Sr. Member
No doubt when you do return to these post ...you can keep me riveted. Seems more substance from your research (?)
View attachment 1364234
There's a Back Story to this Map .
Note Seven arrows with names coming from the Naga .
Are these saying that 7 treasures went north ?
Nope .
The Map came to my Dad . with the letters attached to the Map .
The Back Story involves Seven Commanders .
These Seven made a Pact with each other upon reaching the Destination Shown as a Mountain Range split
by a Large Gap ( Pass ) .
Ceremonially , These Men did an activity together that was signatory to the Pact .
an ages old activity .
any guesses on what I am referring to ?
I will state one item clearly ,
" This Map is NOT stating Jesuit Priest were involved "
Next I'll post the site this Map is representing .
View attachment 1364250
Thanks for sharing the Tortugas .
Question : why the edit of the Man's Facial Features ?
incidentally , I have a more recent Photo of the same Monument from the rear as well as the other side showing the
Flats out below it .
Answer to your question is that the four numbers are not dates ,
Distance increments , as with above Map , those are Increments on it , not dates .
look closer at the large boulders in line with each other
do they look naturally set ?
or man set ?
pointing out that Jerry Cheatum was using Dad's Map for the wrong mountain Range ( Caballos )
I don't think he knew about all those ranges were called Caballo back then .
he wasted so much , chased so hard ,
Letha led him astray
as well as others
but after all , he was encroaching , so Karma Kicked him .
All this was known to me decades ago , Dad had the keys , we knew where things were
but being on the base and given a family member was murdered over this stuff , we just backed off .
The Wild Cat cave is the one I would go after if I was to go back
on that , you will have to scout it out using what I've revealed .
I wonder if it's been popped open yet .
Be mindful that if you enter the Wild Cat Tunnel , it extends for about 100 yards
then you run into a Cemented Stone wall that blocks you . you will need to break through that stone wall .
you may find my Dad's and Claude's sledge hammers there at the wall .
They were working on it , but then stopped and neither got back together to finish the job .
Claude Moved to Oklahoma just after their first attempts .
Claude was to get his famil;y settled in , and then come back to help dad with it .
he never made it back to Dad's though .
What I would do :
I'd pack a Rigid Brand Cordless Hammer Drill with concrete bits in there , with about 3 to 4 extra batteries .
I would first drill out a 10 inch circular Hole in the wall , shine a flashlight through the hole and see what I could .
The 10 inch hole will give a weak point in the wall to bust away at .
Drill the hole over half way up the face of the wall , there may be trapped water behind the wall , you wouldn't
want to have that wall bust and a wave carry you to El Paso .
I reserve my Surfing for the California Waves and the Net , thank you .
View attachment 1370190
copy from above post
~~~~~~~~ : will be a boulder about 7 feet high with a stone turtle atop it
find that
dig the dirt away from the base of it
on the northeast side is a painted map down low on the boulder .
it should still be covered up by dirt ~~~~~~~~~~
Sound True ?
We can ask NMTH where he got the photo , yet I suspect it to be one of my Dad's that ONFP received through
Oren Swearigens purchase of my Dad's Material from my Half Brother .
That sure looks like my Dad standing there , even though the head was airbrushed out .
Sorry for the lost of your father. I have cancer, but it was caught early. I going to have the last of three chemotherapy next week. The cancer is in my blood.Hi Rog , sorry I have not been reading the forums of late,so not sure where we are here . my dad passed away today . It was not the cancer that killed him , I think it was the chemotherapy. Hang in there buddy .I am glad you are still typing away, and just wanted to say thanks man .take care amigo ./// Bob