you drive that far ?
Mich to NM ?
long ways for fun .
First Clue on treasure in the area
If you see a symbol or blaze
walk right up to it , put your back against the symbol
look straight out ahead of you
what do you see ?
possibly the next clue or trail marker ?
Standing or sitting stones atop of boulders , the clue for these are , the fewer of them on a boulder , and or the smaller
the closer you are to the cache
if you get to a boulder with a single small stone about the size of a Man's Hand , you are right on top of the cache
if the stone is shaped like an arrow head , it is pointing at the cache or mine within yards of it .
NEVER ,,,, never assume any symbol can be translated using Spanish interpretations .
Take the word Boveda , which was on a Marker stone my Dad found .
it is NOT Spanish .
it's a Dialect of French which is spoken , or was spoken , in the South East of France , same place
King Richards Mother was from .
Numbers in sets
four numbers set together such as 1732 ,,, is NOT a Date ,,, None of the people who set these vaults
would bother to carve or paint , write a Date , Map Rocks and markers are not Royal Documents
they do not need a Date .
the Numbers are increments , either distance , or ,,,,
but not dates .
Lines Painted on Bluffs , Cliffs , cave walls or Boulders
these lines represent TRAILS ,,, no matter how curvy the lines are , do not mistake them to mean River or Creek .
they are not water symbols .
Dots in the center of a Circle
That symbolizes a Boulder set atop another Huge Boulder
it is NOT a Cave symbol , You look for a Huge Boulder with a Rock setting on top ,
climb up on it ,, LOOK ,,, see what you see .
Elevated Stones are four smaller Rocks ,,, these are often referred to as Tortugas or Turtle Stones
what do they mean ?
They mean for you to go up in elevation .
so you go UP from that Monument .
Tree with a carving on it
do not pay attention to them , no Vault Builder would ever leave a Marker carved into a Tree
Trees Burn
they place markers on items they know will last , Trees are Vulnerable .
For those who argue that the KGC agents carved on Trees ,, believe what you will , I know better .
next , my dads Map and an Actual Treasure site on it , that the last time I checked , was still undisturbed .