DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

:BangHead:Why elaborate , its more fun watching people completely ignore what people are trying to tell and help them in their quest and research, whats amazing to me is 350years ago. people did not have computers,yet they were making more progress in research , than people of today getting stuck in the bread crumbs, Im sure the mendicants are also laughing. is that elaborate enough.:BangHead:

I also think we need to make the distinction between the whole government and a few individuals within it, that took the actions they did to remove the gold from VP. I doubt seriously that the gold went into Fort Knox, or the general fund, instead it went into the pockets of a very few greedy, entitled, self serving individuals. I think this is an important distinction to make.

NP, if we are too dense to see what your hints are leading to, then stop hinting, and just come out with it. What is the point of being vague? Waiting for people to come to the same conclusions you do is often a waste of time, since we all operate from our own individual information, perspectives, and biases. I see this frequently, where people want others to come to the same conclusions they did, and want them to do so on their own. Almost as if other people conclude the same thing on their own, that will add weight to their own theories. But that is usually how the situation ends, with them waiting and frustrated. I understand the lure of independent confirmation, but how likely is that here on this topic with us, since so much of our discussion is based on conjecture and hearsay?

You say its more fun not to elaborate, and that people are ignoring things they are being told. Exactly what is being ignored here that you have presented us? You talk about how better research was done 350 years ago, but how would you know what kind of research people were doing 350 years ago? And I offered to go serve as boots on the ground, and got nothing in response at all. Its a little confusing.

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I also think we need to make the distinction between the whole government and a few individuals within it, that took the actions they did to remove the gold from VP. I doubt seriously that the gold went into Fort Knox, or the general fund, instead it went into the pockets of a very few greedy, entitled, self serving individuals. I think this is an important distinction to make.

That's a good point. The LBJ ranch rumors notwithstanding, it makes more sense to me that stolen assets be used to finance the government's black ops shenanigans around the world. These things are off the books and seemingly ubiquitous, but regardless, the bills must be paid. Once the GESSI's have reached a certain standing, "power" seems to be a stronger currency than money.

Funding black ops? No, I was referring to individual, personal greed, nothing more. I simply don't feel the motivation to contrive intricate government scenarios when the simplest, most common motivation known to man is in play: personal greed. When immoral people are in positions of power that enable them to feed that greed, they most often do so. Its been going on since the beginning of human civilization. It occurs in ALL organization that involve humans, without exception.

I also think we need to make the distinction between the whole government and a few individuals within it, that took the actions they did to remove the gold from VP. I doubt seriously that the gold went into Fort Knox, or the general fund, instead it went into the pockets of a very few greedy, entitled, self serving individuals. I think this is an important distinction to make.

I have said that as well matt. I total agree. Also everyone put to much faith in what ova knows. My wife has seen everything I have seen. Shes been to our site. Twice. I did myy best to explain every detail to her.
When I ask her question to see if she can get back there with out me. I can tell by her responses that she dosnt have a clue. That why I put together a book with maps and pictures. If I knew some guys who had the time and equipment I would empty that sucker out. So I guess that make me greedy as well. Haha

No, if you were in a position of power that required you to be a servant of the people, and you choose to violate people's rights AND the law to line your pockets, THEN you would be engaging in the kind of greed I am referring to above.

If through your own hard work and research you discover a treasure, that does not make you greedy at all.

End the politics or thread ends

The problem ive run into was equipment. I dont have the right one to get it out. Plus after being followed with in feet of it. I quickly realized if I got any closer. I would be the next lost treasure hunter story. I tried getting help from the government but they want pictures and a sample. If I walk out of those hills and hand them anything. I will find myself behind bars and I know it. What I need is some guys to help finish this adventure. If they know how to do it legally. Thats great too. Otherwise it can sit there another hundrend years.
Its funny I started this as a hobby. Decided instead of reading a buch of books. I learned the story from the net and other hunters. Nothing important just the general story. No one shared any secret info with me.
So do get me wrong there. I just figured that if the writers had any real information. They would be rich already. The best thing I did was listen to what the person who found and lost the treasure where saying.
After I found my site. I learned who was close and who was full of it.
Who ever wrote the holmes manuscript knew where it was. I read that book after my first visit to the site. Part of that book is dead on.
After looking at np maps and talking with you guys. I think I know what happened. I think the people who worked vp cached the largest part of the gold because they found more gold than they were equipped to move. So they took what they could.
I think the same was happening at my site. Throw in a few indian attacks that resulted in the death of deaths of the map makers,and you got a lost cache. The workers left behind had part of the story,but not enough to get it for themselves or anyone else. Like the maps that show my location. They are all of the location. They dont tell how to get there. So they knew the area where they worked well,because they spent so much time there. They were on the route to and from for a lot less time. So that part of the trail wasnt as clear to them. I think that noss found himself in a similar position as I did. A larger treasure without the proper means to get it out. Stuck between the gov on one hand and the theives on the other. Who do you trust. Whats your choice. Jail or hell.
That IMHO. I found out that both dick and brownie were at my location at least once,but they both ruled it out. One misunderstood landmark.
They literally rode right by it in there search. I would be suprised if one or two people in noss story have done the same. I also found out that many people in the modern age found my site but couldnt find the exact spot.
Some found other caches and some put out clues. Hoping someone like me or you would bring them the rest.
I bet there is still gold at vp or close by. If I were noss I would make a smaller cache in case I was forced to give it up. I would then have the maim one to myself.

End the politics or thread ends

Please quote exactly where politics was mentioned that is violating the rules. I don't see ANY mention of any political parties at all, so no idea what you are referring to. We are merely discussing the motivations of the people who stole gold from VP....

Treasure Hunter,

No politics was mentioned. If you read many of the books on this subject, the paper trail leads to government (or parts of government) using Victorio Peak as a kind of personal bank account with several individuals (including Lyndon B Johnson and the CIA) benefiting the most.

The biggest paper trails show that the bulk of the gold was processed in two refineries. One in El Monte, Ca. and the other in Canada.


UncleMatt ,Your main concern several post back, was were did this treasure come from, well I have let you ramble on, were's it gotten you,jesse james, billy the kid, are you kidding me, get a grip,
you think Im ego driven, you think I'm condescending , you think its my job to do your research for you, I'm trying to help you, theres no other reason for me to be on here, I'm getting
really tired of repeating my intentions, start reading post that people put on here, you act like your interested in this treasure, try doing some of your own research on the information
people are putting on here to help you, look at the clue's I have freely given you, try researching it yourself, get off the bread crumb trail that others have laid down over the years , It
didn't work for them, and I have seen nothing that shows that unless the research in subject is changed then its not going to work at all,theres a reason this has not been solved, look at the clues
and think about it, . np:cat:

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NP,I don't think anyone here has addressed comments like that to you at all. And I think you are getting confused, as I NEVER said that Billy the Kid or anyone BUT the Spanish (and maybe the Apaches) put the gold in VP. I didn't "ramble on" about anything to do with Billy the Kid, OR Jesse James.

I appreciate all you have shared here, and earlier I just encouraged you to be more forth coming about what point it is you seek to make here when you keep saying we are ignoring your leads. We simply don't understand what your main point is you are trying to make when you say such things. Was it that there was never any VP gold, it must have come from the Caballos? Or what exactly?

And again, I offered to hit the sites we are discussing as you claimed you wanted people to do, and never heard a thing from you.

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UncleMatt, one more time, where did this treasure come from,If in fact there was a treasure. who had this much stuff to hide, and why did they hide it, through history ,theres only really been a few
treasures to be hidden that have been recorded to be large cache's, I have almost laid out the whole story for anyone to follow, try following the research on this info , but for this area ,the bulk of the treasure was not deposited at this location, only bread crumbs to make a certain group think that it was. and to take up their time .( LA NOCHE TRISTE). np:cat:

One more time: I don't know the answer at all, but my guess is the Spanish and Apaches put it there. Just as I have been saying all along. You are confusing me with other people posting here.

And sorry, but I come to my own conclusions based on the available evidence. I may engage in conjecture, but feel no need to "fill in the blanks" with my favorite theory and then expect others must arrive at the same conclusion. I think there WAS gold stored at VP before 1900. I also think that gold was to be found in the Caballos. If that upsets anyone, oh well, I have a right to my own opinions just like anyone else. Of course I am always open to adjusting my opinion when people present evidence, but not when people say I should agree with them just because they want me to do so. I don't expect people to listen to my opinions or adopt them unless I can make a case based on evidence that I am willing to present. Its all just my opinions I talk about until I can offer up such proofs. And I feel the same about what other people post here.

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UncleMatt, its not confusing , the roman catholic church is still hunting for the bulk of this treasure today, the Spanish followed this treasure trail for years,only to be mislead by bread crumb clues, np:cat:

And its totally fine that you have that theory. But when you ask me to accept such a conclusion, my response would be to you, based on what evidence? Now I understand you may not be willing to share what you have, and that is fine, but then I will be withholding my own judgement about your claims until you do so. Nothing could be more fair or neutral as a researcher than that position. That doesn't mean I expect you to do research for me, it just means I can't accept your claims without supporting evidence. And I would hope you would have the same level of skepticism for anything I claim as well.

UncleMatt, I am only here to share the first hand knowledge I have on this subject, I am not here to change peoples minds, just letting people know that they need to look at this possibility of this
subject and do their research along this line in this area. this alone will give its own conclusion , np:cat:

UncleMatt, its not confusing , the roman catholic church is still hunting for the bulk of this treasure today, the Spanish followed this treasure trail for years,only to be mislead by bread crumb clues, np:cat:

sdcfia, heres exactly what I said, np:cat:

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