Giten Aband (showing off my German teachers effort paid of in simplicity) Her name was Lillian Roth sigh.
( Is there a difference between reality, and the lack of it..)
Unfortunately I can't differentiate between them in reality or in theory, of course if you jab me with a pin I will react, I just don't know, is there a point where they blend?,
~ Crosse: I would answer this better, if I were not forbidden to.
We do/have most or all, put treasure in the bank(s), or perhaps in a place we
think safe, maybe in the ground, because we wanted to keep it safe, to reserve it
for a later time, and 'believe' it will be there, when we need, or desire to retrieve
it for use.
Reality is, thinking it is still there, or holding it in your hands?
Knowing it is secreted away, or wondering if it is still safely waiting?
If you jab me with a pin, I will deflate, but then where's the supergate ...

( If you guessed a clothing color, is that an understanding
of how a spirit thinks/acts/reacts, or an actual discovered treasure?
Guessing lingerie colors, a saint, or a nutty professor?)
You might say because of the way normal males are wired, it gives a little more incentive (blushng )
~ Crosse: Normal males, wired to enjoy, desire beautiful treasures, naturally...
Controlling discrimination, setting ground balance, mastering directional,
figuring out where the treasure(s) may be naturally occurring, or cached away,
detecting and recovering it, treasured spirits, dwelling trusted by the living waters. ~
(A one way telepathy story, if you like. )
?? want it ??
(Do treasures have real spirits? Can some people discern spirits?
Frankly what are spirits ? They say that every person is electrical energy, thought, when we , as commonly expressed die, our energy felds starts to collapse, and continues out to end of the Universe, it never completely dies out but then again they say that the Universe is like a giant balloon with everything contained inside, then again it is like a gigantic spiral and of course my favorite, a giant holograph.
~ Crosse: Spirits, are like detectors, sensing, contributing to this thread,
with various settings.
..."but again they say"... Another quote of the scientific community.... How many
Universes? Always Discovering new ones, previously unseen massive solar systems,
vast clusters of stars, now seen, with recent, newly developed technology.
"Ever learning, but not able to understand the realm, or whole picture"... ~
If we are composed of pure electrical frequencies, and as such if we die ? this energy will still be continuing to exist, merely in a continually decreasing potency, it stands to reason that it could remain at the point of separation of the worlds, the treasure. effectively indefinitely.
If ether it is a conscious field or not is to be determined.
~ Crosse:
Amigo Don Jose, You wrote: "if we die, this energy will still be continuing to exist,
merely in a continually decreasing potency"
Again, they say. Who are 'they'? What qualifies them to decipher the eternal worlds?
Have their spirits been tested, and proven to provide accurately mapped directions,
regarding the true treasures of life? With man's vast education, infallible information...
What did/do/will they create, dirt? Recently compiled Data + Much presumption=facts
Factory preformed to default settings...
Please read all directions before use, to prevent serious injury, or conscious death... ~
Pitch in peeps, there are many things I want to know. Don't be embarrassed to say what you know or have experienced - I have bared my soul already.