DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Rog,I differ with you on the religious connotation and the no and locationof the depositories., but that is besides the point. We are allowed differing opinions in here.:occasion14:

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There's a Back Story to this Map .

Note Seven arrows with names coming from the Naga .

Are these saying that 7 treasures went north ?

Nope .

The Map came to my Dad . with the letters attached to the Map .

The Back Story involves Seven Commanders .

These Seven made a Pact with each other upon reaching the Destination Shown as a Mountain Range split
by a Large Gap ( Pass ) .

Ceremonially , These Men did an activity together that was signatory to the Pact .

an ages old activity .

any guesses on what I am referring to ?

I will state one item clearly ,
" This Map is NOT stating Jesuit Priest were involved "

Next I'll post the site this Map is representing .

So, is the "passar" now US hightway 70?


can a normal human drive into the town of White Sands on highway 213 thru the white sands missle range borders and approach this site from the east side of the mountains.
It looks like a daunting task from the west (staying on public land).
I am leaving in 18 days to find out.
any advance intel would be appreciated.


Hi treasureminder2,

I was given the photo, but do not know the man in it personally, so did not want to post his image without his knowledge.

It was taken quite a while before I was born. Part of a collection that I am digitizing for a friend to preserve it all. I like the history aspect, especially the possibility of someday proving (or just entering into real belief about) something "new" or unknown.

Glad to hear that the tortuga might be there to see with my own eyes someday (like week after next...). Of course, from the general location I have been told, access will be more annoying than it could have been in years past due to the new houses and corrupt ETZ folks with the land at the base of the mountain - they re-zoned their stuff to 0.5 acre min while they put one of my old houses down the hill in a 2 acre minimum situation. Gold and rules and all that.

Thanks for all the maps and posts! First time I saw your stuff years ago on some another site, I had a different opinion than I do now after about 10 years roaming around.

Numbers = distances is always a good association in my mind, but was not sure if any methods using addition, transposition, etc. to decode along common themes was recommended or heard of.

As to the main goal of the thread: Vic Peak vs. Caballos (and now vs. Organs), there's curious stuff all over the place in the Organs and Caballos (and the region!). I have not been to Vic Peak personally. Nobody seems to talk much about the Dona Anas - great stuff to look at all over that place, and a lot more practical for El Chato raid staging for sure if that's an angle of interest. Highest reported gold assay that I am aware of in the county came out of there. Not sure if you could "chop it with an axe", but it was hot. That one rock formation from the Interstate always looks like a kneeling nun to me; good luck charm for many early AM Caballo deployments over the years. Who was Dona Ana? - maybe that's her namesake? Original name I find for the hills was Cerros Robledos.

I shy away from the Lord of the Rings approach - "one ring to rule them all... or whatever". If I see sign or my gut pulls, then I slow down and listen. Seems to work for little stuff all over the place (to the point of being almost boring and too easy now), even without a specific story or lead - but of course I am not in the quit your day job club! (yet?! sigh...) The ancient super-culture ideas are just waaaaaaaay beyond me, as is the religious stuff in any real way, so I don't even try to go there. Got to work with what you have, or that's my excuse.

Thanks again.

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Thanks for sharing the Tortugas .

Question : why the edit of the Man's Facial Features ?

incidentally , I have a more recent Photo of the same Monument from the rear as well as the other side showing the
Flats out below it .

Answer to your question is that the four numbers are not dates ,
Distance increments , as with above Map , those are Increments on it , not dates .

Hi Rog, I might add earth faulting will do that also, not to disrupt things. Continue.

look closer at the large boulders in line with each other

do they look naturally set ?

or man set ?

If I have it marked correctly, at the south end of that drag mark, is the cluster of 3 boulders that you had said in an earlier post that one of them has a replica of "NPs Lil Map" carved on it.
Is that correct?

pointing out that Jerry Cheatum was using Dad's Map for the wrong mountain Range ( Caballos )
I don't think he knew about all those ranges were called Caballo back then .

he wasted so much , chased so hard ,
Letha led him astray
as well as others
but after all , he was encroaching , so Karma Kicked him .

All this was known to me decades ago , Dad had the keys , we knew where things were
but being on the base and given a family member was murdered over this stuff , we just backed off .

The Wild Cat cave is the one I would go after if I was to go back
on that , you will have to scout it out using what I've revealed .

I wonder if it's been popped open yet .

I will let you know.


thanks again.
I have it on my device to investigate.
would love to see that map on a rock.

I truly wish you and I could spend 2 weeks in the Organ mountains together.
I will pick you up wherever you wish and we will do it.


Be mindful that if you enter the Wild Cat Tunnel , it extends for about 100 yards
then you run into a Cemented Stone wall that blocks you . you will need to break through that stone wall .
you may find my Dad's and Claude's sledge hammers there at the wall .
They were working on it , but then stopped and neither got back together to finish the job .

Claude Moved to Oklahoma just after their first attempts .
Claude was to get his famil;y settled in , and then come back to help dad with it .

he never made it back to Dad's though .

What I would do :

I'd pack a Rigid Brand Cordless Hammer Drill with concrete bits in there , with about 3 to 4 extra batteries .

I would first drill out a 10 inch circular Hole in the wall , shine a flashlight through the hole and see what I could .

The 10 inch hole will give a weak point in the wall to bust away at .

Drill the hole over half way up the face of the wall , there may be trapped water behind the wall , you wouldn't
want to have that wall bust and a wave carry you to El Paso .

I reserve my Surfing for the California Waves and the Net , thank you .

The first 3/8 inch hole drilled thru the wall will tell me if any water is behind the wall without fear of breech.
I have a camera to insert with 360 degree rotation ability, 20 led lights and color screen.
It should show me anything in the void.
As you say, once the initial hole is cut, making it larger is easy.


TM2, Reading history today and have found out that Roman Coins are found in the Japanese Temples. 100 BC....The Greeks are now credited with helping Chinese develop designs for the Terra Cotta army 800 B.C.+.....So I ask myself today seriously Why not the Phoenicians? Its becoming obvious that ancient worlds before ours DID explore the world in long distance. These sites you show are some that I have actually hunted on or explored, Never once realizing what I was looking at or the significance of the area. Yes I know they are on WSMR sometimes (heh-he) but when you've been raised around that "AREA' for 30+ years you desire to explore . Your Info is sooo invaluable to me personally, THANK YOU.

No connection Rog. The mines are nany kilometers apart. It is not a drainage system. on a mt/

???? now that is something concrete that I would like to examine closely A small turtle:tongue3: dressed as an injun.

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Yes , I would like to examine if her dress is double face .

View attachment 1370190

copy from above post

~~~~~~~~ : will be a boulder about 7 feet high with a stone turtle atop it

find that

dig the dirt away from the base of it

on the northeast side is a painted map down low on the boulder .

it should still be covered up by dirt ~~~~~~~~~~

Sound True ?

We can ask NMTH where he got the photo , yet I suspect it to be one of my Dad's that ONFP received through
Oren Swearigens purchase of my Dad's Material from my Half Brother .

That sure looks like my Dad standing there , even though the head was airbrushed out .

Hi TM2,

Not your dad, as far as I know. Only way I know that is because who I got the photo (not a copy, the original) from would have known him, and he called the guy something else.

Given my impression of your (ahem) apparent "extrapolative tendencies" and not wanting to incur any undue wrath, I may PM you with the full photo or a different extract showing the part you are focused on. Have to think on it.

But then again, you may not be who I assume you to be, so maybe your dad is not the guy I think he is, and the guy in the photo IS your dad!?? This is why I try not to think too hard sometimes...

I used the "snipping tool" in MS Windows to carve out the image I posted - not airbrushed. Not sure if Linux has a similar tool or not. Snipping tool has a "box" mode, too, but I like the quick artistic grabs that the freehand mode affords. Low-res but that's what you want when sharing widely.

Thanks again for all of your posts, BTW.

PS, I thought I saw a newer photo of the same Tortuga somewhere around this massive semi-indexed funhouse called TNET, and it looked like the head stone was removed? Any meaning to that, or just vandals? (Vandals = GRRRR)

I have not seen the Tortugas place myself yet. Trip got cut short so I had time for even less of the projects on the infinite list than usual. That stupid big rainstorm up by Hot Springs sure washed a lot of roads out up that way. Maybe it washed something interesting open somewhere else in the mountains, too!? That would be nice...

Hi Rog , sorry I have not been reading the forums of late,so not sure where we are here . my dad passed away today . It was not the cancer that killed him , I think it was the chemotherapy. Hang in there buddy .I am glad you are still typing away, and just wanted to say thanks man .take care amigo ./// Bob

Kanabite, I am very sorry to hear about your father,, I too had terminal cancer of the neck,lower lip and left thigh. I was cured through the use of the Cesium Chloride protocol I posted quite a bit here in TN, it's possibly too bad that you didn"t read my posts.
I'm speaking of Cesium Chloride, the elephant gun for cancer.Several people in here have been cured following my suggestions.

I tend to agree with you on chemotherapy, I personally turned it down, flatly.. It's illogical.

Again, my deepest sympathies.

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Im here in the Caballos until I leave.
anyone want any sites checked out, let me know.

TM2: got any suggestions for interesting exploration in the Caballos?

Will be going to the Organs in a few weeks.


my wife and i really had a good time in the Caballos. we were drywashing found good gold in every pan Jonesy

Hi Rog , sorry I have not been reading the forums of late,so not sure where we are here . my dad passed away today . It was not the cancer that killed him , I think it was the chemotherapy. Hang in there buddy .I am glad you are still typing away, and just wanted to say thanks man .take care amigo ./// Bob
Sorry for the lost of your father. I have cancer, but it was caught early. I going to have the last of three chemotherapy next week. The cancer is in my blood.

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