DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

that may be useful to me , thanks Matt is that with individual spectrum shots I,E, separate sheet for each Spectrum ??

I also could use it to help prove my site. Since I think my site is connected to yours and the caballos.
Sat image might show the old trail going to new mexico.

that may be useful to me , thanks Matt is that with individual spectrum shots I,E, separate sheet for each Spectrum ??

Ground Penetrating Radar Theory and Applications pdf download - geruzatawe

I will have to check on that. If it comes in digital form, it may simply allow you to display only the channels of the spectrum you wish to view. One at a time, or any combination of them all.

Radar is next on my research list. It appears to work best in very fine, clay free sediments like you find in the Sahara. When soil has moisture it causes so much excessive reflectance that you can't detect anything. But if you have the right soil matrix and moisture conditions, you are able to see several meters below the surface with radar.

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John, I find that simple Aeriel Photographs in B /W do that best. Course they are developing new tech daily, such as Doppler radar ground penetrating systems.

The photographs show compacted ground better , or different earth colors / shades where a trail has been leveled off or filled in.. And of course old stream flows.

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That mystery shadow I posted earlier appears to be a natural rock obelisk, or something like that. The sun is very low in those photos, so it wouldn't take much to cast a shadow that long. I just thought it was interesting.

my apologies to Sdcfia , i did not click on your screenshot of this shadow , and though it was the shadow from the pushpin that had been Photoshopped on the screen shot . oooops my bad i did not mean to laugh .
as far a shadows go i have no idea what that is . sorry

I think he posted a Google Earth screenshot, and it uses pushpins as point icons.

so matt how is that high res IR imaging thing going for ya ?

Waiting until relevant imagery is released, I have nothing to work with on that front as it stands now. Won't fly my UAV until spring when it gets warmer.

but . but I need to know NOW ! We are forming a co. and they were thinking of purchasing a full sized helicopter, until I brought them to their senses by showing them that a drone would actually be far more valuable- The overhaul 7 service costs alone on a full sized whirly bird would be prohibitive. sides since they have a sneaky .undeclared idea that I would be flying it in some of those deep canyons sorta seemed ===. well, No way, unless we could send oro.

Seriously, where were you when you shut down for the winter??

Take it easy Don Jose, my drone isn't even operational yet. I hope to have it operational by spring. But you were correct about the drone being much cheaper and easier to use. Will you need the drone to have the ability to hover like a quad-copter, or would a plane platform work for your purposes? I am already planning a company with friends to cruise along and supervise oil and gas pipelines, so my flying wing will work good for that application. But if you are dealing with very narrow valleys and canyons in heavily wooded areas, you may need a quad-copter. Keep in my they can only fly for 15 minutes at a time before batteries run out. But batteries are cheap and can be switched out quickly. I am building my drone, but perhaps you would be better served by buying an off the shelf unit. The Iris quad-copter at is very nice, and would serve you well. They also have drone plane platforms as well. Please IM me if you need more input on this.

Here is the country where I would be using a drone. The side cayons, your reccomndations

Falls in Tayopa cpuntry©.webpGetAttachment.aspx.webpold trail different view.webp.Deposit.webpCerro del Cura, tunnel system shown.webpTayopa country.webpTayopa zone. ©@   upper Yaqui territory at the rige line.webp

What are you trying to accomplish specifically? That will determine what airframe you use. Are you trying to create a high resolution 3-D map, or are you searching for something and want to use thermal imaging? Be aware I still cannot find a thermal imager that will fit on my UAV that doesn't cost at least $10,000.

Well, I have a flying wing with an 8 foot wingspan. Its made to fly flat and slow to provide a stable platform for cameras to image the terrain below. The terrain you are working with is obviously very challenging. So first you must decide what is your goal when it comes to imaging, and that will dictate the hardware and airframe you need to go with. You also need to decide what kind of money you want to spend. There are off the shelf drones ready to fly, but they are usually very expensive (at least by my standards). So I decided to build my own to save money and learn all the underlying technologies involved. You probably don't want to mess with any of that though, so you should focus on what is available off the shelf and ready to fly. However, you will still have to install and configure your own camera setup, and learn to use the whole system. Its just like any tool, there is a learning curve to producing good results.

- What kind of imaging/maps do you want to create?

- Will you be working with the visual spectrum, or do you want thermal imaging? And at what level of resolution?

-What kind of budget are you limited to?

Feel free to IM or respond with your criteria. I can't figure anything out until those questions are answered.

Also, what LAWS apply in that area? In the US I am STILL not able to use my drone for commercial purposes. Is it the same in Mexico?

I admit this is not exactly in the spirit of the thread, but can I ask the range of your drone?
To my mind - range and partly flying time (though you can (obviously) have several battery packs - at a price!) are important aspects in using drones.

I feel bad for hijacking this thread with all this drone talk. I will start a new thread.

Being in the area I have found some new info. It looks to be phonecian and older that the Spanish. I also find a lot of snakes signs. I think serpants were worshiped at some point. Anyone else finding this stuff.

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