Do You Remember.?

Re: Do You Remember..........?


Left K.C. in late '52.After 40yrs,I have settled here just outside of Warsaw.Made several

visits to KC in that time.I miss the 'old city' it use to be.Born and raised there.

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Laughing and walking barefoot through all the mud holes you could find.....squishing between the toes....haha....anybody ever mow the lawn when you were a kid and do it BAREFOOT......??? Oh the color green........haha

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Michelle said:
Laughing and walking barefoot through all the mud holes you could find.....squishing between the toes....haha....anybody ever mow the lawn when you were a kid and do it BAREFOOT......??? Oh the color green........haha

I do, Michelle...I still do. I'm a country gal tried and true. ;D

Re: Do You Remember..........?

rtde3 said:
OK, here's a hard one. Maybe PBK can figure this one out! I remember having a toy back in the late 1960's that you would shoot up in the air with a sling shot type thing. It was like a short arrow with a hook on the front where the rubber band from the sling shot hooked. And it had straps/ flaps on the back like where the vanes of an arrow whould be. You would shoot this thing straight up in the air and when it started to come down the straps would spread out and it would twirl like a helicopter all the way down. This was a great toy to play with until some kid put another kid's eye out & they outlawed them! :P
Now if anyone can tell me what they were called you would be the best!! ;D
Anyone else remember these?

Don't remember it, but there was a rocket version that parachuted back down— same slingshot-type launch. Didn't pay much attention to it, though, as I was about 12 then and making real rockets with chemicals from the local drugstore.

The helicopter toys that I remember were either pull-string or wind-spring types.

Re: Do You Remember..........?

I saw on the History Channel this afternoon that they had a show on nostalgic toys. One guy had an empty Rockem-Sockem Robot box for sale for $100. :o
They also said the original GI Joe doll (excuse me---Action Figure) was modified after Barbie's boyfriend, Ken. They just modified his cheekbones and other little changes. I could have wandered through the museum warehouse for days. LOL

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Remember the black & white Sheriff Patrol cars with the bubble on the top? I always saw one in my back window coming up behind me through the dust.

Nickel pinball machines that you could play with the money you earned by collecting pop an beer bottles for 2 cents deposit.

Flipping coins to see who came closest to a wall or chack on the floor.

Rowing out early in the morning in the mist and listening to the squeaky oar locks on your family's wood row boat as the cane pole hung over the back.

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Did anyone throw bottle caps by snapping your finger ? We would hold the cap between thumb and middle finger then raising the hand upwards then back over the shoulder snapping when your hand was far enough back to aim where you wanted.
Another thing was using the rack out of the oven like a a musical instrument of sorts. I know that sounds lame but if you have never done it you will be amazed. All you need is a piece of heavy string or twine about 2 feet long, the oven rack and a few pieces of silverware. Pass the twine through the corner of the rack and having equal lengths on each side of the rack wrap a couple of turns of twine around each of your index fingers to secure the end. It is necessary to bend over to suspend the rack by the string don't let it touch anything your fingertips which go in your ears. Close your eyes for added effect of the sound this enhances the depth of it. Two or more other people strike the rack at different places and with different rythyms. Light and stronger whacks too. Whacking the outer frame with a butter knife is a gong a fork lightly passed across the ribs of the rack is tiny bells. Because it is the same for both ears you get a cavern like stereo effect. I will let you find out the rest. Have fun with it.


Re: Do You Remember..........?

rtde3 said:
OK, here's a hard one. Maybe PBK can figure this one out! I remember having a toy back in the late 1960's that you would shoot up in the air with a sling shot type thing. It was like a short arrow with a hook on the front where the rubber band from the sling shot hooked. And it had straps/ flaps on the back like where the vanes of an arrow whould be. You would shoot this thing straight up in the air and when it started to come down the straps would spread out and it would twirl like a helicopter all the way down. This was a great toy to play with until some kid put another kid's eye out & they outlawed them at my school! :P
Now if anyone can tell me what they were called you would be the best!! ;D
Anyone else remember these?

UPDATE! I found it! It's called a arrowcopter & heres a pic.

I don't remember this one, but it did remind of another toy I always liked. It was a small dart type thing that you stuck a cap ( like the ones used in cap guns) in the end of the tip. You would just throw it up into to the air, and when it hit the ground the cap would explode...

It is a shame the kids of today have to miss out on so much stuff simply because someone thought it was too dangerous...
Thanks for the memories...

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Hey, Leon—

You can still buy cap bombs! Both the regular and parachute type are available for only a few bucks.


Re: Do You Remember..........?

Very cool, PBK... Thanks for the info... I might have to look for some for the kids.. I haven't see an of those in years...

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Do you remember any of these?

(about 10 1/2 minutes long)

OK, you get the drift you can see when you go to these there are more to choose from. Kinda fun to watch and remember. I remember our intermission film was the one that started out "What's to eat" "What's to drink".


Re: Do You Remember..........?

We used to collect wrappers so we could make mile long chains,bracelets ,door hangers.....


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Re: Do You Remember..........?

Family Values
You saw a Doctor if you had a virus.
Leaded gasoline
White Wall tires
Swimming in the local watering hole (too polluted now)
Pull Tabs
Hubba Bubba

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Making paper chains for the Christmas tree.

Re: Do You Remember..........?


DRUMMER BOY fast food joints and their 12 cent regular hamburgers, (we'd buy a whole bag of them for $3.00, and go to the..................


PIXIE STICKS, SQUIRELL NUTS, CHARLESTON CHEW, "REAL" PAY DAY bars(not the cheap immitations of today)....



JIC JAC cream soda(crystal clear), and HUMPTY DUMPTY potato chips(A MAINE chip, made in Scarborough/So. Portland)

And the best of the best... The original FLO'S HOTDOG ( Cape Neddick, Maine )

Re: Do You Remember..........?

They've changed Flo's hotdogs?! I haven't been in a few years... but yep, they're good! The different home-made relishes/sauces set them apart. But this is a local issue... PM me if you feel I shouldn't go back.

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Great thread!

Thanks for starting it.

I remember a lot of the things - sepecially the big buddy gum - about a foot long for a nickel.

Also, when I was six years old, my brother taught me to play mumbly peg and gave me his old pocket knife. I carried that knife everywhere and whittled anything I could get my hands on. (I still love to play with knives.)

Also, anyone else remember cleaning car/lawn mower/motorcycle, etc. parts with gasoline?

My Dad had a big old plastic bowl that we used to drop parts into - had my hands in it all the time, and that was before unleaded gas! (Now that I think of it, that explains a lot!)LOL

I was the only girl I knew of who was really into all that stuff, but really didn't care what anyone thought about it, even then.

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