Do You Remember.?

Re: Do You Remember..........?

rtde3 said:
Do you remember when you knew the names of all our Astronauts?
I watched the Shuttle blast of yesterday & had never heard of any of the Astronauts. Back in the day we knew all of the Apollo astronauts! They were our Hero's!

I knew of Barbara Morgan because she used to teach school here in Idaho. She was the backup for the "teacher in space" that blew up on the Challenger. Otherwise, I knew of none of them either.

Re: Do You Remember..........?

T V The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 77 Sunset Strip
Fast Food Taco Tia Don't cook Tonight call Chicken Delight
Toys Lincon Logs Erector sets
Games Mumbly Peg Spin the bottle
Stores White Front Woolworth's
Bands Ten Years After Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention
Car Fads Garter on the mirror Whip antennas

Remember when cruising was legal and you weren't.We would stay out all night cruising back and forth on Whittier Blvd, Belflower Blvd or E st. Leave the radio off so you could listen for the noise of the massive open house partys that were common in So Cal. If we got bored or low on gas we'd steal a water meter cover lay it over the tire spikes and go in the exit at the drive in.

Going from last day of school till first day of school without ever puttin on a pair of shoes.

I was watching Dragnet in black and white,Sgt Friday stops the car to make a call in a booth.My 15 year old asks whats he doing, I say making a phone call
she says why doesn't he just use his cell.

Re: Do You Remember..........?

When friends on tnet would jump in and JUST SAY.............


Re: Do You Remember..........?

THANK YOU..... :'(





Re: Do You Remember..........?

Michelle said:

Well, I remember YOU, kiddo! :D

Good to see you on the boards again. ;)

Re: Do You Remember..........?

What a great thread, just finished catching up. I grew up in the 70's in Brooklyn some of the things I remember are.
Stickball in the street near the end of the block into the next avenue 3 sewers was the measurement.
Skelzies, we filled bottle caps with melted wax and flicked then with our fingers around a board drawn with chalk in the street.
Skitching, we would hang onto the bumbers of cars in the winter when the snow "stuck".
wiffle ball, my best friend had the net pitchback with the strike zone.
Chiller Theater on TV, my older sister would make me put cold water on my forehead before going to bed after watching so we wouldn't have nightmares.
Playing games in the street and when a car was coming yellin Car Car C.A.R. stick your head in a jelly jar.
Waking up in the morning and hearing the radio in the kitchen "you're listening to 1010WINS radio, you give us 22 minutes, we'll give you the world".
Cod liver oil
After being out all day in the snow, coming home and my pant legs were frozen up to my knees.
Tootle Loop radio, "It's an S it's an O its a crazy radio.
All good times WOW.
They filmed Saturday Night Fever at 2001 Space Oddyssey which was 8 blocks from my house, we went up to see the stars.
Tying fishing line from a No Parking sign to a fence and wait for someone to walk by.
Ring someones bell and run.

Re: Do You Remember..........?

So many responses...I just couldn't read them all...ya'll brought back some awesome memories...

Remember Sunday nights at 7pm...The Wonderful World of Disney...sometimes it was a movie, sometimes a documentary about wild animals and such...that was a ritual for our family every Sunday night.

I remember at age 11, getting our FIRST COLOR TV...we even got one before my best friends family did!!!

Going to the drive-ins in our PJ'S!!!

I remember the A&W Resturants...loved those places.

I lived both in Fayetteville, NC (where we were born and Dad was in the Army) and my parents were born and bred in the heart of NYC....

In NC...we had the Tastee Freeze's....kinda' like White Castle's in NY and NJ

I remember Hoola Hoops (I was pretty good at it too)....stakeing with my key on a string around my neck...never having to wear a helmet when riding a bike...helping my aunt lick her green stamps to place in her books so she could get free things...penny candy (that now you're lucky if you can get it for 25 cents a piece)....McDonald's when they first opened up and how long the french fries were (the real shoestring fries), Cracker Jacks with REAL PRIZES in them (was dissappointed when I bought my boys some the other night...crappy prizes :().

Mighty Mouse, Felix the Cat (and his magic bag of tricks), Speedy Gonzales, Rawhide, Magilla Gorilla, Huckleberry Hound (have alot of these on VCR Tapes, will NEVER get rid of them), Bob Hope specials (esp during the Vietnam War), Ed Sullivan, George and Gracie, Red Skelton, Bonanza, Partridge Family (hey, I thought David Cassidy was the hottest!!!), Here Come the Brides (with Bobby Sherman, he's a Sheriff in California), Grizzly Adams, Courtship of Eddie's Father, Hazel, My Three Sons, (the original) Dennis the Mennance, Lazzie (the original series).

Oh, Transitor Radios with those little white head phones that plugged in your ears. My God Mother gave me one for Christmas when I was 10...that was my all time favorite present as I wanted one so was Maroon colored :)

Thanks for the memories......................:) ;D ;D ;D ;D

Re: Do You Remember..........?

mrs.oroblanco said:
Hey, yea - crackerjack prizes - my favorite ones were the little "ships" you put baking soda in to make them run.

Cool! And, for a penny, you could get that strip of "dot candy" that was taller than I was (I'm thinking, though, I must of eaten quite a bit of paper ;D).


OMG...the DOT CANDY....I remember going home to NYC to visit my grandparents...they always took us to the candy store around the corner (on Second Ave by 77th Street ... may have been on 78th?)...anyways..I always bought those and yea...I think I had my share of paper too! LOL And do you remember the little white whistle that came in the Cracker Jack box with the picture of the Sailor on it? That was one of my favorites...drove Mom and Dad crazy!!! LOL

How about other candy's like: Mary Janes, Black Cows, Charms (my Nani's favorite....she always had them in her purse and it was a ritual for her..whenever she put in her teeth...she'd pop in a charms to hide the nasty flavor of the powder to hold in her teeth! I can still picture her in my mind with that candy in her mouth and her beautiful teeth smiling! I miss her :'()

Gotta' remember Chiclets (the tiny size bubble gums...loved those and the flavor...WOW!),

Granddaddy taking us to the Central Park Zoo (it was really nice then and alot safer ;))

Homemade Ice Cream, Bubble Gum Cigars, Good & Plenty (you can still get those now), Wacky Taffy, Mike & Ike's, Slo Pokes.

What's My Line, Dragnet, American Bandstand (always watched it!), Danny Thomas Show, The Real McCoys (loved grandpa LOL), Jackie Gleason Show, This is your life.

Paper Dolls, Jacks and Marbles, Yo Yo's, spending hours trying to complete a puzzle, playing card games (usually OLD MAID or GO FISH! :)), My First Barbie..I was 3 when she came on the market...her legs and arms were stiff, no movement at the knees and elbows, playing Tea with your new Tea Set Santa brought you, Chatty Cathy (I never had one, but my best friend did).

I read on here somewhere, where someone wrote about their son's curosity of the 45's....I had a similiar conversation with my dau one time, she was about 15 at the time (22 now)...she was listening to the song on the radio and I started to sing it...she said, "You know this song?"...I said, "Yeah, this is a remake."...she said, "No it's not, it just came out." I said, "Ahh, I don't think so...."...she still insisted I was wrong, then I took her to my collection of 45's and all my albums....she asked what these were. I said RECORDS. "Records? What is a record?"...ok...I pulled out the song she insisted was NOT A REMAKE put it on a ...ready for this...A RECORD PLAYER LOL....and played the song for her. I explained to her that this was our form of entertainment as your 10-12 song CD's are now. We only had a song on one side each, but our albums would have about 10 songs on them, give or take a few. She thought it was so LAME! Kids....if I could take my kids back in time to my growing up years, maybe they would see how wonderful we had it as kids....needless to say....she had enjoyed reviewing and listening to my OLD RECORDS and even had some friends sleep over one night...listening to these old songs! She loves the OLDIES BUT GOODIES NOW!!! OH, now I need to introduce these VINYLS to my boys (12 and 10)...

And kids, they mean so I am 38 and 40 years older than my boys...and they will ask me..."Mom, where you born when that came out?" LOL

We may not have alot of what we had as kids, but atleast we have the memories and hopefully we can somehow share them with our kids and grandkids! Now I know what Grandparents meant by THE GOOD OL' DAYS!!

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Do You Remember..........? Helping Strangers. Took my Pop to lunch Yesterday and coming home down a grade there was a young lady in Business clothes with an obvious radiator problem. I could see her trying to take off the cap so I stopped quick. If you don't know you never remove a cap from an overheating radiator as it will spray you with scalding water and steam. Not wanting to see this nice looking young gal permanently dis figured I got out and told her not to do that. She looked at me like I was the boogie man and locked herself in her car. This is lunchtime on a busy So Cal street and she's scared to death of me for stopping to help. Once my 88 y.o. Pop got back there she wasn't as scared but wasn't coming out of the car. Use to be people were glad to see someone stop to help. Can't get it out of my mind how scared that poor girl looked.

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Some things I remember

Candy Cigerettes
Baseball cards with Gum
Keeping bread twistys for some reason
Woven triple plant basket that hung in the corner
Only having one phone in the house in a hole in the wall

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Anybody else remember stenciling Glass Wax decorations on windows at Christmastime?


Re: Do You Remember..........?

how about
erector sets
hot wheels with the orange tracks and purple connectors
Doris Day
Romper Room
Zagnut candy bars
Schmidt beer
Hamms beer with a can opener in the case
cigs in a machine for 25 cents
oil embargo
Rambler cars
mutual of omaha's Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins and big Jim

Re: Do You Remember..........?

How about when kids didn't get toys all year around so they actually appreciated getting one on their birthday or Christmas?

Re: Do You Remember..........?

PBK said:
Michelle said:

Well, I remember YOU, kiddo! :D

Good to see you on the boards again. ;)

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Hey, Michelle—

How about making a New Year's resolution to spend a little more time here on TNet. We miss ya! ;)

Re: Do You Remember..........?

I remember we used to get into the theater (called it 'the show' back then) and ya got two movies, a serial (Tarzan fighting the gorillia was always my favorite episode), and a cartoon (sometime two) all for 15 cents. Popcorn was a dime, and so were pop and chocolate bars.. I also remember seeing that Tarzan episode years later, and thinking how real the guy in the obviously fake cheesey gorillia suit looked way back then..

Re: Do You Remember..........?

I ran across this web site after Halloween,looking for wax lips,lol.

Candy buttons, there here.

"Candy Buttons
Colorful, unique, whimsical…Candy Buttons are one of the original “Kids Candies.” This is the nostalgia treat that everyone remembers having fun with in childhood. With three flavors on a strip—lemon, lime and cherry, Candy Buttons come in two strip sizes--long and short. The long is 22 1/2 inches and the short is 11 1/4 inches.

NECCO makes 3/4 billion candy buttons in the course of a year

In 1980, NECCO acquired the Cumberland Valley brand, the originators of candy button in America. In 1989, NECCO acquired the Candy House Button brand, which made NECCO the exclusive manufacturer of this popular American product. "

And Marathon Bars...........Yum!!!

The Marathon Bar is gone but the Curly Wurly definitely takes it place. Each bar is the same size as the original... 1 inch by 8 inches of braided caramel covered with milk chocolate. You will not be disappointed.

Makes me want to order EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out the old time candy page. They have things I forgot they even made(and still do).
Enjoy, Maggie

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