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Rel, since you remembered the mule incident, I owe you the story. Although Homar can tell you about mules and their reactions when they are not sure about their footing or security.

ccpied from my files 'Dowsing, and paraormal expriences', posted in T Net


Just a brief of one of the many experiments that I have carried out. I always try to get the subject positively involved in any experiments since this drastically flavors the outcome.

My wife and I used to play cribbage. In this game there are 4 unturned cards that are later turned over to give one of the players extra points, this is called a kitty. I convinced my wife to start trying to tell me how any points were in this Kitty before turning them over.

At first she only hit in the random chance zone, then slowly she started to become more accurate until she was finally hitting almost 100%. I had note books full of her positive results.

One day when she was "HOT", I suggested a little game to which she agreed.

In this game I would place a well shuffled deck of cards in front of me face down. I would draw one at a time from the top, look at it, concentrate as to whether it was red or black only and she was supposed to guess (?) what color it was.

She then proceeded to call every one "incorrectly" for the entire deck of 52 cards. This of course puzzled me , so I repeated it several times, most of the time with the same results. I asked her what was she doing, I pointed out that the chance factor was the same for calling them all right as all wrong, was she fighting me?

She hesitated a bit then said "Yes, I would see Red so I would say black because I didn't want anyone to control my mind, it isn't natural nor right". She was a devout Catholic and said that it was against the Bible what I was doing and never would try again, sniff.

We still do have moments of mental contact daily in which she will anticipate what I am thinking or going to do, even from another room. This is not too uncommon among married couples.

I am... I speak the language of THETA (47.9 Hz); BRAINWAVES, ppl! NOT ALIENS!

F lying spirits acting as if to be some of the light. :icon_shaking2: Taking treasures from the true spirits,
beaming wavy thoughts, gone fishing, for meat in the blizzard... :fish:

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Ok Compadre, you can get up from the "maca" (hammock) now, the diagnosis is complete. I have determined, and am sorry to say that your case of ablutophobia is incurable. The early signs from your high school years with your teacher Lillian Roth, and later the nutty professor lingerie experiment, are just the root of the problem. The fact that you have become to smart for your own good makes it a common incurable case. Your understandings that we are composed of pure electrical frequencies, and your knowledge of the dangers of combining electricity with water leave you destined to remain a dirty old man.


Good Humor :laughing7:, well thought out and written, I think. 8-) :thumbsup:

With all due respect to the Saintly Nutty Professor, always, and a nice smiley salute for your
Distinguished service in the USAF, successes in TH, long life and good health always,
a pleasure I'm sure, (we won't discuss yer counter drug smuggling operations)...:laughing7: :fish:


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"Do treasures have real spirits?"

To have a spirit is a person trait by Merriam Webster's definition. Supernatural can be included in some part of full definition by the same reference.
Some treasures may well have association with such traits. But now we are needing to define treasures.

Super Natural

Spirits, Treasures, Definitions, True Understanding of Spirits.
The ability to perceive the kinds, abilities, workings, Traits,
intentions, powers if any, or level of powers, of so called
entities, referred to as spirits. The tools necessary to
work with, or dismiss. To effectively deal with the
Treasures of many various facets. A new story
of many past events, writing chapters over.

Some simply impossible to ignore, or bypass.

Would Spirits comprehend, if there were
clay pots full of info, Treasure maps
for the reading. Secret to most.
Interpreted by few... :fish:

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Giten Aband (showing off my German teachers effort paid of in simplicity) Her name was Lillian Roth sigh.

( Is there a difference between reality, and the lack of it..)

Unfortunately I can't differentiate between them in reality or in theory, of course if you jab me with a pin I will react, I just don't know, is there a point where they blend?,

~ Crosse: I would answer this better, if I were not forbidden to. 8-)
We do/have most or all, put treasure in the bank(s), or perhaps in a place we
think safe, maybe in the ground, because we wanted to keep it safe, to reserve it
for a later time, and 'believe' it will be there, when we need, or desire to retrieve
it for use.

Reality is, thinking it is still there, or holding it in your hands?
Knowing it is secreted away, or wondering if it is still safely waiting?

If you jab me with a pin, I will deflate, but then where's the supergate ... :laughing7::laughing9::laughing7::laughing9: 8-) ~ :cross:


( If you guessed a clothing color, is that an understanding
of how a spirit thinks/acts/reacts, or an actual discovered treasure?

Guessing lingerie colors, a saint, or a nutty professor?)


You might say because of the way normal males are wired, it gives a little more incentive (blushng )

~ Crosse: Normal males, wired to enjoy, desire beautiful treasures, naturally...8-)

Controlling discrimination, setting ground balance, mastering directional,
figuring out where the treasure(s) may be naturally occurring, or cached away,
detecting and recovering it, treasured spirits, dwelling trusted by the living waters. ~ :cross:


(A one way telepathy story, if you like. )


?? want it ??


(Do treasures have real spirits? Can some people discern spirits?


Frankly what are spirits ? They say that every person is electrical energy, thought, when we , as commonly expressed die, our energy felds starts to collapse, and continues out to end of the Universe, it never completely dies out but then again they say that the Universe is like a giant balloon with everything contained inside, then again it is like a gigantic spiral and of course my favorite, a giant holograph.

~ Crosse: Spirits, are like detectors, sensing, contributing to this thread,
with various settings.

..."but again they say"... Another quote of the scientific community.... How many
Universes? Always Discovering new ones, previously unseen massive solar systems,
vast clusters of stars, now seen, with recent, newly developed technology.

"Ever learning, but not able to understand the realm, or whole picture"... ~ :cross:

If we are composed of pure electrical frequencies, and as such if we die ? this energy will still be continuing to exist, merely in a continually decreasing potency, it stands to reason that it could remain at the point of separation of the worlds, the treasure. effectively indefinitely.

If ether it is a conscious field or not is to be determined.

~ Crosse:

Amigo Don Jose, You wrote: "if we die, this energy will still be continuing to exist,
merely in a continually decreasing potency"

Again, they say. Who are 'they'? What qualifies them to decipher the eternal worlds?
Have their spirits been tested, and proven to provide accurately mapped directions,
regarding the true treasures of life? With man's vast education, infallible information...
What did/do/will they create, dirt? Recently compiled Data + Much presumption=facts???

Factory preformed to default settings...
Please read all directions before use, to prevent serious injury, or conscious death... ~ :cross:


Pitch in peeps, there are many things I want to know. Don't be embarrassed to say what you know or have experienced - I have bared my soul already.

~ Crosse: I know I don't know much, now, of the awesome things man has learned.
It is fascinating, there are also pro creation scientists, of the intelligent design school,
that discriminate the data with interesting grounded balance...

To quote a fairly little known, well educated, generous friend of treasure hunters:

It is written, the map... Have ye not read and understood? :icon_scratch: :fish:

Pssssssssssssssssst... Remember, I am also a :thumb_up: ... Hope ye are havin' a good day! 8-)

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NOPE, "conversation" is NOT over... inquiring minds wanna know! ALL SPIRITS live FOREVER; ONLY the "DROSS" of HUMAN LIFE is removed... we are ALL on first name basis.

No, SORRY. :coffee:

Not All SPIRITS will go on to live FOREVER. You surely know this,
having supposedly studied to become a licensed P.M. :icon_scratch:???

"The 'DROSS' of HUMAN LIFE", flesh, as you put it, most certainly will
finish the process, and go back to the earth. The SPIRIT will be evaluated,
based on test results, gathered from performances, GOOD, BAD, or UGLY.
Then, those that have refused to learn of the council, will be discontinued,
forgotten, losing the field trials, because of not studying the rules of the

This is well known, even of the young treasure hunters,
who have basically studied the treasure maps, and followed guides.

Those that live on into the future, will have simply passed the criteria.
Then after having been signed up, will be present for the treasure hunters' banquet.
Door prizes for some, will include the finest new suit, a new name on a beautiful gemstone,
Some, will be granted to sit down, with the grand master treasure hunter, and the spirit fire.

The travel, expenses, and accommodations, will all have been secured,
and paid for in full...

"Come on and take a free ride", clues in a golden Edgar Winters' song
about treasure, talks of it.

Unfortunately, some will not have read, or used the treasure detector manual,
may claim not to find the treasure spirit depth and location, and will not meet
the requirements to move ahead, be further tempered, and then rewarded, to
resume the fun "treasure hunt", and enjoy the rendezvous benefits and festivities.

Dross, the unwanted, useless wasted impurities, will be removed from the valuable
elements, and disposed of by the treasured spirit of council, an all consuming fire,
never to be thought of, or remembered ever again, forgotten...

I get the feeling, I discern that you would like to cause me...
To lose the right to continue, that is why I said conversation over.
Spirits and motives are easy to see, while seeking valuable treasures.

Not a new treasure hunt, cunning as the competition may be, or think to
be experienced, maybe you'd have more fun in a different setting, other than
trying to set me up to lose the treasure hunting competition... 8-) :fish:

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No, SORRY. :coffee:

Not All SPIRITS will go on to live FOREVER. You surely know this,
having supposedly studied to become a licensed P.M. :icon_scratch:???

"The 'DROSS' of HUMAN LIFE", flesh, as you put it, most certainly will
finish the process, and go back to the earth. The SPIRIT will be evaluated,
based on test results, gathered from performances, GOOD, BAD, or UGLY.
Then, those that have refused to learn of the council, will be discontinued,
forgotten, losing the field trials, because of not studying the rules of the

This is well known, even of the young treasure hunters,
who have basically studied the treasure maps, and followed guides.

Those that live on into the future, will have simply passed the criteria.
Then after having been signed up, will be present for the treasure hunters' banquet.
Door prizes for some, will include the finest new suit, a new name on a beautiful gemstone,
Some, will be granted to sit down, with the grand master treasure hunter, and the spirit fire.

The travel, expenses, and accommodations, will all have been secured,
and paid for in full...

"Come on and take a free ride", a golden Edgar Winters song about treasure,
talks of it.

Unfortunately, some will not have read, or used the treasure detector manual,
claim not to find the treasure spirit depth and location, and will not meet
the requirements to be further tempered, then rewarded to resume the
fun "treasure hunt", and enjoy the rendezvous benefits and festivities.

Dross, the, unwanted, useless wasted impurities, will be removed,
and disposed of by the treasured spirit of council, an all consuming fire,
never to be thought of, or remembered ever again, forgotten...

I get the feeling, I discern that you would like to cause me...
To lose the right to continue, that is why I said conversation over.
Spirits and motives are easy to see, while seeking valuable treasure.

Not a new treasure hunt, cunning as the competition may be experienced... :fish:

Gotta be some limbo in there too. Jus sayin.

Gotta be some limbo in there too. Jus sayin.

Hey Relevent,

Who knows it all? Don't think I do. There's some provisions for the unlearned,
whether they want to read the manual, go on the hunt, or pass. I'm just trying
to get my detector tuned in, picking up too much scrap, and long iron veins.

Seriously, between old clues that are about to completely rot, or fall the
rest of the way down, and that's not any pun, or play on words. I just
keep detecting, diggin' up metal from various signals. Lookin for the
goodies, if there are any, the time is enjoyable, loot would be a
real treasure also... :laughing7: 8-) :fish:

Hunt when you can I guess.
Fresh batteries and spares. Water,and some coffee, hard bread,ring bologna and cheese if headin out.
Learn as we go like most endeavors.

Yeah, yeah, course, all that and more. Trail mix, filtered spring water,
compass, camera, spare AA's, welding rods, important papers, etc, etc.

I dowsed a spot that happened to be about 7 1/2 paces in between
two clues, and dug about 2' deep, to find like an iron rock shelf.

Enjoying a Buck tapping his hoove on a rock, warning his girls
and youngins. I was also close to a place they bed down, in tall
grass, less the rocks and fallen tree brush...

Hoped it would be an iron pot. 8-) Tried different directions,
the iron runs along there a bit, not sure how far. Maybe an
upper part of the formation previously worked down to the?

Anyway, my MXT would give a low signal in several places,
there is so much brush, lots of iron, there the rods crossed. Keep trying... 8-)

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Actually, what place does a spirit have in the universe? Are there parallel universes? Are spirits finite in no. or do they increase???

just a Red blooded Yanke senior - mature - citzen

GOOD questions! 10 parallel DIMENSIONS in this MULT-VERSE, to MY knowledge; SCIENCE is "saying" 11! SPIRITS are INFINITE; HUMAN FORMS are finite; they "decay" & "return to DUST". SPIRITS' "place" in the "Universe...? Very COSMIC question... WHAT do YOU think...?

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No, SORRY. :coffee:

Not All SPIRITS will go on to live FOREVER. You surely know this,
having supposedly studied to become a licensed P.M. :icon_scratch:???

"The 'DROSS' of HUMAN LIFE", flesh, as you put it, most certainly will
finish the process, and go back to the earth. The SPIRIT will be evaluated,
based on test results, gathered from performances, GOOD, BAD, or UGLY.
Then, those that have refused to learn of the council, will be discontinued,
forgotten, losing the field trials, because of not studying the rules of the

This is well known, even of the young treasure hunters,
who have basically studied the treasure maps, and followed guides.

Those that live on into the future, will have simply passed the criteria.
Then after having been signed up, will be present for the treasure hunters' banquet.
Door prizes for some, will include the finest new suit, a new name on a beautiful gemstone,
Some, will be granted to sit down, with the grand master treasure hunter, and the spirit fire.

The travel, expenses, and accommodations, will all have been secured,
and paid for in full...

"Come on and take a free ride", clues in a golden Edgar Winters' song
about treasure, talks of it.

Unfortunately, some will not have read, or used the treasure detector manual,
may claim not to find the treasure spirit depth and location, and will not meet
the requirements to move ahead, be further tempered, and then rewarded, to
resume the fun "treasure hunt", and enjoy the rendezvous benefits and festivities.

Dross, the unwanted, useless wasted impurities, will be removed from the valuable
elements, and disposed of by the treasured spirit of council, an all consuming fire,
never to be thought of, or remembered ever again, forgotten...

I get the feeling, I discern that you would like to cause me...
To lose the right to continue, that is why I said conversation over.
Spirits and motives are easy to see, while seeking valuable treasures.

Not a new treasure hunt, cunning as the competition may be, or think to
be experienced, maybe you'd have more fun in a different setting, other than
trying to set me up to lose the treasure hunting competition... 8-) :fish:

NO "Set-up"... NOT YOU losing the "right" to continue... by ALL "means", do so! AND! I WILL continue to read other ppl "input", as I WILL get to treasures and "Spirits" lore/legends/stories... LATER. MOSTLY, FOLK LORE of the "local kind"...

Actually, what place does a spirit have in the universe? Are there parallel universes? Are spirits finite in no. or do they increase???

just a Red blooded Yanke senior - mature - citzen

I think there are many spirits, some as like of a "Great Cloud Of Witnesses".
Watching the best, wildest treasure hunting now, and that with some of the finest,
well prepared players, that ever will be, in the greatest treasure hunting competition...
Who could possibly know the number of them?

But, It has been mentioned, sorta' you remember, referred to like the wind.

"You know not where it comes from, or where it goes"... Yet we believe (at
least I do) when the forecasts show it, modified continually between broadcasts,
with the current data available, on multiple computer models, doppler radar, etc.

Then here it comes, close to, or maybe exactly as the weather man or lady said.
Though we pretty well believed ahead of time, because of their education, accurate
track record, good reputation, etc.,... Some unseen spirits move, watch, help, hinder,
come and go, like the endless, ever restless wind... :fish:

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A boulder rang up splendidly on one corner of a possibly previous barn. Most boulders were pecked one spot each side either by chisel or tongs .Formation said structure at one time.
Young partner wanted to roll the boulder but I was not sure we could reset it after. It was a biggie.
While likely it was the boulder ringing up; if something was under it it must have been large.

Unfortunately, lots of iron, naturally occurring... :fish:

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I think there are many spirits, some as like of a "Great Cloud Of Witnesses".
Watching the best, wildest treasure hunting now, and that with some of the finest,
well prepared players, that ever will be, in the greatest treasure hunting competition...
Who could possibly know the number of them?

But, It has been mentioned, sorta' you remember, referred to like the wind.

"You know not where it comes from, or where it goes"... Yet we believe (at
least I do) when the forecasts show it, modified continually between broadcasts,
with the current data available, on multiple computer models, doppler radar, etc.

Then here it comes, close to, or maybe exactly as the weather man or lady said.
Though we pretty well believed ahead of time, because of their education, accurate
track record, good reputation, etc.,... Some unseen spirits move, watch, help, hinder,
come and go, like the endless, ever restless wind... :fish:

Almanacs help, TOO!

Almanacs help, TOO!

Yes certainly, so does meteorologists, to show live radar (should I go to the
cellar now, or do I have a little time yet), based on the streets, hwys., where
the rotation currently is (showing by radar on the TV) located at.

Choppers streaming live, are pretty helpful also, in the daylight.
Storm chasers are excellent life savers, spotting, helping to describe the
precise location, direction of travel at the moment, visual of debris,
and approximate amount of destruction, projected path etc.
Some spirited peoples really treasure their lives,
and other folks' valued lives too...

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