Do You Remember.?

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Paul is Dead said:
Last thing I can remember is, "Hey MAN, this isn't a four finger BAG! Whose fingers you using? Your baby sisters?"

LOL! and only $15!!! ;D

HH 8) surfrat

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Every Saturday at my house we go through the same six year old wants to watch kid shows (no cable or satellite - downstairs anyway) and there is nothing on. When I was little we watched Saturday morning cartoons almost every weekend and the cartoons seem so much better back then. Anyway, all that to say I remember Saturday cartoons. Scooby Doo, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Archies, Super Heroes, Johnny Quest... Then at noon American Bandstand came on which I didn't really watch very often. Another show that would come on later was Kooka(sp), Fran & Ollie.

Someone mentioned the Chrissy doll who's hair could be made short or long. My sister had Chrissy and I still have Velvet w/box and the hair still works. I brought her home with me a few weeks ago from my trip to Washington state. When I put her away the last time I had braided her hair and put a curler at the end of each braid never thinking it would be about 30 years before I would take her out of her box again. I looked on Ebay and she is going for between 30 and 40 dollars right now. I am not ready to part with her. I have a Midge Barbie too from around 1965. The Memories.... 8)


Re: Do You Remember..........?

You have a Chrissy cool...her little pink rollers....I played with her all the time...she wasnt a sitable doll...her little blue jumpsuit and the shoes....she looked like Marie Osmond......Awesome that someone Remembers her!

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Bubs Daddy
Flexible Flyers
Radio Flyers
GI Joes
Handy Andy Tool kits (and the saws really cut too)
Schwinns WITH a carrier rack on the back


Re: Do You Remember..........?

Riding your bike twenty miles from home and it was no big deal.

buying a soda, 2 candy bars, two snack cakes, gum and a MAD magazine for less than a buck.

playing with baseball cards that are worth hundreds of dollars today
playing doctor without it being called a molestation

when people on tv never when to the bathroom, got pregnet, farted or said anything about sex but smoked everywhere even in the hospital.

i also remember being spit on by black people because i was white

and seeing pictures of brothers of my friends in the living room who died in vietnam

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Buying a soda, 2 candy bars, a snack cake, gum, a pixie stik and a issue of MAD magazine for under a buck.

playing doctor with the girl down the block was a part of growing up and not a sex crime.

the draft so you can die in another country for people who didn't want you there

being spit on by black people just because you were white

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Walking barefoot 10 mi. thru 4 ft. of snow & 30 below to go to school! Just Kidding! That's an old story!

Taking 15 min. to pick out real Penny Candy.
Paying .35 to see 2 Movies, a Serial, & Cartoon.
Watching: Have Gun, Will Travel, Wagon Train, Death Valley Days, Sgt. Preston, Sheriff of Cochise, Colt .45, Davey Crockett, Elfago Baca, Texas John Slaughter, Rough Riders, Swamp Fox, The Gray Ghost, & Sky King. (you can tell, I liked Westerns) also: Dobbie Gillis, Donna Reed, Ozzie & Harriet, Dragnet, Howdy Doody, & (Drum Roll, Please.) American Bandstand!!

Re: Do You Remember..........?

I remember the cartoon Gigantor,returning coke bottles for 2 and 5 cents,selling things at the front of our house,building forts everywhere,riding our bikes or walking anywhere we wanted to go, picking wild blackberries or blueberries, my mother home-canning fruits and vegetables all day,bellbottoms, hitting 'em out all day until we couldn't see any more,building trails,looking for nightcrawlers with a flashlight, sleeping in a tent with a jarfull of fireflies,school dress codes,black and white tv,8-tracks, the gas lines of '78,sliding down a snow-covered hill on a washingmachine lid,building snow forts and pouring water over it to make it stronger, 1 cent bubblegum, 5 and dimes,.watching wild kingdom followed by wonderful world of disney with the whole family on sunday night and simpler times.

Re: Do You Remember..........?

The sweet smell of the clay in kindergarten...blisters from those new school shoes...

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Mountainman 2,

I have memories of going to my Grandma's on Sunday to watch her color TV. We would also watch Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Wonderful World of Disney and then Bonanza. Remember the NBC peacock? I think of that when ever I think of those Sunday nights, it was very colorful.


Re: Do You Remember..........?

:D :D :D Coffee ......straight black! :D :D

Re: Do You Remember..........?

fleamistress said:
Would I be the only one of a decade of eyes squeezed shut in every pic? "CYNTHIA! NOW turn around and face the sun! Now SMILE! Hold it...hold it..."

The only thing I dreaded more than being photographed was volcanic lava and the idea of appendicitis surgery...
Come on post a pic.......I hardly have many of my baby pic's.....

Re: Do You Remember..........?

fleamistress said:
Michelle said:
fleamistress said:
Would I be the only one of a decade of eyes squeezed shut in every pic? "CYNTHIA! NOW turn around and face the sun! Now SMILE! Hold it...hold it..."

The only thing I dreaded more than being photographed was volcanic lava and the idea of appendicitis surgery...
Come on post a pic.......I hardly have many of my baby pic's.....

Only if somebody else goes firsties. No! New thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait better idea. Do nothing.

Meanwhile, Diaper Pins.
I hate diaper pins....I am scared for Mom let me get ahold of one when I was being changed and I have scars on my forehead and cheek from the darn things! Mother! Hey, I'll start the post of "Baby Toddle Days" ...will you post?

Re: Do You Remember..........?

How about Crusader Rabbit and Mighty Manfred, The Wonder Dog? Used to put a piece of clear plastic stuff on the tv screen. Then, during an episode you were asked to help out. You would use a grease pencil or China marker to draw a line for the characters to use as a bridge to cross canyons etc.. I saved them plenty of times. Have Beanie and Cecil been mentioned? Bulwinkle? Remember saying the pledge in school and, for those of you from the Midwest, goiter tablets????

Re: Do You Remember..........?

Michelle said:
The sweet smell of the clay in kindergarten...blisters from those new school shoes...

I remember the clay smell, and also the god awful smell of the rubber mats used for kindergarten 'nap time'! But most of all, I remember the smell of the ASBESTOS they would mix with water, and hand out to all the kids in grade 3 to model stuff out of!!!
But what REALLY raises my hackles today, (this may only be in the nanny state of Socialist Canada mind you) is before virtually every 1950's and 60's TV western, and ANY hunting show currently on television is the vocal comment "WARNING THIS PROGRAM MAY CONTAIN VIOLENCE - (OR MAY NOT BE SUITIBLE FOR CHILDREN) PARENTAL GUIDENCE IS ADVISED" What the hell kind of crap is that? Back in the 50's and 60's kids were NOT shooting each other like they are today..
50's and 60's shows were never a problem in the 50's and 60's..

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