from the Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego in his visions of her (Dark Madonna) around 1531 during the Indian Land Occupation / Cooperation from instructions Juan Told Bishop Zummaragga. This was a lie. The Virgin did not say this to Juan Diego. Whole tribes and entire Indian populations were wiped out in the name of the Pope and King of Spain.

The Vaults and Temples were left intact and are opened using the Ancient Stone Maps (The Peralta Stone Maps) with the Key of Solomon releasing the Treasures to the all Indian Tribes that were offered to God to pay for with millions of souls. This white Person is called the Pahana by the Hopi tribe. The Great Prophet that was predicted by Montezuma returns as a white man to empower and unite all Indian tribes. This is done with the Power of Guadalupes Spirit and her Divine Guidance showing the way for the one that has gained the knowledge of Gods Language. It proves the Dark Legends are true and the untold stories of the dead finally will be told. The Vatican knows this Prophecy and will stop at nothing to stop it from coming to light.

This information did not come with out a price. When the Language is taught to one by the divine knowledge you cannot stop from having physical contact with both good and evil spirits and only faith in God can keep you away from becoming Evil and corrupted by this knowledge . Angels appear the same as Demons in the realm of the insight. The Riches were hidden from the world in Golden Cities and Temples of the Dead deep underground. These Gold Buildings and Vaults dedicated to the Virgin and the Trinity hold more of the Gold Riches now then the world Vaults have stored at this time. These are the Treasures amassed over three thousand years handed down through out time and brought here by the Holy Soldiers of the Knights Templar. These Templar Soldiers had been given a brand new name. They called themselves the Jesuit Order the Soldiers of Christ.

I will say that independent of this thread, the Dark Madonna is something I have been looking into.

Care to expand upon snakes, skeletons, and murders (or booby-trap)?

Bingo. One could suggest the stasher of the sextant and map got snake bit, etc., three days after arriving and getting ready to search, but why only ONE person and one map? 40 tons processed and stored is too organized for that. I still think there TOO MANY treasure legends concerning gold in NM and AZ. Suppose part of what was exterminated with Native Americans were oral traditions, intentionally, to erase pre-Columbus visits from memories. If one is going to plant all of these Spanish/Priest legends, it has to be done in known areas of the two; namely not much north of you and into the REAL gold bearing areas of the West where History tells us the Spanish did not settle.

All of this Spanish crap and the King's Fifth is precisely that. Mining yes. Mining enough gold in NM and AZ to spawn so many HUGE cache legends? Nope ...

What's your theory on where Willie got information and from whom?

Many were mining in the southwest before the Spanish and the Spanish were here in the early 1500's. I've seen everything pulled from VPeak and the treasures were Aztec and Spanish. Treasures upon treasures for eons. 7 cities are in NM which are 7 very large geometric chambers full to the tilt. Caballos is too a different location in NM. We have located all of them.

Hi NP, that wood is that real hard dense heavy stuff, mesquite ? I took it as some type of sign,not as firewood. I couldn't bring myself to pull it all apart and look under it,i believe its from the area right there. no one has been in the room,vault, i guess anyways,because the treasure is still there, i caught the aura from the metals with a I.R. lens from about ten miles away.View attachment 1171667 Thats what got me to hike up in there. I just havent been able to pinpoint it yet. those stones are in a saddle,they may be on a very slight mound. I think the cache is in the direction of the long leg of the 7 is pointing,if you walk that way and go up on top of that ridge,i can tell that the soil has been disturbed,the texture isn't a match. but when i used some dowsing rods,they pulled me back the opposite way towards a cut triangle and small duck that on the ground,but like a dummy,i put them down and went my way,lol. And every time i went back,the wind was so strong i couldn't focus.View attachment 1171673 I believe the site was originally Ancient (Aztec?)

At the end of this mountain range is a large pointer,easily seen from 25 miles away, it points to the north east, towards the Caballo's,VP mountains. the map you posted NP and RealTTT thoughts on the Jesuit taking their treasure to that area by the Rio for storage, has me thinking maybe there route came thru here. Thanks for the info.

3NPO map.webpdog, this just might help, Courtesy of NP The Jesuit mines were to the west

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Thanks RealTTT, if i ever get lucky enough to find some bling:goldbar:,ill send some your way,so you can see if any of it is from your mine.Ill be hooking you up to NP. + ill give you guys the real treasure , the info. I owe alot of people on here, and it will get to them. Iam not smart enough to understand all this stuff, but for me,i think its a blessing, it keeps my mind open on site, with out have preconceived thoughts. i hardly dont ever copy or save any info.on paper. I think i do better by letting the site tell me its story,A sixth sense i guess.

Excuse me , was I here a few minutes ago ?

I think I'm missing time again ,,???????

I may have been somewhere else , but ,,, maybe I was here instead , di anyone see me here a few minutes ago ?

or am I a figment again ?

Gosh , I feel just like that Puppet " Knuckle Head Smith "


I think I just saw me walking by outside , I'll have to hurry and catch myself ,,, I'm late for Dinner again,,
cause I was missing time again .

I enjoy reading your post TM2, id like to hear more of the Templar,and other thoughts on treasure hunting that you have,if you care to share. I have been waiting and i have the time,for now any ways. about all i can offer you is a open ear and a tune about time. hope you enjoy it.

View attachment 1083568

Of course, deciphering that map requires understanding the iconography and who used such. Concerning the serpent in the lower left corner, I highly doubt Doc created that, or the map. Copied it, yes. I think a natural assumption of many would be to associate that serpent with Meso-American cultures.

Perhaps, Señor, you are on to something with purely Jesuit/Tayopa origins. Do you know what a Crosier is?

A crosier (crozier, pastoral staff, paterissa, pósokh) is the stylized staff of office (pastoral staff) carried by high-ranking Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and some Lutheran, United Methodist and Pentecostal prelates.

Serpent iconography was used with Crosiers. From Western Christian tradition. Notice the 'bumps', like the serpent 'bumps' on the map?:

View attachment 1085963View attachment 1085964View attachment 1085965View attachment 1085962View attachment 1085966

And from Eastern Orthodox tradition:

View attachment 1085967View attachment 1085968


A historical society isn't going to have any information about this Guerrilla Gang.


For research about this Guerrilla Gang, I'd start here:

Guerrilla Gang Research Portal


Jim and John Reynolds, and much of the Reynolds Gang served the Civil War in Texas Battalions, also reportedly with Quantrill. They were also involved in confederate activities in NM and Colo. Also, it was Jim Reynolds that named the town Fairplay, in South Park, a major gold bearing area during the Gold Rush. Very close, as the crow flies, to Leadville with its Jesse James ties. The Reynolds gang spawned multiple treasure stories in both New Mexico and Colorado.

This is KGC stuff, as far as Noss, the dude who whacked him, Willie, and the Reynolds Kid, with Noss' and Willie's info and map very likely coming from the the Reynolds kid, who was probably related to the Reynolds Gang (KGC unit). Now, who the KGC were really working for, what treasure they may have hid and what treasures they may have hunted and to what success, like the Conquistadors before them, is a very large and looming question ...

The Hopi seem to have some secrets. The Pueblo Indians in NM are reported to still have documents in their possession that were taken during the Pueblo Revolt that 'no white man has ever seen.' We don't know what Oral Traditions were completely wiped out with the genocide of Native Americans that occurred at the hands of the Vatican, Royal Families of Europe, Conquistadors, and things like Manifest Destiny, et al.

Had 'my people' suffered the atrocities of humanity the Native Americans had to, and 'my people' had some type of 'treasure', or other important knowledge, I wouldn't tell you, or anyone else outside of 'my people' a damn thing about it. Absence of Native American Oral Tradition about such being passed to you is not absence of the event. Aztec Treasure or not, there's sumpin' goin' on with all of this ...

Not Peralta, that is some very interesting communications you shared.

That's all I have time for ladies and gents, too many irons in the fire right now, just needed a little break and thought I would catch up on some reading here.

All ya'll enjoy the Holidays. :coffee2:


I'm a newbie but have visited this site often. I have researched (not professionally) the Apaches and other groups involved with southern New Mexico in passed history. One item catches my eye while reading about the Rio Grande: Rincon was a well know crossing point of the Rio Grande depending on it's water levels. Someone transporting Heavy amounts of treasure to hide it in Victorio Peak would have at least known this from being around the area. I have explored the desert area west of the river there, very deep sand mixed in with hard caliche, but small hills that have been mined for ??? over the passed century. Even found an old water pump in a mine, large pump, big motor, on wheels, probably 1910 + years. Who ever worked these mines didn't bother to take much back when they were finished. Victorio Peak is clearly off to the west from here. The I-10 Border Patrol check station is also directly west easily seen most of the day from on top these abandoned mine site. Border Patrol has followed me on foot before in this area but they said they weren't watching me.....right.

please elaborate a little as Victorio Peak is not west of Rincon, were these mines you visited west of Rincon or east out in the Jornada,
yes Rincon does bring up alot of possibility's the towns of Santa Barbarita, which is where Hatch is today, and Rodey, there is an old church there,
which was turned into a museum of sorts and is now listed as a house for sale, and dont forget Fort Thorn, lots of old maps show a vast ranch there
called Detroit, and as Not Peralta pointed out this was an area of refuge for the kinney gang, lots and lots of possibility's, but either way if Doc Noss,
or anyone else moved treasure from tha Caballos, or the Fray Cristibols they did not have to cross the Rio Grande.

When VP's main chamber was emptied, it was transported over the Rio Grande and shipped to Cater's airport and shipped to Fort Knox. I've seen photos of almost everything pulled out, amazing. There are still other chambers that have yet to be opened.

When VP's main chamber was emptied, it was transported over the Rio Grande and shipped to Cater's airport and shipped to Fort Knox. I've seen photos of almost everything pulled out, amazing. There are still other chambers that have yet to be opened.

Not Cater's but Carter's....

Of course, along with Aztec and Templar.

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