DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Being in the area I have found some new info. It looks to be phonecian and older that the Spanish. I also find a lot of snakes signs. I think serpants were worshiped at some point. Anyone else finding this stuff.

Yes... Mississippi Valley for Phoenician stuff and Mississippi Valley and east for snake stuff, mostly from the Moundbuilder cultures. Heartquest had a lot of snakes at her site.

Have you ever found a snake with a spiral close to it?

No but haven't lost OKed. Snakes are not what I look for. This one is 100 feet up and about 300 feet long.

Yes my phone spell checker misspelled the word looked. I plan a hike to the area again soon. It was a challenge for my 2wd truck. This snake was a open crack high up on a cliff face near a tall standing sumarian looking guy with a beard and funny hat.

I noticed a old burro trail so the place may be mined out.

quote Casca : " a tall standing sumarian looking guy with a beard and funny hat."

and if you enter Rucker Canyon on the east side of the Organ Mnt's

Turn and look back at Soledad Peak

you will see 90 ft. tall etchings of Ra , or Morloch , and a Female Goddess , supposed as Tanit , the Phoenician Goddess .

and if you walk east past the Issachs Cabin in Soledad Canyon , and stop at the Bluff that terminates the ridge
that makes the West Wall of Dorcey Canyon ,,,

you will find two large flat top boulders laying at the base of the Bluff

walk up to them , and behind those , painted on the wall of the bluff at eye level ,
will be a Painted Pictograph ,

a line of 12 dots leading from where you stand . to a Tortugas Monument to the east of you .

it is a simple raised flat topped boulder , it is sitting on four smaller stones as legs .

it is directly in front of the mouth of Dorcey Canyon

Look at the depiction of it that is painted on the bluff by the two boulders .

In the pictoglyph , there is a Treasure Symbol painted below the Turtle ,,,,,,

Now , go find that Turtle , and dig under it .

That Treasure was still undisturbed when I last visited that site in 2006 .

it may still be intact .

do not doubt this , I swear the Pictoglyph is there , and this is the exact translation of it's meaning .

if you desire to go visit the site , and need better description of how to find the Pictograph , then
just PM me .
You are Welcome to it Casca , it will take some heavy digging .

Hey treasure I seen some of what you described

I was south of the organs. I am wondering you believe a treasure below a turtle. The painted rock is similar to one I found in the dona Ana's. Your directions were very easy to understand.

Yes Casca

you can see the Turtle on one of my dads maps that " Not Peralta " Posted in one of these VP threads .

which brings the question " what was Jerry Cheatum doing with my Dads Maps ?

I never gave him and Oren Swearingen those Maps .

oh well , just shows how slimey the ONFP were .

Onfp? There is some foul folks about. The ought to go did it just for giggles.

Spell checker does it again. It should say I should go dig it.

I would say the vault I discribe above is still intact

I will familiarize you with the construction of the Vaults .

You must dig down at the side of the Turtle
until at about 15 to 20 feet , you hit a cap rock over a void
last one dug , that cap rock was blasted into smaller pieces
and removed that way .

The Void will allow you to find a stone standing , blocking a low tunnel
that runs back under the Boulder that caps the vault.

remove that stone door
enter the tunnel

at the end of the tunnel will be a vertical cylindrical shaft dug straight down .
at the base of that , will be found an entrance to a tunnel again
which within a few yards will terminate with a large ( 10ft X 10ft ) Room .

You can find one such vault , that has already been dug up and pilfered ,

By taking the Modoc Mine Road off Baylor Canyon Road .
Follow the Modoc Mine Road up aboput one mile until
you reach the Forest Service Gate at a collection of large boulders

the gate is green .
Park right there .
walk due south toward Dripping springs road , about 100 yards ,

Turn left ( east ) and walk toward Filmore Canyon ,

watch for small rocks set atop flat topped boulders
that is how they marked the trail

Traveling now east toward Filmore , about 60 yards , you will find a ten foot high boulder set
out by it's self .
You will know it by the small tree growing on it's N.W. side .
the tree has very green leaves on it .

On the West side of that Lone Boulder, you will find the shaft dug by the Treasure Retrievers .

it is vertical and is 17 ft deep .

You will find my wood ladder in that shaft .

go down , and when you reach bottom
you will find the small tunnel that runs East up under the Boulder

Slide in that Tunnel and work your way in there
at the end of that tunnel is a Vertical Cylindrical shaft as described above .

That shaft is 22 ft deep


Unless you have a Top Man with proper equipment to pull you back up .

Go there and see for yourse3lf what a Treasure Vault of that Vintage and style
looks like .
it gives an idea how these were set up , and the logistics required to
open them and recover the treasure within .

On the Base , it was impossible for me to do it .

so I left the one described above alone for others to risk it with .


That is good to know. I figured it would not be a easy task. You have just described another location to the T. Thanks Roger.

You're welcome Casca

Note the depth

17 feet plus 22 feet

close to 40 feet deep
17ft of it digging .

not an easy task indeed .

if Military Intelligence knew the Location of the Turtle on the East side , and what was below it .
They'd have another Treasure to rob .

The above opened vault on the West side out in front of Filmore Canyon

was one of Padre Phillippe La Rue's Vaults .

His strike Mark led to the Map Rock , which Led to the Vault
So that for me is a Confirmation that the vault was
of his Manufacture .

Just West of the Map Rock , is a column of Basalt , On the West facing side of the Column , and visible
best at Sunset ,,,
is this deeply carved : P L

for Phillippe La Rue

walking in a direct line due east from that Column , you run right directly into the Map Rock .

on the Map Rock , down low are four numbers painted


as we watched the film shot by Dad and Claude
the rest of the group in unison said 1732 , that X amount of years ago .

I spoke up .

Gentlemen , That's an increment , an increment of travel distance from
the map rock to the Vault .

Questioned on how I came up with that so quickly
I replied :::

That map rock is positively La Rues , and the date of 1732 predates his arrival there
by 65 years .

Number two , being there is no reason to date any map you draw , for to what
purpose could it be used ? None obviously ,,,
However , an increment is conveyance of distance ,

and thirdly ,,,, the slight long line leading from the increment to that Vault depiction , can
only be interpreted as a trail to travel to the vault .

Solution ?
Travel 1732 varas or yards along that trail , to the Icon represented , where you will
find beneath the Boulder ,,,
the Vault depicted in this painting .

For the most part , almost everything painted on that map
were shadow symbols .

You were to turn your back to the map and look at the Mountains
at a certain time , you will see the shadows created by crevices and arroyos
as well as Formations all along the face of the mountain .

Transverse the map drawing to align with those shadows in sequence as depicted

and you can deduce where the trail leads you and to what .

No code breaker needed for that deduction

it was simple .

Hi Roger, I am curious, where was the Le Rue mine itself ??

Course the mil etc. do not have anyone occaisionally checking th Caballo posts ?

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One mine depicted on the West Side La Rue Map Rock

is located directly due east of the Map .
Up a very narrow steep canyon

you scale the right hand wall , and up inside a canyon that runs due south is the mine .

Dorcey Canyon , on a peak about 20 yards down from the apex of that peak is an entrance
to another of his mines .

The entrance is on the west side of the peak , behind a Column of Limestone
it cannot be seen from the floor of the canyon , for the column blocks the view of
the entrance .

Another of his mines is on the south wall of Filmore Canyon , up above the waterfall as you enter Filmore
up in a high canyon , you must enter the Canyon from a faded trail right behind and across the wash
from Dripping Springs Welcome center .

On the East side
Up Rucker Canyon
Up Glendale Canyon
and his Placer operations were along the washes near Globe spring between Glendale
and Johnson Canyons .

His Major Silver Mine is on the South Wall of Soledad Canyon in the High Peaks
straight South of the Mouth of Dorcey Canyon .

You can Thank Aguirre for showing these to Bob Beasly Back in the late 1870's .

Aguirre's family had come North with La Rue
he also show Bob where La Rue was buried after his murder
as well as La Rue's Cave with the niche carved out to make a solid stone bench
which was La Rue's Bed .

Bob Beasly ended up homesteading Soledad Canyon ,
and his Grand Daughter Lives straight across the street from Dick Cole on
Utah Ave . in Alamogordo NM .

on the 1954 usgs topo's
you will see their cabins named in the Canyons

One you will not see is the Sinclair Cabin named .
that one is in the Mouth of Bar Canyon , it is a stone cabin ,
and That Man had very interesting information about La Rue and his Treasure .

His Cabin still stands , yet the roof is gone .

what was the topic of this thread again ?

did I drift ?

you have your theories , do you not ?

The La Rue mine ( 0ne up Dorcey ) I've taken out Ore from

Assay Says : Come on in , you are the next rich man on the price is right .

Even now , that mine is rich in silver and gold .

so rich , that an acquaintance of mine , after seeing the assay and some of the Ore ,
tried to buy the location from me .

He dropped dead a year later
but for a year
he stalked me around pestering me for the location .

So , to dispel your thoughts that La Rue's Treasure was from any other source
then his own mine ,,,
the answer is : His Mines produced his treasure .

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