Agreed. This is why I got so intrigued when NP started posting maps and giving hints etc. He has said he is done with the search and wants others to continue. So I want to continue. However, it would be nice not to have to start at zero all over again. If each generation continues to start at zero and spend 20 years getting to some point and then not let the next generation start from there and go on, everyone keeps starting over.
So, the maps are exciting, but after some time seem so general that ok, they lead to the caballos (we think), but that is 30 miles of territory. will take 20 years and not even scratch that vast area.
who has Willies or Docs map with coordinates?. that is what we need.

Till then, i study the maps, i read the stories, i study and walk the terrain, hoping that something will click with something i see one day. I love it.