You're welcome Casca
Note the depth
17 feet plus 22 feet
close to 40 feet deep
17ft of it digging .
not an easy task indeed .
if Military Intelligence knew the Location of the Turtle on the East side , and what was below it .
They'd have another Treasure to rob .
The above opened vault on the West side out in front of Filmore Canyon
was one of Padre Phillippe La Rue's Vaults .
His strike Mark led to the Map Rock , which Led to the Vault
So that for me is a Confirmation that the vault was
of his Manufacture .
Just West of the Map Rock , is a column of Basalt , On the West facing side of the Column , and visible
best at Sunset ,,,
is this deeply carved : P L
for Phillippe La Rue
walking in a direct line due east from that Column , you run right directly into the Map Rock .
on the Map Rock , down low are four numbers painted
as we watched the film shot by Dad and Claude
the rest of the group in unison said 1732 , that X amount of years ago .
I spoke up .
Gentlemen , That's an increment , an increment of travel distance from
the map rock to the Vault .
Questioned on how I came up with that so quickly
I replied :::
That map rock is positively La Rues , and the date of 1732 predates his arrival there
by 65 years .
Number two , being there is no reason to date any map you draw , for to what
purpose could it be used ? None obviously ,,,
However , an increment is conveyance of distance ,
and thirdly ,,,, the slight long line leading from the increment to that Vault depiction , can
only be interpreted as a trail to travel to the vault .
Solution ?
Travel 1732 varas or yards along that trail , to the Icon represented , where you will
find beneath the Boulder ,,,
the Vault depicted in this painting .
For the most part , almost everything painted on that map
were shadow symbols .
You were to turn your back to the map and look at the Mountains
at a certain time , you will see the shadows created by crevices and arroyos
as well as Formations all along the face of the mountain .
Transverse the map drawing to align with those shadows in sequence as depicted
and you can deduce where the trail leads you and to what .
No code breaker needed for that deduction
it was simple .