DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains


The answer to your first question is privileged information. Sorry

"IF?" HAHAHA I AM a searching man. There are several stories floating around about Willie going to and from his cave and the shack. If I had a better than average idea of where Willie/Laurence's Cave was, I'd be camped there right now. HAHAHA

Like I have stated previously, Willie/Laurence never told anyone exactly where his cave was. I don't even know for certain that Buster knew where the "Treasure Cave" was. He may have only known about the "Stash Cave" down by Hackberry Spring. The only reason I can imagine is because of the possibility of there being several bodies in his cave. Since there is no statute of limitations on murder, I am certain Willie/Laurence did not want to spend his remaining few years on Earth in jail for multiple homicides. That's another thing anybody hunting for Willie's Cave should also keep in mind.

First, that IF you find it, you will likely find several rotted corpses as well as gold. That means that you are supposed to stop all work and get the police. Are you really going to do that and turn over all that gold to Uncle Sam?

Second, that a well known pathogen (actually a fungus) that grows in bird/bat droppings in the dirt inside sealed mines/caves is called HISTOPLASMOSIS. When you disturb the dirt in a cave where bats or birds have crapped, you can breathe in the fungus. Once in your system, the fungus grows in your bloodstream. You feel like you have a cold. If you don't get medical help in pretty short order, Histo has a very high mortality rate if left untreated.

So, if anybody thinks they may have found Willie's Cave, then make sure you have "AT LEAST" a respirator and a Tyvek Suit. I would also bring in a 12volt blower, and change out the air in the cave.

Take Care - Mike

Yes, i know your a searching man, i meant you were not searching for willies cave.
agreed on the respirator, protective suit etc. But man your gonna take all the fun out of finding it.
In his interview in 89? (gold house) the book said that he said something to the effect that "things have been cleaned up".
Im hoping that means the bodies have been removed.
Then at least the dillema of calling authorities would be eliminated.
So you dont think the Palmer brothers were in the actual treasure cave? Or the 2 couples from Missiouri?

Thats interesting.
That would be up around where Ash canyon crosses 51 near Elephant Butte.
It would be a full days ride there and back on a mule.

The lat is correct , and now go across to the Caballos range .


Can anyone tell me if this is sardine canyon (in the upper right above the 2-191)


Believe me, I partake in nothing illegal, I'm sure my location to the Border Patrol station was enough to raise suspicions. The Dirt "frontage road" runs parallel to I-25 along side the station, where I park to keep out of all the DEEP sand between the river and Highway.

The lat is correct , and now go across to the Caballos range .

that would put one on the north end of turtle mountain in the mescal canyon area.
everything north of about mescal spring is private property. as is most of ash canyon

Believe me, I partake in nothing illegal, I'm sure my location to the Border Patrol station was enough to raise suspicions. The Dirt "frontage road" runs parallel to I-25 along side the station, where I park to keep out of all the DEEP sand between the river and Highway.
I used to have a mine down on Hachita Peak, only 6 or 8 miles from the mexico border. Near Playas New Mexico where there is a large border patrol "town".
Everywhere I went there was border patrol trucks, parked. The windows in thrucked are blacked out so I could not see anyone inside.
I would pull up next to them to talk and they would not roll the windows down or get out.
They never approached me, but they were everywhere I went.
Until you mentioned them following you, I thought they were just parked everywhere watching for illegals. Maybe they were watching me?
The only one I ever did get to talk to said I should leave and not stay out there at night, too dangerous as illegals would steal my truck.
Ha, before anyone gets my truck there will be about 200 empty brass casings on the ground, if you know what i mean.

Believe me , I partake in nothing illegal. I think because of my location close to the Border Patrol station raises suspicions and I understand. The dirt "Frontage road" is accessed from the Upton exit, north of the station, you cross I-25 then head back down the dirt frontage road south, to just about the Border Patrol station. I park here because there's too much DEEP sand around there.

that would put one on the north end of turtle mountain in the mescal canyon area.
everything north of about mescal spring is private property. as is most of ash canyon

The Ash Ccanyon from Sierra County is at about 33* 03 Lat . Mescal Canyyon is little north . Keep the Ash lat literally . The detail make the difference .

Hi Riverbum, ever notice how smooth the dirt roads that paralell the Border are ?? Yer lousing up their primary tracking device. Nost of the old schol Border Patrolmen are quite friendly. I don't quite understand your receiving no answer,. Perhaps they were tracking and the truck was empty. In an emegecy, they are your best friends, don't hesitate to call on them.,


Willie's Cave is most definitely something I search for. I hate that it is so far from me, but I sneak out that way when I get the chance. Like when I go to Arizona, I rarely ever announce my comings and goings.

The story I have from a few sources is that when the Loriuses and Heberers disappeared, they had met with some locals (Palmer Brothers), and agreed to some basic terms to either buy or inspect the gold, and were then taken to the Stash Cave at Hackberry. Both men and one woman went inside the cave, while one woman stayed by the car. Something happened in the cave, and all three inside were murdered. The woman outside by the car was killed as well. All their stuff was supposedly burned in the desert, their car was found wrecked in El Paso, their AmEx Travelers Checks were spent after they disappeared, but nothing was ever said regarding the disposition of the bodies. I believe they "cleaned up" the bodies from the stash cave, because it is so easy to find, and dumped them in the "Treasure Cave", where they remain until this day.

No, I don't think the Palmer Brothers knew where the treasure cave was. Willie was a sharp guy. No reason for him to tell them anything. They may have been close, maybe not. There are somethings that I wish we knew when Willie/Laurence was still alive, so we could ask him specifically (especially about The Guerilla Gang and the "City Men" that Willie was really afraid of).


I used to have a mine down on Hachita Peak, only 6 or 8 miles from the mexico border. Near Playas New Mexico where there is a large border patrol "town".
Everywhere I went there was border patrol trucks, parked. The windows in thrucked are blacked out so I could not see anyone inside.
I would pull up next to them to talk and they would not roll the windows down or get out.
They never approached me, but they were everywhere I went.
Until you mentioned them following you, I thought they were just parked everywhere watching for illegals. Maybe they were watching me?
The only one I ever did get to talk to said I should leave and not stay out there at night, too dangerous as illegals would steal my truck.
Ha, before anyone gets my truck there will be about 200 empty brass casings on the ground, if you know what i mean.

The old Playas townsite (former Phelps-Dodge company town) was bought by New Mexico Tech and converted into an anti-terrorist training center. It's not a Border Patrol town, but you will see BP vehicles all over the place anywhere south of I-10, especially on the Douglas AZ-to-Rodeo NM highway.

The old Playas townsite (former Phelps-Dodge company town) was bought by New Mexico Tech and converted into an anti-terrorist training center. It's not a Border Patrol town, but you will see BP vehicles all over the place anywhere south of I-10, especially on the Douglas AZ-to-Rodeo NM highway.
Thanks for clarifying sdcfia.
The road from the west that used to go thru Playa into the mountains is completely gated off and has a guard shack/building. I wanted to use the road to get to my mining claim, so i pulled up to the building, showed my drivers license like the sign says, and waited. I was going to ask them if i could proceed thru "town" on into the mountains. Plenty of trucks and vehicles around, no sign of people, no one ever came to the gate so i backed up and left. Had to go all the way around the mountains and come in from the east over by the old hachita ghost town. Instead of 4 miles to my claim it was 15 miles of bad road.

The Ash Ccanyon from Sierra County is at about 33* 03 Lat . Mescal Canyyon is little north . Keep the Ash lat literally . The detail make the difference .
I think i get what you are trying to tell me.


Willie's Cave is most definitely something I search for. I hate that it is so far from me, but I sneak out that way when I get the chance. Like when I go to Arizona, I rarely ever announce my comings and goings.

The story I have from a few sources is that when the Loriuses and Heberers disappeared, they had met with some locals (Palmer Brothers), and agreed to some basic terms to either buy or inspect the gold, and were then taken to the Stash Cave at Hackberry. Both men and one woman went inside the cave, while one woman stayed by the car. Something happened in the cave, and all three inside were murdered. The woman outside by the car was killed as well. All their stuff was supposedly burned in the desert, their car was found wrecked in El Paso, their AmEx Travelers Checks were spent after they disappeared, but nothing was ever said regarding the disposition of the bodies. I believe they "cleaned up" the bodies from the stash cave, because it is so easy to find, and dumped them in the "Treasure Cave", where they remain until this day.

No, I don't think the Palmer Brothers knew where the treasure cave was. Willie was a sharp guy. No reason for him to tell them anything. They may have been close, maybe not. There are somethings that I wish we knew when Willie/Laurence was still alive, so we could ask him specifically (especially about The Guerilla Gang and the "City Men" that Willie was really afraid of).


Yes the distance thing sucks. I cant wait to start spending winters in NM. I can do some serious exploration then. I want to same at willies cabin for a month. see what he saw. feel what he felt. walk in the dark. If no one could watch where he went, i wonder if he went at night.
Maybe we can help each other figure this out. i only want 4 bars. you can have the rest.

Yes the distance thing sucks. I cant wait to start spending winters in NM. I can do some serious exploration then. I want to same at willies cabin for a month. see what he saw. feel what he felt. walk in the dark. If no one could watch where he went, i wonder if he went at night.
Maybe we can help each other figure this out. i only want 4 bars. you can have the rest.

Hell! That's only a bit over $2 million. I think I have that in pocket change. You only want four bars out of about 1200 ($2 million for you and almost $16 million for me). Not a great deal for you, but I'm game! HAHAHA


Hell! That's only a bit over $2 million. I think I have that in pocket change. You only want four bars out of about 1200 ($2 million for you and almost $16 million for me). Not a great deal for you, but I'm game! HAHAHA


ah i think your math is a little off: its 2 million for me and that leaves 600 million for someone else.
yeah, im good with 2M. after that the logistics are going to get messy. no sense complicating my life.
I will assume your searching abilities are better than your math and lets do it. ha ha ha

I have been at work all day doing nothing but math. I am the Internet Sales Manager at a VW Dealership. My brain is fried today(last day of the month). I forgot to add in the pound weight of the bars (40 pounds per bar x 12 ounces to the pound, 1200 bars x $1100 an ounce).

...and being a smarta$$ doesn't get you what Willie said! HAHAHA


I have searched this area for years for artifacts, Very isolated and beautiful. I remember the old Phelps-Dodge smokestack visible from many locations.

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