DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

and as I said

they in some cases
would pour water DOWN the Flue and into the mine .

They did have Jarillias ya know ( Clay Jars )

also , if you get out there in the field
and find a site
you may note that they would DIVERT water from it's course , and into an area where they wanted it .

and that was very simple for them to do .

A Large Boulder pushed into a water way where the hard bed rock is visible
and small channel dug into the bedrock .

I suggest for you to get a visual of these

go to the Organ Mountains and Enter them .

you'll see it all in one canyon

I understand, but before you can pour that large of a volume of water down a flue, you must first have it ready at hand. That would be many thousands of gallons. No pumps or hoses back then, so that means by hand with buckets. For it to work, it would all have to go down the flue at once, not one bucket at a time. Are there any streams or rivers above that mine location that have that volume of flow to them? I will hit that canyon as soon as I can to check it all out.

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I understand, but before you can pour that large of a volume of water down a flue, you must first have it ready at hand. That would be many thousands of gallons. No pumps or hoses back then, so that means by hand with buckets. For it to work, it would all have to go down the flue at once, not one bucket at a time. Are there any streams or rivers above that mine location that have that volume of flow to them? I will hit that canyon as soon as I can to check it all out.

One way around the problem would be to dam the flute. Fill it up a bucket or two at a time.
Then release the trapped water at will.
Im not saying thats what they did. Im just saying that would solve the volume of water demand. Especially in a area with small streams.

no comment sheesh.:dontknow::icon_scratch:

dece t  size coffee.webp

Building a hold pool above a flue would certainly work, where a small creek could fill a large volume that could then flush the mine effectively.

Building a hold pool above a flue would certainly work, where a small creek could fill a large volume that could then flush the mine effectively.

In the ldm or stone maps story.
I cant remember which right now. One of the landmarks was a tributary Canon that had been walled up to collect rain water.
I wonder if its true purpose was to flush mine. I stood and counted 18 mines last march. They were very close to each other, but there wasnt a tailing pile around any of them. I didnt give it much thought until I read the comments posted here.

Here is a question for the more experienced guys here,
If I located a stash hidden in a cave, but the cave is on private property or a existing mining claim.
Is a treasure trove permit still needed or can I make a deal with the property owner or the owner of the mining claim.
I ask this question because if Im right about my location being connected to VP and other mines. It occurred to me that some stashes may be on private land .

I believe any such findings would legally be the property of the land owner, but don't quote me on that


Given that The system known as a Nation of laws
has no problem kidnapping a citizen , and torturing them to steal treasure
from them .

I'd say

Take it , and run like a Weasel with a fresh Hen .

Permits ?

Yeah , you are permitted to have your life monitored
you goods confiscated
being tortured

ask me about laws and permits .

just dig it up and run .

Filing for a permit will just get it stolen from you

Break the laws that the law makers break

simple that .

they do it all day everyday John .

it's one of those Non-Funny Jokes they play on people
pass a law , and collect more money through it .

It's a Ponzi Scheme
Not a Nation .

so play by the rules they play by

Take it and run

and then there's this tale of " The Bridal Chamber " discovery .

Imagine having the winning Lottery Ticket in your pocket ,
and before you found out you WON ,,, you get hit by a Mac truck
and Die .

insert :

Describing a smaller deposit nearby, Clark adds, "The deposit was in the nature of a channel

or water-course, the center of which formed a long cavern, and

the roof, floor and sides were in ore (silver minerals)".
This amazing find is even more remarkable since the ground had been sold as "worked out" and

wOl:thless only short time before the discovery and the general manager (and part owner) of

of the property died within an hour of the actual discovery. He was in a sheriff's posse chasing an Indian war party when he was killed by



I wish I was retired! Then I would have the time to devote to all this the way I want to! 2 weeks of vacation each year isn't enough to devote to one search area, let alone the many I have in front of me.

Ideally I would love to get out there, and the be able to contact our gang here on T-net to take special requests. Like, "Go over to that rock over there and take a photo of what is on it". But narrow canyons play havoc with cell phone reception, so I wouldn't be able to employ my hotspot to use my laptop out there. I wish there was a work-around for that.

When I do go, I will take as many photos as I can, and also video.

Roger, on the maps NP posted that you said were from your family's files, there is a place above your pictoglyph site and slightly to the west labelled "large stone". Its also to the west of Dorsey Canyon. Would you mind posting GPS for that stone?

Honestly, I would be in your debt if you would some day take the time and effort to print out that map, put GPS coords for all the sites shown, and post it here or send it to me in a private message.

I don't ask for much, do I? :laughing7:

If the answer is no, I completely understand!

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Evidence of Dr. Oren Swearingens lies about My Dad " Harvey Snow is in this link
I set the record straight above .

Oren had no clue where the actual 1300 steps cavern was located .
The Man lied .

why did he lie ?

Who can be sure , it has to do with the way people think
and that is not an exact science as yet

Link of Oren's blatant lie

Just for the record and to familiarize readers to not take
all that is said by self deluded people as the gospel .

I quote Oren : " A BIG error is the lie told by Harvey Snow about the cave
with the 1300 steps "

Lie , for I know for a fact that Oren was not taken to the actual Cavern of
1300 steps .
His Guide as he said , was Claude a very close friend of my Dad's , and Claude
never in his life , ever knew where the cave was located exactly . snow+oren swearingen&f=false

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Hi Judy.,PBSW#1 winner. are your hiking bots capable of reconnoitering the geological structure of the Tayopa Country ?? Also here are your quarters, but after, you can RR at our vinyard in norther Calf, Tons of Luis Martini wine

No nutty treasure hunters sniping at you.
.jpgTayopa canyon.webpOutlying guest cabins of the Tayopa HIlton.webpeasy living sigh©.webp


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Watch it luv, I have it on good authority on el Loke, that he never stops with one.

As for you luv, would you take the word of a questionable descendent of a bunch of mercenary bank individuals who were run out of many countries for usury banking practice, , or a 'Oirish' guy with direct decendancy from the 'Orish' king - well, maybe a Prince --- but he (me)is Gorgeous, brilliant, a devel-may-care individual

Would you trade this tayopa country for Victoria Peak ???

Tayopa country©.webp Victorio Peak 1.webp


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