DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

further notes on this H of G monument visible in the Map link above .

In a Direct line north of this Set Marker , is where I discovered the Cavern with the Knights Templar
Artifacts in situ .

North by a few dozen yards of this monument , is a hand stacked wall of stones about 3 ft high

it runs parallel to the canyon

a long wall from east to west , the direction into Soledad was from the east .

so read this clue as the direction you have been coming from , following the other stone
markers where they begin out East of Soledad , and up to this point .

The east west rock wall terminates on it's west end at a stone Turtle Monument
set up on four smaller stones ( read this elevated monument as ( You now Go up hill from here , that's why
it is elevated , it is conveying the message " GO UP " )

but go up in what direction ?

Answer , on the north side of this and connected to the monument , is another hand stacked stone
wall .

It points you up the ridge going north .

Those clues , led me to the Cavern , yet , I had to determine what these meant .

and that is a story in it's self ,

as you leave this elevated Tortuga ( Turtle Monument ) you will see another stone set
up , one of the flame stone monuments , a large one .
as you reach it , you will see in the distance in a straight line from the ones behind you ,
another flame stone monument ,, this one a bit smaller than the first .

and so they will decrease in size as you get closer to the target site .

Finally , at the last Flame Stone , you will see a HUGE Boulder in line with the rest of
the monuments .

Atop of this , will be a Turtle Stone marking the end of your search .

This is reading and interpretation of the signs and symbols left for these vaults.

whether it works everywhere else is doubtful , I believe it certainly works for
Rennes le Chatau in France . which is another site with Knights Templar connections .
For the Monuments in situ there , are exact replicas of these In New Mexico .

This post is for Instruction Purposes only , and is not to be construed as Politics
for the fact that the Knights Templar Society is mentioned .

Thank You for your understanding and my enjoyable experience while posting this .

I forgot to mention that the North Leg of this wall , was bisected when the stagecoach road
was graded in the early 1900's .

Now for another site to the south

scroll south in the map I posted

There right on the south bank of the main wash , directly south of the Horse of God ,
stands another elevated Turtle ( Simple Square Boulder elevated on four smaller stones )

Again it is telling you to go up from where it is .

Sadly , Military Intelligence , blew the Treasure cave apart and took the Treasure
that this monument marked ,
as you'll find that they did this all over the Organ Mountains .

I know they wont allow a treasure hunt in VP,but I wonder if they would allow a team in to study miming history. To photo the old carvings and such.

Has anyone ever tried that approach with the gov.

Yes JohnMark
The UofNM did so in the early '70's

a few studies have been done of that area concerning the Battles of the invaders ( U.S. Army ) and
the First Peoples .

as well as Arcy and Geo studies .

ROGER, sorry about posting the turtle map, had no idea who's it was , it was part of what I received from JERRY C, I have a lot more stuff from them but wont post it, NP

real, lets have some:coffee2: I have been in nm for a couple of months, have not been posting, lot of my papers are boxed up, I will go through some this week and send you some, maybe they will

ROGER, sorry about posting the turtle map, had no idea who's it was , it was part of what I received from JERRY C, I have a lot more stuff from them but wont post it, NP

Ok , let me clear the air on my perception of Dad's Maps .

Everything concerning his research , died for me the day he was murdered .

I was in it to help him make recoveries , yet , he fought even me about that , His Daughter
was murdered over his adventures in the Treasure field ,
that is how he perceived her death .
Paranoid that harm would come again , He resisted any attempt to make the recoveries .

One site he had no choice on , The one I went to , so he was back in for one more try .

It turned very ugly for us both immediately .

Result was as he feared , Gov.'t was right on us, he murdered , His Friend Don ( witness to my recovery ) murdered
myself kidnapped and Tortured By D.I.A. Agents .

The material I post on treasure , all his old research material , everything connected , SHOULD be
given to the public .

Understand that , People keeping Secrets , is the way of those who harm the innocent .

Expose all you can .

Do so with my blessing , I do , and my reasons for such ?

as stated , if we cannot bare to face our truths with dignity while we wear the Egg our faces
deserve , we have no valid cause to preach about how Great we are as a Race of beings .

I have a gut feeling , that Jerry was misled as to the pedigree of Dad's material .

A Man , obsessed , can be blamed for mistakes , yet , I am not into throwing stones at the people , who as myself
suffered the deceptions .

Post at will please , it's yours now .

NP, are you referring to the maps you posted here at T-net that Roger said originated with his Dad? That showed a lot of landmarks in Soledad Canyon?

I'll answer for NP

yepper , thems the ones .

Public domain now , as far as I'm concerned

A tip for Soledad Canyon

Dead Center of this google map is Issachs Cabin , to the right , a fire break cut into a small low ridge

behind the cabin ( lower part of screen ) the shale hill as drawn on Dad's map .

Stone Door Cave is actually in Fox Canyon behind the Cabin , Not in Beasley Canyon .

link for the Map,-106.5461861,387m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x

any questions Matt ?

I am going to take you to a KNOWN Treasure site in Soledad .

dead center of this link , you see a Big Boulder in the middle of the wash , rolled there
to divert the water away from the Vault .

Just a bit to the right of it , a SQUARE BOULDER , on the edge of the wash .

Note the Rock setting atop of the square Boulder ( Marker stone )

This is for a FACT , sitting over a Treasure , per documentation .

I never dug it up , so can't say I saw the contents of the vault .


In that link ( Google Sat Map ) you are looking at two intersecting washes .

to find this site , coming from the west on Soledad Canyon Rd .
when the road turns south , and before you go down hill where it
crosses the wash , turn east and walk to the edge of the intersecting wash .

stay on the west side of the wash
right on the edge is the Square Flat Topped Boulder with a smaller rock on top

on the east end of it ( Wash side ) you will find a small dug out at the base of the Boulder .

Bona fides that you found the correct boulder

dig into it from the west side .
it's deep , but it's there .

your welcome
it gets better , when I have time , I'll do maps more .

Do you guys want to do El Chato Treasure ?

if so , here is one that was recovered ( Dad and Friends Maybe ? who can say )

This shot , dead center , you see right on the North Side of the Road , a set of Boulders pushed aside
into the wash as the road was graded ,,,,

yet there is a larger Boulder that was set there over 300 years ago .

get to that Boulder , step down into the wash , and you'll see that some one
dug under it
big old hole is all that's left now,,, well ,,, and the boulder .

just east of this and you find the old remnants of the Beasley Toll Gate . where they charged the
people on Stage coaches and riders and wagons taking supplies to the
mines out at Oro Grande , a Toll .

10 cents a horse and rider
10 cents per horse in a pack train

$1.00 per wagon

10 cents per passenger on the stage .

This is El Chato's pass : Paseo de Tortugas , if you look close , you'll see all the Turtle Monuments to the North east

Paseo De Tortugas , where the Sun Rises
Paseo Endura Tascoti , where the Sun Sets .


This shot is due north of the El Chato Cache in above post

Look closely , note the boulders atop other boulders and as well as the Turtle shaped Boulders .

The Name El Chato Gave this pass : " Paseo de Tortugas " is from these Mother Culture Monuments .

In this area you will find more Cultures mixed together , from various time frames .

Even Aztecs were here . Tortugas Indians , yet ,,,,

a much older pre-columbian --- pre anything else ,,, Mother Culture .


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