Do You Remember.?

Re: Do You Remember..........?

RealdeTayopa said:
Baby pictures?? hmmmmm K michelle, flea baby pictures or redflannels, one or the other.

Topical Tramp
Man your posts TTramp......

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Speaking of McHales Navy..... My daughter watches Sponge Bob and there are several episodes with Ernest Borgnine (sp) as Mermaid Man and Tim Conway as Barnacle Boy.

Does anyone remember when we had black and white TV's and you could buy a piece of clear plastic to go over the screen where the top 1/3 was tinted Blue and the middle was clear and the bottom was tinted green. It was supposed to simulate blue for the sky at the top and green for grass at the bottom. (Poor man's color TV). Must have been someones money making scheme like the guy with the pet rock.


Re: Do You Remember..........?

Paul is Dead said:
Last thing I can remember is, "Hey MAN, this isn't a four finger BAG! Whose fingers you using? Your baby sisters?"
Ha ha.....going back I hear ya....remember well!

Re: Do You Remember..........?

ellehciM said:
Sure they were didnt you ever get shot at by the Indians ....roped by the cowboys....did you ever try to leap a tall building in a single bound......They were more like Please dont try this at home kind of things.

Yeah... Never try this at home. (Always go to the neighbors house to try it first) ;D

Re: Do You Remember..........?

The" brand new" baby doll plastic smell.......hmmmm.....

Re: Do You Remember..........?

How about 'Christmas Stickers' In the days before scotch tape (or even duct tape :D)
Christmas presents were wrapped in coloured tissue, and all the ends held fast with a bunch of Christmas stickers, usually glue licked by the person wrapping it....

But the thing I remember most from my childhood is the 'real' smell of a new car.. It was a combination of wood, fabric, metal, rubber and a slight hint of gasoline.
Todays new car smell, is a toxic offgassing of things that could probably kill you on a hot day!

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Good God, do I remember when I was a kid. I remember falling out of a neighbor's tree....breaking an arm...and no one got sued.

I remember getting "escorted" home by the police. My folks said it was "MY" fault, not the cops.

I remember those sleds that had runners like on ice skates, not a nice soft plastic dish. You got out of the way when you saw one coming.

I remember walking into your best friends house without knocking, not sending an IM.

I remember disappearing right after breakfast during the summer, and not coming home until the streetlights came on.

I remember my mom looking for footprints on the inside of my car roof after a date.

I remember when Johnny Cash was cool.....He still is.

My Lord, life has changed.


Re: Do You Remember..........?

Yeah Diggin man,I remember #5 too. Get out of here,i don't want to see you back till dinner.Those were the days :)

Re: Do You Remember..........?

PBK said:
rtde3 said:
I liked Western Auto when I was a kid because they had cool stuff.

You betcha... but if you were an Arkie or Okie kid, the real Fort Knox of boys toys was the Oklahoma Tire & Supply Co. or, in later years, OTASCO for short. A lot of noses got flattened against their windows around Christmastime in my hometown. I can still hear their old radio spots... "Thank you! Here's your change!" I'll bet some of the other guys like Monty and Stoney remember 'em, too.

Just saw this one. PBK, you're sooo right. I could stand for hours watching that train go round and round the Christmas tree they had up. Sitting next to it was a pedal powered rocket ship, a magenta stingray bicycle with the molded magenta and glittered banana seat and long streamers coming out of the handlegrips. A Red Ryder BB gun was leaning in the corner on the piles of angel hair they used for snow. Right under it was a brace of Lone Ranger pearl type handled cap guns in a fancy holster set.
Also there was Ben Franklin's, TG&Y, and Woolsworth.

I see they still have the penny candies from the youth but they're not a penny anymore. :'(

Some of the local kid's channels had Major Astro (Wichita, KS area), Foreman Scotty and the Circle 4 ranch. (Oklahoma City area).

Re: Do You Remember..........?

stoney56 said:
Some of the local kid's channels had Major Astro (Wichita, KS area), Foreman Scotty and the Circle 4 ranch. (Oklahoma City area).

Arkansas didn't have TV until 1953. The first TV set I ever saw belonged to some folks who moved here from Georgia. They had a little girl my age, and as soon as they got settled in she invited me over to watch Superman— unaware that there was no station anywhere for over 150 miles.

We sat there for a while, eagerly staring at the "snow"-filled screen. Finally, I said, "I don't think we're going to get to see Superman. I guess I'd better go home."

"No, wait!" she cried, dashing over to the TV and turning the volume all the way up (no remote in those days). Over a roar of "white noise" and static she shouted, "Listen! Hear that? He's coming!"

Re: Do You Remember..........?

School pictures - They would give everyone a free plastic comb - we would lightly hit the back of our hand with the comb , swing our arm around(centrificle force) to see if we made our hand bleed .


Re: Do You Remember..........?

When I was in the 9th grade, the official school pictures directive made the rounds; "boys: coat & tie." Of course, we all turned up the next day in our usual ragged attire. One kid did remember, though, and at least half of us ended up posing in the same loud sportscoat. When the yearbook came out, our section looked like a page out of some plaid-jacket prep school!

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Shucks, Rob, I can remember when all the businesses in town closed every Sunday.

Once, back around 1950, we lived in Russellville, Arkansas for a year, and they also shut down on Wednesday afternoons. Don't know why, but if you wanted anything there on Wednesday, you'd better get it early!

As for the wishbone wars, hey, if you're a kid that's as good an excuse for a dinner table squabble as any! :D Although at our house the birds of fare were usually ducks or geese (wild, not domestic).

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too!

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Remember those little "free" in the cereal box toys?......Had a shoe box full of them! Now you get it free by sending in all these proofs of purchase and shipping.....hmmm

Re: Do You Remember..........?

mrs.oroblanco said:
Ok, I am officially old - after reading all these things!!

the original Pez dispensers
the original metal Slinky
Silly Putty
girls HAD to wear skirts or dresses to school, so we would put pants on underneath our skirts when it was snowy and freezing (had to take them off when we got to school)
little dots of candy on a piece of paper - used to eat as much paper as candy
little wax bottles of some kind of sweet drink (chewed on the wax afterwards)
our first tv - watch Sputnik - 1957
Mickey Mouse Club
Mickey Moue Club Official ears
Davey Crockett
the coonskin hat with the tail
Daniel Boone
The Shaggy Dog
trap-door long johns
My mother's soap opera - "I Remember Mama"
Glasses and plates given out when you got gasoline
Hoola Hoops
free air for your tires
Spin & Marty
Mr. Wizard and the Wayback Machine (drizzle, drazzle, drozzle, drone, time for this one to come home).
Fractured fair tales
Moose & Squirrel (Rocky & Bullwinkle)
Bat Masterson
The Rifleman
Chemistry sets with real chemicals
green stamps
a record player with 3 speeds, 78, 45 and 33-1/3 (and the records that were played on them)
doctors did not have appointments on Wednesdays
vaccinations for smallpox
3 people in our school had polio :(
really walked 2 miles to the school bus
My REAL buntline special handgun (complete with holster and a whole box of caps)

Thanks for the memories...........................................

My God!!!! I remember every freaking one of those things...
I guess Canada is not much different than the U.S.A. I still have my Chemistry kit with the REAL chemicals.. Most of the things in it are probably 'banned' today..
The Kit had a 'spinthirascope' (looked like a jewelers loop with a closed back) for watching radioactive decay,from a smear of 'radium' :o on the back plate.. It also came with a small chunk of Uranium ore, and a radio active screen that could be held onto a roll of film with a rubberband then after a few hours you developed the film, and seen where the radioactivity burned a mark in the film! any of these, when looked in the dark through the spinthirascope would flash bright sparks as the radiation decayed.. Not sure what the half life was, but mine is still working after 50 years, and no cancerous eyes yet!! ;D

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Geez, I remember about half of that stuff. Kinda wish I wasn't so old. My daughter (9 years old) will likely never hear of this stuff. Especially the 'going out on Saturday morning, and not returning until dark'.

Hey, one more show......The Magician......Bill Bixby as a kind of private detective/mystery solver........mid-early 70's. His license plate was 'SPIRIT'.........always thought that was too cool.

Gotta go cry myself to sleep. Where have all the years gone?


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