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Well done Red, when I worked with the natural gas transmission companies, we found that the rods cross on the edge of the buried pipe. We dowsed many different diameters, so once the rods crossed on one side, we would then dowse from the other side. We knew the pipes diameter, so if it was a twelve inch diameter pipe, the spots where the rods crossed would be twelve inches apart.

Long rods are harder to keep from swinging due to their weight. In my opinion short rods around fourteen inches work better. I found from a video in you-tube, that once you have a spot where the rods cross, you can back up a little bit, then just slide one of your feet forward, and the rods will cross when your foot is on the right spot. I have tried this, and it really pinpoints what you are looking for.


Correct, using two L wires, one in each hand they would swing towards each other when over the cable or line, if you backed up they would start to return to front...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
― James Madison

The Constitution of the United States of America

I went down to the right of way where I have seen an old pipeline
sign. About 37' from the edge of the shoulder, my rods crossed.
Then just up at the crest of the embankment, telephone wires.
I could see the pedestal over at the fence line about 40' away.

My electric service work included finding bad spots, in buried
underground insulated (super-tough) cables mostly to private
residence services. We had a tester that would connect a lead
onto a cable, disconnected from make-up in pedestal. A probe
would give a remote signal to pinpoint the bad spot to find the
corrosion made with the 1* aluminum wire leaking to ground.
They were usually at preferred depth of 28-36" deep.

Always had a detector for finding buried service, telephone,
ground grid in substations. Did more substation, some close hot
work, @ 7200 v., and 12.5, 69, 138, and 161 kv. high voltage lines and equipment.
You can feel the EMF's, working close around it all day, often maybe
need to work extra long days. It can get you wired up. 8-) But can
also be very harmful to your health.

A very different experience, working high voltage...

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A study seems to give evidence that prolonged exposure
to high voltage can lead to leukemia, cancer, etc. The electric
companies insist there is not enough evidence. I only put in about
10 yrs. all together doing that, so may have a better chance of not
developing anything. Seen old linemen and substation techs get
sick and go, but a lot of them do live a long productive life...

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Correct, using two L wires, one in each hand they would swing towards each other when over the cable or line, if you backed up they would start to return to front...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
― James Madison

The Constitution of the United States of America

MY "experience", also...

Sent from OLD Brown Shoe (Singing OLD BROWN SHOE by George Harrison).

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A study seems to give evidence that prolonged exposure
to high voltage can lead to leukemia, cancer, etc. The electric
companies insist there is not enough evidence. I only put in about
10 yrs. all together doing that, so may have a better chance of not
developing anything. Seen old linemen and substation techs get
sick and go, but a lot of them do live a long productive life...

Never had any peyote, just have a habit of over thinking sometimes...:laughing7: :dontknow:

Would NEVER build a house under/near POWER LINES!

Ah so you have taken the bait eh crosse , I'll try to explain some thing that the scientists haven't. except perhaps for Einstein, he admits that dowsing exists.

Perhaps Judy will step in and help me out. So while we wait for her I'll attempt to answer some of your questions i

In Your last post last post yu asked ---OK, you found 8 loads of silver, "found by first dowsing, then precisely
by a detector".

What exactly did you do. What did you use, in performing your dowsing?

Don't doubt that you found the silver, or that you, or the Indian
saw a fire or light. I would take yer word on that, and there
seems to have been other peoples varying accounts, of
seeing a glow, fire, or lights. Some, sources of gas,
that seem are explainable.

It is used quite commonly to lookfor treasures ( explanation in a separate post )


you sked ---mJust curious, how deep was the silver?

Approximately 1 foot in hard pan under loose arroyo bank sand.


you asked ---what does this mean, dowsing paper objects?

Yes, anything can be dowsed. Same principal is involved.


You asked ---Everyone is aware of "the so called normal ones".
The supra normal ones, can you explain? Does this
mean you have supra normal senses to find treasure,
by having a special dowsing mind sense?

copied form past posts in here ---Geeze gentlemen: we haven't even started and already the sabres are out. For starters in this case. our brain is what we actually see with. It is eternally picking up minute energy waves and establishing a way for us - to be hypersimplistic - to perceive things. In light of this, yes, both woofer and EE are correct, but looking at the 'same' process differently.

One through the normal acceptance of visuality, the other through mental acceptance. Electronically, we might suggest a radio receiving the wanted signal via the built in antennae or an external one.

As go along we will get involved with both, the one and the same. Whether our brain receives this information through our eyes or "so called mentally", is really of no importance in the final analysis, as we shall hopefully develop.

Grammar, terminology, and punctuation are not critical for our purposes, so please do not use them in their selves, as a basis for a remark. Use them in their 'intended' context. We are here to learn, not to be simply one up on each other.

La Judy's little test is an extremely interesting one. Think on it for a while.

Remember in here we are not too interested in 'canned' responses, but yours, your free thinking. the most valuable trait that you have.

Don Jose de La Mancha


From here on I will only paste past posts----(lazy)

Allo EE you posted --> 'prove' what you've got so far,
This is precisely what we don't want. it is a closed door on what we are discussing since we will prob be delving into possible telepathy among other things. Actually nothing can be truly, 'positively proven', not even our electrical theory or of the universe. Our present understandings will be overturned many times before we ever really understand it, if ever, yet, it serves us as it is. But, remember, it is not proof of the subject, only of our method of acceptance.

Don Jose de La Mancha

HI again: It was speculated how 'much' energy would be need to transmit useful information ? May I suggest how much energy is transmitted for the most distant planet in our solar system for us to interpretate it's basic physical characteristics?

Why does the 'reflectance' of our sun on the Moon directly effect life's mental, physical and social characteristics?

Why is most of Earth's higher forms of life tied to Lunar phases, i.e reflective frequencies from the Sun?

Getting back to the original track, what frequencies are in a Photon?

Remember, many in here do not a high formal education for many reasons, including economical, so stick to the simpler more direct forms of posting. I doubt that there is anything or action in the Universe that can't be explained in simple language. The more intelligent one is the easier it is.

Don Jose de La Mancha

It was also posted -->What about this ring in a jewelry store? What nature of a signal are we to be sensing
It is simply because we are receiving the various gold frequencies directly, and possibly indirectly at the same time, through our primary frequency antenae, our 'eyes'.
Since they are frequency sensitive, they can respond to the the various differences due to atomic construction. and modifications thus allowing us to differentiate between the different rings..

Don Jose de la Mancha

p.s. I would suggst going to -->

Or alternatively, fust type in what you wish to know and add Tayopa. in the search just below the bandera, right side.

I carefully considered this post, and am wondering, though
I understand and agree with some of what you have said.
Who has some of these paranormal abilities, you senor
Don Jose? Telepathy? Can you read my mind?

Not easy for me to swallow. How high is your education sir.
Sounds like you're suggesting, that a part of the requisite for
understanding, or acquiring these special abilities, is associated
with higher learning capacity, and understanding. I know you were
a pilot, and therefore must have above average intelligence, the
ability to learn quickly, with excellent retention, and skill

Sorry, I have real doubts about some of this.
Maybe you are smarter, sharper, more educated
than other people. Then, you supposedly know about,
or have these other abilities, like eye frequency antennae.
You never did say what you used to dowse the 8 loads of silver.
Are you suggesting you used your mind? Telepathy? Scientists also
believe some far out things, like a big bang happened, poof, all of this
intricate life, and efficient ecosystems started.

Got any tangible proof Amigo, a reasonable story
with believability, for an example.

Theory is one thing, performing it consistently, is another.
I do not believe dowsing is paranormal, I never
believed, or disbelieved that I could do it.
I just tried it, and it worked. I can
not see it as a special gift. I do
know of some other gifts I believe
people get, some come easily, while
others are developed with a lot of hard work.

Mind control is not one of them.

Spiritual discernment is.

The moon's effects are easy to reckon,
as are a lot of other awesome things one can learn,
but telepathy? Or, X-ray frequency, molecule reading eyes?...

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Grosse, I was effectively kicked out of high school into the navy, consistent 'D' s except for the German teacher - kinda think that she liked me - she gave me a 'C' ( she was durn cute and loved to perch on her desk with the short skirts that were in vogue, and me an avid pupil, seated in the front row. after the war I entered college as a premed student, left to enter the new USAF pilot training. Since then a bum looking for lost Jesuit mines.

Many of my so-called para-normal experiments were performed whiie ln premed.

Only case of telepathy was a one way case, I couldn't do it, but she did. Want the story"?

and on.

I didn't dowse the 8 mule loads, another did. I used an ole Gardner machine . good for 16 ft or so on a refrigerator, In fact I have never tried to dowse a treasure, but have performed many very successful dowsing experiments.

p.s as for your question on IQ, it runs between 150 & 160 Binet. I have been invited to join MENSA, but haven't.

p.p.s. These so-called para-normal abilities are inherant in all of us.

p.p.p.s. As for dowsing, one series of experiments consisted in questioning different women on the internet as to what colored lingerie they had on, and I tried to establish it by dowsing. I wasn't always correct, but eventually came very close. ( just a red blooded Yankee youth ) actually there was a psychological reason for that beyond :censored:.

That's what this is subject for, to question ,question and question.

p.p.p.p.s. Crosse, many of the subjects that you mentioned would have gotten you burned at the stake a few years ago.

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Ha Ha Ha

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: Hmmn...

Thanks for sharing about your education history.

Is there a difference between reality, and the lack of it...

If you guessed a clothing color, is that an understanding
of how a spirit thinks/acts/reacts, or an actual discovered treasure?

Guessing lingerie colors, a saint, or a nutty professor?

A one way telepathy story, if you like.

Do treasures have real spirits?

Can some people discern spirits?

Does any one really have knowledge of,
and/ability to effectually influence/control them?

Are there watchers of buried treasures? :fish:

PS Maybe that's the benefit of the years, er from many decades of coffee drinking :laughing7:
Nother cup, of pure coffee, no enhancers, just pesticides...:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

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Giten Aband (showing off my German teachers effort paid of in simplicity) Her name was Lillian Roth sigh.

( Is there a difference between reality, and the lack of it..)

Unfortunately I can't differentiate between them in reality or in theory, of course if you jab me with a pin I will react, I just don't know, is there a point where they blend?,


( If you guessed a clothing color, is that an understanding
of how a spirit thinks/acts/reacts, or an actual discovered treasure?

Guessing lingerie colors, a saint, or a nutty professor?)


You might say because of the way normal males are wired, it gives a little more incentive (blushng )


(A one way telepathy story, if you like. )


?? want it ??


(Do treasures have real spirits? Can some people discern spirits?


Frankly what are spirits ? They say that every person is electrical energy, thought, when we , as commonly expressed die, our energy felds starts to collapse, and continues out to end of the Universe, it never completely dies out but then again they say that the Universe is like a giant balloon with everything contained inside, then again it is like a gigantic spiral and of course my favorite, a giant holograph.

If we are composed of pure electrical frequencies, and as such if we die ? this energy will still be continuing to exist, merely in a continually decreasing potency, it stands to reason that it could remain at the point of separation of the worlds, the treasure. effectively indefinitely.

If ether it is a conscious field or not is to be determined.


Pitch in peeps, there are many things I want to know. Don't be embarrassed to say what you know or have experienced - I have bared my soul already.

"Do treasures have real spirits?"

To have a spirit is a person trait by Merriam Webster's definition. Supernatural can be included in some part of full definition by the same reference.
Some treasures may well have association with such traits. But now we are needing to define treasures.

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Electrical, energy, of course, the rest, speculation?

You have me at a slight disadvantage, as my only real
choice, would be some of the words I have been warned (prevented)
NOT to repeat. So you can pose your ideology, all you want
to me, with no real response. My answers, would be I think, are...

Can you read my mind? Spiritual, immortally that is.

What else would you expect, as some of my ancestors
did many things, during notable periods of history.
I am acutely aware of what is thought to have
happened, is still happening, theories, with
no proof, theories, theories, more theories.

Have a good day Amigo, I go to see uncle,
who believes his spirit will soon go Back to
the one Great Spirit, where he was sent from.
To rest for a while, then the...

Hope you enjoy your day. 8-) :thumbsup: :fish:

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Ok Compadre, you can get up from the "maca" (hammock) now, the diagnosis is complete. I have determined, and am sorry to say that your case of ablutophobia is incurable. The early signs from your high school years with your teacher Lillian Roth, and later the nutty professor lingerie experiment, are just the root of the problem. The fact that you have become to smart for your own good makes it a common incurable case. Your understandings that we are composed of pure electrical frequencies, and your knowledge of the dangers of combining electricity with water leave you destined to remain a dirty old man.


Ok Compadre, you can get up from the "maca" (hammock) now, the diagnosis is complete. I have determined, and am sorry to say that your case of ablutophobia is incurable. The early signs from your high school years with your teacher Lillian Roth, and later the nutty professor lingerie experiment, are just the root of the problem. The fact that you have become to smart for your own good makes it a common incurable case. Your understandings that we are composed of pure electrical frequencies, and your knowledge of the dangers of combining electricity with water leave you destined to remain a dirty old man.


I wondered what caused difficulty river crossing with the mule.
Ol mule probably tried to drag him through repeatedly....

Giten Aband (showing off my German teachers effort paid of in simplicity) Her name was Lillian Roth sigh.

( Is there a difference between reality, and the lack of it..)

Unfortunately I can't differentiate between them in reality or in theory, of course if you jab me with a pin I will react, I just don't know, is there a point where they blend?,


( If you guessed a clothing color, is that an understanding
of how a spirit thinks/acts/reacts, or an actual discovered treasure?

Guessing lingerie colors, a saint, or a nutty professor?)


You might say because of the way normal males are wired, it gives a little more incentive (blushng )


(A one way telepathy story, if you like. )


?? want it ??


(Do treasures have real spirits? Can some people discern spirits?


Frankly what are spirits ? They say that every person is electrical energy, thought, when we , as commonly expressed die, our energy felds starts to collapse, and continues out to end of the Universe, it never completely dies out but then again they say that the Universe is like a giant balloon with everything contained inside, then again it is like a gigantic spiral and of course my favorite, a giant holograph.

If we are composed of pure electrical frequencies, and as such if we die ? this energy will still be continuing to exist, merely in a continually decreasing potency, it stands to reason that it could remain at the point of separation of the worlds, the treasure. effectively indefinitely.

If ether it is a conscious field or not is to be determined.


Pitch in peeps, there are many things I want to know. Don't be embarrassed to say what you know or have experienced - I have bared my soul already.

"Real", we are SPIRITS having HUMAN experiences, GOOD, BAD, UGLY. SPIRITS...? CONDENSED BALLS of CONSCIOUSNESS; ALL that remains after "HUMAN FORM" is discarded like a coat... SPIRITS live on FOREVER! In MANY Dimensions (10, I think... in this MULTI-VERSE; "Science" has found 11!)... SO! BURNING Hade...? YEP! To burn off DROSS of the "UGLY" (sins, etc) Like in Alchemy; looking for the GOLD, "within"... with INCREASING potency, & "POTENTIAL". Conscious Field...? Think UNIVERSAL MIND! HH!

Not all treasure spirits will live on forever. Another way out there.
I agree to disagree, only true spirits will be treasured. Dross?
Burnt in fire, name removed forever, conversation over.

Not all treasure spirits will live on forever. Another way out there.
I agree to disagree, only true spirits will be treasured. Dross?
Burnt in fire, name removed forever, conversation over.

NOPE, "conversation" is NOT over... inquiring minds wanna know! ALL SPIRITS live FOREVER; ONLY the "DROSS" of HUMAN LIFE is removed... we are ALL on first name basis.

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